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<br />3231077 <br />1520029610 <br />184899 <br /> <br />88_106541 <br /> <br />M;SU;NNENT Ol~ NORn:^t:E - C':>rporation <br /> <br />KrlUI~ ALl, ~mN BY Tll!~SI': PHESEfHS, Thnt Coloninl Centrol Savings, <br />F~;Il. .1 Unlteu Staten of Amcricil Corporlltlon. tile pnrty or the first piHt. in <br />('OilS I de rn t.i.rm 0 [ tile sUc'buY"rR~1D~Otb~'iHiJCd db'n.~~i~.AT1b'r!fble conside ra ticn., to <br />j I ln ho1l111 p:lid by NEW YORK CORPORATION the part) of <br />the second part. nt or ~}Crorc the clIsci"illng and uelivery of the-se present~. <br />!"('('('Ipt whereof is hereby <1ckllot.'lcdgcd", hils grlJn:"ed, bnrgnined, sold. <br />:l~::,i[~IlCdl tram;[crrcd. ,till! set over, and, by these presents, does grant. <br />b;1rl:!,nln. sell, assIgn, trillls[er, transferred. llnd set over, unto the said <br />pnrty of the second part, its successors and assigns. a certain INDENTURE Of <br />HORTGAGEJ Dated OCTOBER 22, 1986 J Recorded itS 86-106098 <br />of the Nortgage Records of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />and made by LARRY P. CALLAHAN AND MERILEE J. CALLAHAN, FORMERLY KNOWN <br />AS MERILEE J. WISEMAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE, <br />tfJ Colaninl Celltroill Soilvings BrIlIk. Fsn and all its right, title and interest <br />to the premi!;es therein described, :is folIous. to-1.11t: <br /> <br />LOT THREE (3), PARKVIEW SECOND SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />TI'I;Clhcr wltl1 the I1t.H:e therein llE:!!ir.:ribcu. nntl the money duc or to become due <br />thercunder. Jl1clulilng intercfit thereon. TO !lAVE AND TO HOLD the s:Jmc unto <br />the ~n1d pilrty of the !>ccond part. Its successors m1l1 ilsRigns forever. <br />fill"Jcct only to the provisions or soid INDENTURE OF HORTGAGE therein <br />cOlltained. <br /> <br />^r..1 the pnrl)' of the flrRt I':not doc!~ hereby 11Inkc, cOl1stitute nllll .:lppulnt the <br />~;;Ild pi1rty or the !H'COlHi p:11"t, it!' true IImj lil\"rul ilttorncy, irrevocahle, in <br />1(<; nnme, or otherwlRc, but nt theIr own proper costs nnt! cll41rgl?s, to hnvl? <br />Il<;C. illld tnke nIl l....wful \oI:I)'S :lIld means for the recovery of the snit! money <br />:11111 tlltercnt. DnLl, in cnsc J( pnyment. to t!lschnrge the snme .1S the part of <br />the f irot Jlurt mll;ht, 01" could. do, if tllese presents were not made. <br /> <br />HI \-"J1t~E~fi IJIIlmlWf, Coloniol c.:cl1trnl S."WillgS Donk, FSU n corpnr.ntloll of the <br />11111 tc\! Stntcs o{ ^mcricQ hilS caused thia Assignment of Hortg.:lgc to be <br />e~ccutetl by its 9Pf8~ivd'en\ce nnd its Corporate Senl to be hereunto affixed <br />tlie 15th doy of AUGUST in the year 1988. <br /> <br />COLONIAL <br /> <br /> <br />State of Miclllgnn) <br />. ) aa. <br />Gnunty of Nncomb } <br /> <br />Mt..t: ~/fp~ <br /> <br />FRANK A. 8ERNABE 1, SECRETARY <br /> <br />(111 the Ilnte above stnted, he fore Ine, ., Notnry I'uldic. duly CUln!llls!ljoflcll <br />,'lnt! qunlifIed in nnd fur snid County and State, Personnlly cnme the .'lbove <br />t1nmcd RALPH E. WATKUSAND FRANK A. BERNABEI of Coluninl Centrnl Sllvins;s <br />lI,'lnk. FSU wllo .arc pcrsolln]]y knuwn to me tu be the identical persons whose <br />numca arc affixed to the nbovc nssignmcnt of Nortgage os tile EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT nnd SECRETARY of said Corporntion. unu the)' <br />nl"knowleLlged the inotrumcnt to be their voluntary act. lint! deed, nnd the <br />voluntary nct and deed of the suid Corporotion. <br /> <br />WITNESS my hand and official scal, in l'1ichigan. in said County, the date <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br />tly commission expircn: <br />AFTER RECORDING PLEASE SEND TO: <br /> <br />L-c~ 4~:dL/. <br /> <br />Notary Public <br />COUNTRYW1DE FUNDING COIU'DKATlnN <br />DOCmlENT CONTRDL DEI'AKTMENT <br />155 N LAKE ,\VENUE <br />PASADENA. C1\ Q I ILJtj <br /> <br />~)f'(~'~r:j:~,t 10. ,t. <., <br />~C"""""' I,~....", <br />