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<br />:;'.~. <br /> <br />3230600 <br />152002B463 <br />157995 <br /> <br />88_106551 <br /> <br />ASS [GNr-tENT OF NOIn'C^GE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNlJli AI.1. N1m IIY T,mSE PllESF.NTS, That Colonial Centrol Sovings 1I0nk, <br />FSn, n UnLtcd State!'> oC Americn Corporation, the party of the first part, in <br />considernt Lon of the sum of One Dollar and Dther valuable cDnsideratiDn, to <br />it in hand poid by XOg~~RW~ECbllll8H~Ili2RPORATION the party of <br />the ~econd pnrt, nt Clr berore the e-nJ;cnlLng ilnd delivery DC these presentf;, <br />receIpt whereoC is hereby ilcknowledged, has granted, bargained, sDld, <br />ns!';i.gned, trom:;ferred, and Bet over, and, by the~e presents, dDes grant, <br />hnrgnin, Rcll, m:;slgn, transfer, tram;rcrrcd, and set over, unto the snid <br />pJuty oC the second part, its successors amI assigns, a certain INDENTURE OF <br />HORTGAGF. Doted AUGUST 19, 19 B6, Recorded os DOC. IIB6-104710, <br />of the Hortgnge Records of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />ond mode by FRANCIS SCHAAF AND CONSTANCE E. SCHAAF, HUSBAND AND <br /> <br />WIFE, <br />to Colonial Centr:!] Savings Dank. FSB and nIl its right, title and interest <br />to the premises therein described. as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />SEE EXHIBIT n An HERETO ATTACHED: <br /> <br />TOJ;ethcr wIth the note therein described, :md <br />theretlndl:!r, Including LntereRt thereon. 1'0 <br />the Raid party of the l'Iccond part, its <br />Ruh lect only to the provisions of said <br />contained. <br /> <br />the money due or to become due <br />HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto <br />stlccessors and nssigns forever. <br />INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE there in <br /> <br />And the pnrty of thl:! flrnt part does herehy mnke, constitute and nppolnt the <br />snid pnrty uf the Recond pnrt, itR true and Inwful nttorncy, irrevocilble, in <br />its nnme. or otherwiRc, but at their own proper CORts and charges, to hnvr., <br />use t .,nd t:1kc' nIl lm,tIlll wnys nnd means fDr the recovery of the snld money <br />nnd interl:!Bt, tmd, in case of payment, to discharge the snme as the pnrt of <br />the first pnrt might. or could do. iC theBe presents were not mnde. <br /> <br />IN WiTNESS WIIEREOF. Colonial Centrol Savings Dank, FSB D corporation of the <br />United Stntca of s ~r;.r.Jfc~ has caused this ^ssignmcnt of Hortgage to be <br />executed by its Presiilent nnd its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 15TH dny of AUGUST in the yeor 1988. <br /> <br />COLONIAL ~~VINGS BANK, FSB <br /> <br />By: /( /L( <br /> <br />THOMAS R. BUSH, SR VICE PkESlDENT <br /> <br />Stilt. of HichlgOll) <br />) ss. <br />.County of Nncomb ) <br /> <br />AtteAt: ~~.:J <br />FRANK A. BERNABEI, SECRETARY <br /> <br />On the Ilote Ilbovc stnted, be Core me, n Notnry Public, duly commiaoioned <br />nnd qualified in and for said County and State. Personally came the nbove <br />named THOMAS R. BUSH AND FRANK A. BERNABEI of ColonIal Central Savings <br />Bank, Fsn who ore personally known to me ,to be the identical persons whose <br />names are affixed tD the above oRsignment of Hortgage os the SENIOR VICE <br />PRESIDENT nnd SECRETAR'i. or Anid Corporation, nnd they <br />acknowledged d.e InRtrument to 'be their voluntary net and deed, and the <br />voluntary act nnd deed of the soid Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS my hnnd and ofUclnl seal, in Mlchigon, .in said County, the data <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNTRYW DE i'DNO I NG CO~PO~ATl ON <br />DOCUMENT CONTllOL DEP.\~TMENT <br />155 N LAKE AVENl'E - <br />PASADENA, CA '1109 <br /> <br />tINI1 H. IUIIIIIICZ, <br />-.., -... CIOII~' WI! <br />_~...,...[)oo S.1'I'1O <br />My commission cKpire8: <br /> <br />AFTER ~ECORDIlIG PLEASE SEND TO: <br /> <br />AOtIna In Macomb Coun~ <br />