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<br />323068 I <br />1520028729 <br />157995 <br /> <br />88- 106535 <br /> <br />ASS IGNflENT Of NORTGAGE - Corpocotion <br /> <br />KNO\.] ALL tlEN ny TIIE!1E PRESENTS, Thnt Coloninl Centrol Savings Bank. <br />FSn, .1 United St:lt('~ of AOIcricil Corporntion, the party of the first part. in <br />considerntlnn of lhc stirn of One Dollar and other valuable consideration, to <br />it in 11.,.,,[ p.1ld hy liO~QR~~~ECbRUg~~I8gRPORATION the pony of <br />the fiCCOlld pOlrt, [It n,' hefore the L"nscnllng nnd delivery or these presentR, <br />recl>Jpt whereof V~ hC!rchy ..cknowledged. hns granted, bnrg.Jined, sold, <br />:lsAIgncd, transferred. and Rot over, nod, by theSE! presents, does grant, <br />bargain. AcJl, Mislgn. trnllsfer, trnm:;fcrrt>d. and set over. unto the said <br />p."3rty of the second part, its Successors nOli assigns, a certain INDENTURE OF <br />MORTGA~E. Doted AUGUST 22, J9 86, Recorded as DOC. 086-104795, <br />of the Nortgage Records ofHALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA, <br />nnd m"de by MICHAEL C. ERICKSON AND LORI B. ERICKSON. HUSBAND AND <br /> <br />WIFE, <br />to Colonial CcntrrrJ Si1Vin'~5 8,'1nlt, FSn and illl it5 right, title and interest <br />to the premises therein described, as follows. to-wit: <br /> <br />LOT EIGHTEEN (18) EAGLEWOOD ACRES SUBDIVISION. HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />TOJ~Clh(,1" wllh the n{lte therein described. nnd the money due or to become due <br />thcre1Jl1d~r. IncludIng Intercst thl:'rcon. TO HAVE ANn TO nOLO the same nnto <br />thi' 'H1Jd p.1rty of the r.ccolld pnrt, Its SllcceSRors nnd .Assigns (orever. <br />stlhlecl ouly to the provisions of sold INUENTURE OF NORTGAGE therein <br />contaIned. <br /> <br />And the pnrty of the f[r~H p~Ht LInes herehy mnke, com;tltute ilnd o'1ppolnt the <br />!:;.,td p.1rty of the Rccond p,1rt, ItR true ilnd ]o'lwful nttorney, irrevocable. in <br />j ts n.1me. ur otherwi!'e, but nt their own proper co!'ts and chnrges, to hnve, <br />use, and tnkCl nIl lnwful WilYS :1llcl means for the recovery of the soid money <br />nnd intercst, bud, in caRe of pn}'ment I to dischnrge the snme as the part of <br />the fIrst pnrt might, or could do. if these presents were not made. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, (;010n1.'ll Central Savings Donk. FSB a corporation of the <br />United Stutes of s~m'bFf,J;-'~e 11l1R caused thIs Assignment of Hortgage to be <br />executed by its President and its Corpornte Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 15TH day or AUGUST in the yeac 1988. <br /> <br />State of Nichlg:m) <br />) RS, <br />County DC ~tncomb ) <br />r <br />j <br /> <br />By: <br />THOMAS R. BUSH. SR VICE PRESlDENT <br /> <br /> <br />DANK, FSB <br /> <br />AtteRt: ~6~~~'~ <br /> <br />FRANK A. BERNABEI, SECRETARY <br /> <br />On the Dnte above st..1ted I IIcfnre me I n Notary Pub! ic, duly commissioned <br />and qunll[ied 1n nnd for Rnid Count}' ilnd Stote, Personally came the :1bove <br />named THO~lAS R. BUSH AND FRANK A. BERNABEI of Colonial Centc,,1 SavingR <br />Ronk, FSR who nre persauntly known t~ me to be the identical persons who(le <br />names nre affixed to the above aSRignment of Nortgnge as the SENIOR VICE <br />PRESIDENT nnd SECRETARY., of !'nid Corporation, and they <br />acknowledged ti.e In~trumcnt to 'be their voluntary net and deed, and the <br />voluntary act and deed of the said Corporntion, <br /> <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal, in Michigan, In said County, the date <br />aforesaid, <br /> <br />MNNH.. ~ <br />-... -... Clc*~. IwII <br />'-tw en..-.",,-,O'" ~ I'lAt- 1 499(1 <br />Ny commission cHpirCR: <br />,\fTER RECORD] NG P1.EASE SEND TO: <br />,. In IIIcDlnb Couniy <br /> <br /> <br />ie <br />E fUND I NG CORPORAT I ON <br /> <br />DOCUMf:NT COlITROL IlEPARTHENI <br /> <br />155 N L,WE AVENUE <br /> <br />PASADEN/\. C,\ 4 I \IJ4 <br />