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<br />Borrowrr and Lender ~oVl'nanl and a~rer as follow!';: <br /> <br />I. Thutllorrnwcr will pay the indehICdnc.'i.'i. It.. hcreinhcfor~ <br />provided, Privilege i5 reserved to pay the deht in whole or in parllln <br />any inSlallmenl due datc <br /> <br />2, Thai. together with. and in addilion to. the monthly payment<; <br />of principal and interest payable under the term!> of the nOle secured <br />hereby, Ihe Borrower will pay 10 the Lender. on the first day of each <br />month until the ~id note: is fully paid. the following sums' <br /> <br />(a) A !lum equal to the ground rents., if any. ncxt due. plus Ihe <br />premiums thai will nexl become due and payable on policies of fire <br />pnd other hazard insurance covering the properly. plu!t taxcs and <br />nssessmenls next due on Ihe property (all as estimated by the Lt'ndf'r) <br />less all sums already paid therefor divided by the number of monlhs <br />to elapse before one (I) month prior to the dale when such ground <br />rents. premiums, taxes and asscs5ments will become deliquent. such <br />:sum. 10 be held by Lender m trust In pay said ground renlS. <br />premiums. taxcs and special assessments: and <br /> <br />(bl All payments mentioned in Ihe preceding subsection 01" Ihls <br />paragraph and all payments 10 be made under Ihe note secured <br />hereby shall be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof <br />shall be p:ud by the Borrower each month in a single payment 10 he <br />applied by the Lender to the following items in the nrder sel forth <br /> <br />Ol ground rents. taxes. asses.smcnls. firc and mhcr halllrd in\ur' <br />ancc premIUms; <br /> <br />(II) interest on the nOle secured hereby; <br /> <br />(1111 amortization of the pnncipal uf SJud nute; and <br /> <br />(IV I late charges. <br /> <br />Any defiCiency in the amount of ..uch aggrcgatl' monthl\ pa~'mcnt <br />shall. unless made good by Ihe Harrower prim Itllhr due datl' (lIthe <br />next ~uch payment. constilute an event of ddaull under thl" <br />mortgage, The Lender may collect a "Iate chargC''' nllt tn e'lll:ccd fnur <br />cents (4lt) for each dollar I S I) of each paymenl more than fifleen <br />(15) day.. in arrcan. to cover the extra ellpen..e Invnl\'cd in handltn!! <br />dclinquenl payment... <br /> <br />.1. That If (he total of (he payments made by Ihe Borrower under <br />fa) nf para[!.aph 2 precedmg !ohall clu;eed the amnunl of paymen'" <br />actually madr h)' the Lender for ground renl!.. taxo and Il~~menl!. <br />or In!lurllnce premIUms. lU the ca!oe lOa)' be. !ouch exCC!l.!l. If the loan l!o <br />currenl. atlhe upllnn of the Burrower. shall be credited by the <br />Lender IIn sum.equent payment.. In he made by the Borrower. or <br />refunded tll the fJllrruwcr If. however. the monthl}' payment.. made <br />by the !lorlnwer under la) (If paragraph 2 preceding shall not be: <br />!oufllClcnt to pay ground renl!.. Illxe.. and a~men~ or im.uranl;C <br />prt'mmm!>. 11.. Ihe CII!oC may he. wht'n the !>Dme shall be1:nme due and <br />payable. then the Dorruwer !lhall pay 10 Ihe tender any amount <br />necc!t.sary to make up the defiCiency. on Ilr before Ihe date when <br />paymeOl III !ouch ground rcnt". taxc!o. a!o.'>t.~..menl!.. lIT Insurance <br />premium.. ..hall he due II at uny time Ihe Bnrrnwcr ...halltender tll <br />the Lender. In accordalltX wuh the prnVI!IIun!'. of the nule ~cured <br />hereb~. full payment uf Ihe cntlre IOdebtl-dn~ reprocntcd thereby. <br />lhe Lender shall. In computing the amount of !'.uch Indebtcdn~\o. <br />eredil to Ihe ac.:cuunl of the lIounwcr an)" balllm::c rcmammg In the <br />funds accumulated under Ihe pruvl!llon~ of fa) of paragraph 2 herelll <br />If there shall be II default under any (If the prnvismm of thl!'. <br />instrument resullinll In a public \lI1e oflhe premises co'licred hereh~, <br /> <br />gg-...::.-1005ZO <br /> <br />or If the l.ender acqUIres the prnperty ntherwlsc after defaul!. the <br />Lender o;hall apply. at the time III' the cllmmcncemenl of such <br />procecding~. tlr at the time the prnpcrty is otherwise acquired. the <br />balance then remaining in the funds accumulated under fa) of <br />paragraph 2 preceding, a<; a credit against the amnunlnf principal <br />then remaining unpaid under said notc. <br /> <br />4, That the Borrower will pay ground rCnt<;. tallC.'i. assc.'\Smenl<;. <br />water ratcs. nnd Olher governmental or municipal charges. fines. or <br />imposillom. for which provision has not been made hereinbefore. <br />and in dcfaulllhcrcof the Lender may pay the same: and Ihatthe <br />Borrower will promptly deliver the official receipts therefor to the <br />Lender. <br /> <br />5. Thc Borrowcr will pa}' all taxes which may he leVied upon the <br />Lender'.. interest in said real cstale and impro~men15. and which <br />may he le\'ied upon this instrument IIr the debt \t.."Curcd hereby (bul <br />only 10 [he extenl that such is not prohibited by law and only to the <br />ellenlthat such will not make Ihls loan usunous). but cllcluding any <br />,"come t3k. Stale or Federal. imposed on Lender. and will file the <br />official receipt showing such payment wllh the leoder. Upon <br />violation of this undertaking. or if the Borrower is prohibited by any <br />law now nr hereafter existing from payiog the whole or any ponior. <br />of the aforesaid taxes. or upon Ihe rendering of any court decree <br />prohibiling the payment by the Borrower of any such taxes. or if <br />"iuch law or decree provides that any amounl so p:ud by the <br />Bnrruwcr shall be credited on the debl. the Lender shall ha\le the <br />right to !1we ninety days' written notice to the owner of the premises. <br />requlnng the payment of the debt If such notice be gi\'Cft. the said <br />debt <;hall become due. payahle and collectible at the eJ:piration of <br /><;.Iud nlOel" day!'. <br /> <br />b That ..huuld the BOITo\l.'cr fall to pay any !'.um or keep an~ <br />l'll\"("nant prll\'lded for In thl!> lO!>trumenL, then the lender. alll!. <br />l1{1tll1O. may p.1\' m perform the \ame. and all ellpen~lIUfC<, 50 made <br />..hall be added to Ihe pnnClpal sum owing on the s~lId nok. s.hall <br />he '>Cl"ured herch~. and !ohall bear Interest at Ihe rate \.Cl fnoh m Ihe <br />"aid nnle. unlll paid <br /> <br />7. That the &lffuwcr hereby assigns. transrers and "1('1... mer tllthe <br />Lender. tu be apphed toward the payment or the nale and all sunu. <br />secured hereby In ~ of a default in the perfonnanCt' of anv of the <br />term!> and m~dlliom of Ihi!! instrument or the \aid oole. all ihe rent... <br />revcnuCl\ and IOcome to be denvcd from the satd preml!.O dunng <br />such ume ID. Ihe IOdebtednCM shall renulln unpalll. .and the lender <br />shall ha\'e power to appoinl any agent or agents it may destre for the <br />purpl.l"l(' of rcpalflng SllJd prcml!oC!l and of rentJD8 the \..ame and <br />collectmg the rcnl~. re\lcnuC!> and IOcome. and It may pay" out of '.aud <br />mcome.. all cJ;pcmc!o of rcp3mng ...aId premlso and nec:o:!aary <br />C(lmml!L~lnn~ and CJ.penso mcum~d In rentmg and managing the <br />~mc and of collecltng rental.!, Iherefrom; the ballloc:e rcmalOlDg. if <br />any. to he apphed toward the di~hargc of ~id mdeblcdn~, <br /> <br />R, That the Burrhwer will keep the Improvemenu no\\' existmg or <br />hereafter erccted nn thl' propeny, Insured as may be reqUIred from <br />tlmc In lime b) the Lender agaimt 10S!. by fire and other huarth. <br />ca.'iu.ahlC!! and contmgencio In ~uch amounts and for s.uch penOLh as <br />m:l~ be lequlTed by the Lender and will pay promptly. when due. <br />any premiums on such insurance. provision for payment of which <br />hll!> nnt bl'C:n made hCIl:lRbcfore, All insurance shall t)(' earned m <br />compame!'o apprm-'ed by Ihe Lender and the pohC10 and renewah <br />thereof !>hal! he held b\' Ihe tender and ha\'e attached therclU I(M <br />Pll)'able dau!le!l m fa\ll~r of and m fnrm aCl"Cptable IU Ihc lender In <br /> <br />Page 2 01 5 <br /> <br />HUD.92143DT ., <br />