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<br />"j <br /> <br />3231419 <br />1520030261 <br />200111 <br /> <br />1t\8= <br /> <br />106550 <br /> <br />ASSTCNl'lENT OF NOInr.AGE - Corporation <br /> <br />K!':UI.r J\LL HEN BY TllESE PI\ESENTS, T1wt Colonial Central Savings Bank, <br />VSU, ;1 United St~ltc;, of America Corpnratioll, the party of the first part, in <br /> of the sum uf One Do11<:1r and other valuable consideration. to <br />it in hanu p."iu by COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CORPORATION. the party of <br />'1'0 S""OIlU port, at or 'l>ettIfHeY%'l, \i\\Il,~\\~'\h~Ol>\nd delivery o[ these presents, <br />receipt ,...hereof is herehy ;lcknowledgcd, hns granted, bargained, sold, <br />,1.ssigl1('d. tr:J.nsferrcu. .1no set over, ;lnd, by these pn!scnts, does grant, <br />b.lrgnill, sell, assign, transfer, transferred, and set over, unto the said <br />part.' of the secont.! part, it!; successors and assigns. a certain INDENTURE OF <br />HOHTGAGE, DateJ DECEHBER 19, 1986, RecorJed .sDOC 086-1D7323, <br />of the ~jort~.:Jgc Recurds of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />and mode by ALLEN W. TONNINGES & CINDY K. TONNIGES, HUSBAND AND <br />lilFE, <br />to Coloninl Central Saving:; ]~:.l1k. FSn ..Hlll all its right, title and interest <br />to the premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: <br />A PART OF LOT ET.EVEN (11). OF TIlE COUNTY SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SOUTH HALF <br />(sl) OF SECTION FIVE (5), TOWNSHIP NINE (9) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE <br />(,TH P.I1., IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOIiS TO-WIT: COMMENCING AT <br />A POINT 50 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 11. RUNNING THENCE <br />WEST 105! FEET, THENCE SOUTH 75 FEET. THENCE EAST 105! FEET. THENCE NORTH, <br />ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 11, 75 FEET 'f0 THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br /> <br />To~:ctll'!r with the notc therdn described, ilnJ the money due or to become due <br />thereunder, includ1ng interc..-:t thereon, TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the! same unto <br />the fiilid p.:1rty of the f'it'contl part, its succefisors and assigns forever~ <br />subjel.;t only to the provisions of said lNDENTURE OF NORTGAGE therein <br />COil taj ncd. <br /> <br />^Ild lhe I'.Irty oC the [II""t p;lrt does herehy milke. constitute nnd appoint the <br />soid p.lrty of the fiecond rart, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocable. in <br />its nolme, or otherwjse. but <It lheir own proper costs nnd charges, to have. <br />use, alld take nll lawful ways amI means for the recovery of the said money <br />/lod intl!rc!st, nnt.!, in cn::.l.! of payment, to discharge the same as the part of <br />the first part might, or could do. if these presents were not made. <br /> <br />IN IJ1TNESS IJIIEREOF, Colonial Central SavIngs ll:lnk, FSn a corporation of the <br />United States of E.x~mH:1~g"'icpas caused this Assignment of Nortgagc to be <br />executed by its Pres.1dcnt and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />tho 15TH day o[ AUGUST in tho year [988. <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />State of Nichigan) <br />) 65. <br />County of Hacomb ) <br /> <br />COLON IAL CENTRAL SAVINGS BA1lK, FS,B ..' <br />t ".. <br />By: ,A~6)1'~-- <br /> <br />RALPH E. WA1'!("rNS EXECUTIVE. VICE PRESIDENT <br /> <br />Attest: .q~ ~/ <br /> <br />FRANK A. BERNABE . SECRETARY <br /> <br />On the Date nbove stilted, Lefore me, iI Notary Public) duly cOlnmisn1onell <br />illld qUilllfied in :lOd [or snid County ,I1H1 State, Personally carne the above <br />named RALPH E. WATKINS AND FRANK A. BERNABEI of Colonial Central Savings <br />Bnnk, FSa who arc personally known tu me to be the identical persons whose <br />names ~lre affixcd to the above assignmellt of Nortgage as the EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT and SECRETARY o[ said Corporation, and they <br />.acknowledged the instrument to te their voluntary nct and deed) and the <br />voluntary act and deed of the said Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal, in Hichigan, in said County, the date- <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br />IRENE H lACOBEL~1 . <br />Pubic MoComb COtlnty. .>11. <br />:~:mf'l\.u~n Expee- /uly 22 ,WO <br /> <br />--..- -=-~'n' .~ f~L~ <;".-- 1.' :v <br /> <br />Notnrj I'IIh1 ic <br />CllllNTRYWlDE FUNDING CORPORATION <br />DllCllMENT CONTROL DEPARTMENT <br />155 N LAKE AVENUE <br />PASADENA, CA 91109 <br /> <br />fly c()mmi~;silln expirefi: <br /> <br />AFTER RECORDING PLEASE SEND TO: <br />