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<br />~( , <br /> <br />3231356 <br />1520030147 <br />184903 <br /> <br />88-106505 <br /> <br />ASSIGNHENT OF HURl'GAGE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNOW ^LL NEN BY 1'1lF.SE PItF.SF.NTR, Thnt r.oloninl Centrl11 Snvil1J!;R Ronk, <br />F!'-lB, n Untted ~lntpR of Amer1c.., CorporntiCJn, the pnrty of the ffrnt p.'J1"t, in <br />c(lns1derntton .:J[ the C\JRh,RotvQM.~t;'DIjloM.m1f~n~mlt;.bUTY;}Nullble con91t1crntlt1n, to <br />f t in hnnd p.:lir.l hy it'~tw..'Yl:1lt1t' ccm~"Ttmr'" thc p:tt't)' nf <br />the RecOIHI pout, nt or herore the C1HH~:df.n~ IlTld delivery or thC'~e I'reAPntR. <br />rrcl'!lpt wherf!nf fA herehy ncknU\<lIC'dArdt hilA ~r:H1led, h;lq~:lll1c"l mold, <br />m:;signed. tr::ms[et.rel!t :1I1d f;l2t ovrr, :Ind. by theRe Ill'e~e-l1tR, (10CR r:r:lIlt. <br />h:'lr~nin, Rel!, nR~Jgn, tr:1llsrer. trnl1Arerred, nllt! Act O\/rT, IIltto thC' n:lI_1I <br />p:lrty of the F1econd pnrt, i.ts !"t1CCeSROrs nncl nSRil~lIRI n certnin LIIUF.NTlIItE OF <br />NORTGAGE. Dated NOVEMBER 20. 1986, Recorded 11~ DOC. 486-106719, <br />of the ~Iort Ange Records of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />and made by RON L. REIBER AND KATHLEEN S. REIBER, HUSBAND AND <br /> <br />WIFE, <br />to ColoninL CentTnJ. Savings Hlll'ilc. Fsn nnd <Ill its rl.ght, tltle ilnd interest <br />to the premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />LOT FIFTY-FIVE (55) AND THE NORTH TEN (N 10) FEET OF LOT <br />FIFTY-FOUR. (54) IN FONNER VIEW SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />'Tofte titer \"ith the note therein described, <lull the motley dun or to becc:me due <br />thereunder. :lllcludLng intcrcRt there-nn, TU "AVr:; Arm Tl1 HU1.l) the !'inm(~ unto <br />tht! said party of the n~colHI pnrt, itA RUCCCRRllrs and :1RRlgns rOI.ever, <br />!mhJect only to t.he provisicnR o( fHlld INUENTUHE OF HORTG^GE therein <br />contained. <br /> <br />^nd the pnrty nf the rfrst p:trt dncs herehy Junke. crlnRtltl1tc :Il1d t1f1J1l1lnt tl1.. <br />"ntd party oC the ~~cond purt. its true' :lIltl Inw[ul .1ltnrnr.v. Irrf'Voc:lhlr. In <br />.Its nnme, or. otherwise. hut nt their mo1Tl prnper COf'tR :lI1d ('lunr.rR, to 11;..,,1"', <br />llR~. nnd tnltc n11 lnwful lWYF nut! ",("nUR for the rrcnvcry or the ~lnltl nllll1r}' <br />nll<t j,ntr.rcRt, nlld, In cnfl(' flf pnymC'1I1, to dlnchnrf~c thl" !l:Im~ :l:l the IHIl"t uf <br />the first part might, or cuuld do. If these prCRCtltR \~ere lIut ",nile. <br /> <br />I.N WITNESS HIIEItEOF', Colonial Centrnl !invJngR Rallk. F~n n c(lqmrnt!oTl (If th~ <br />I!ldted Stntes of ^lnC'rtcll hll" cnuRed thlR ^RRIJ:llmrnt (If ~ll1l"1r,'''n[' to Iw <br />c::ecuted hy "ItA ~fl~liJ:n,,=icenl1d itR Cnrpnrnte Selll to he hercnnto .,1 fJx.cll <br />the 20th do:, of AUGUST 'n the year 1988. <br /> <br />COLON IAL <br /> <br /> <br />PRES IDENT <br /> <br />State .of' Hichlglln) <br />.' ) <br />County of Hacomh ) <br /> <br />SS. <br /> <br />Attest: ~t~ <br /> <br />FRANK A BERNABEI, SECRETARY <br /> <br />On the Hate' nbove stntei.l, heh,rc mc. n Notnry ruh.! Le. dilLy C(J'llll1IRr.lmled <br />nntl qualified in and for R111d Count}' nnd Stntc, Pt'rFlollillly r;nll1c the nbovc <br />nnmed RALPH E. WATKIlSAND FRANK A BERNABEI of Cnl"nl.11 Cent'" ~m'jn~R <br />D"nk, FSB who arc pc rsol1n 11 y knO\m tu me to be the iden t i en 1 ~e nml1R whose <br />names are affixed to the above nRsiAnment of ~lortgl1~c llR the EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT alld SECRETARY or snld CorporntJoll, nnd they <br />acknowledged the Jnntrument to be the I r voluntary net and deed. nnd the <br />voluntary act and deed of the sold Corporation. <br /> <br />W[TN!5S my hand and official seal, in Hichigpn. in BoLd County. th~ date <br />efores.ld. <br /> <br />IRENE It IACOBEllI <br />Hofory Public:. Mccomb Counl\< MI <br />... CPIllml.llon flplJ'(.~SJulv-n 19YO <br /> <br />~~~ ~ ~:@Za <br /> <br />Notnry Public <br />COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CORPORATION <br />DOCUMENT COIlTROL DEPARTMENT <br />SEND TO: 155 N. LAKE AVENUE <br />PASADENA CA 91109 <br /> <br />Uy commissiun cnplrcA: <br />AFTER RECORDING P1.EASE <br />