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<br />3231005 <br />1520029438 <br />149989 <br /> <br />88- 106484 <br /> <br />ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNOW ALl.. NEN BY THESE PRESENt'S, That Colonial Central Savings Bank, <br />FSB, a United States of America Corporation, the porty of the first part. in <br />consideration of the Bum .2t....Q.u..q...Q..qJJ.4t_n.osl...R~""J~l,f~e consideration. to <br />it in hand pt'lici by ~~8Rl{l!.cO~tQl'rlb~ the party of <br />the second part. ot or before the ensenllng and delivery of these prescntR. <br />receipt whereof 15 hereby acknowledged', has granted, bnrgnined. sold. <br />m:.slgned, transferred, and set over, and. f:y these presents. does grllnt. <br />hargain. sell, assign. transfer. transferred, and set over. unto the said <br />p;Jrty of the second part. its successors and assigns. a certain INlJENTURE OF <br />MORTGAGE, Dated JULY 31, 1~96 , Recorded as DOC. 1186-104286, <br />of the Mortgage Records of HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA. <br />and made by CARL L. MAYHEli AND SUSAN A. MAYHEli, HUSBAND ANO. WIFE, <br /> <br />to Colonial Central Savings Bank, FSB and all its right. title and interest <br />to the premises therein described J as follows. to-wit: <br /> <br />LOT TEN (10), SPELTZ-SCHULTZ ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY. <br />NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Together with the note therein described. and the- money due or to become due <br />thereunder. including intercst thereon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto <br />the said party of the second part. its successors and assigns forever, <br />subject only to the provisions of said INDENTURE OF HORTGAGE therein <br />contained. <br /> <br />And the party of the first pnrt does hereby make, constitute and appoint the <br />finid party of the second part, its true nod Inwful attorney, irrevocnble, in <br />its name, or otherwise, but at their own proper costs and charges, to have, <br />U!'le, and take Illl lawful ways and means for the recovery of the said money <br />and interest, Dnd, In Cllse of payment. to dIscharge the same ns the part of <br />the first part might, or could do, if these presents werc not made. <br /> <br />State of Michignn) <br />) eB. <br />eoun ty of Macomb ) <br /> <br />IN IYlTNESS WUEREOF, Colonial CcnFrnl Savings Bank, FSIJ a corporation of the <br />United Statcs of Ame,;,ici{... has caused this Assignment of Hortgage to be <br />c:cccuted by its ~lf~uJ!~'im~ce and its Corporate Scal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 15TH day of AUGUST in the year 1988. -:> <br />, ] <br />COLONIAL CENTRAYirVING~,~A~J(~ <br /> <br />By: '~k/~j~~ ~ <br /> <br />RALPH E. WATKINS EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT <br /> <br /> <br />Atteat:~~~ <br /> <br />F A. BERNABEI, SECRETARY <br /> <br />On the Date above stated, before me, n Notary Public, duly cOlnmisnloned <br />and qualified 1n and for said County and State, Personnlly came the above <br />nl1med RALPH E. WATKnBAND FRANK A. BERNABEI of Colonial Centrill S3vings <br />rlnfrlk. Fsn who are pCfson311y known to me to be the identico'll persons whoac <br />name's are affixed to the above assignment of Hortgage ns the EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT and SECRE'l'ARY' of Aoid Corpornt ion I ilOd they <br />I1cknovlcdged the instrument to be their voluntary nct and deed, nnd the <br />voluntary act and deed of the said CorporatIon. <br /> <br />WlTNESS my hand and official Bcal, in Nichigan. 1n said County I ti'e date <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br />\1001 r-Ii H Ll-COUh'..l <br />\ok h.,..l"utJhc MocombCour.ty MI <br />Iohoi', _';ofnnlISSiOn F1I:pIIO~ Ju1\' '}'} 1 IJ'/lJ <br /> <br />-t?~ ~~::-6,~L~' <br /> <br />otary Public <br />COUNTRYWIDE FUNDING CORPORATION <br />DOCUMENT CON'I'ROL DEPARTMENT <br />155 N LAKE AVENUE <br />PASADENA, CA 911 09 <br /> <br />My commission expireA: <br />AFTER RECORDING PLEASE SEND TO: <br />