<br />
<br />88- 10646::;
<br />
<br />THIS iNDEN1'URE. madl thl. 23rd d8y of November
<br />Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island
<br />and Jay J. Hokanson and Linda J. Hokanson, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />of Hall Counly, Nebraska. asmDrtpJor ~ and HomeFedenJ. Savinp~ Loan Association of Grand Island, ac:orporuion
<br />mpniz:cd and existing under the laws of the United States of America with its prindpal office: and place Df businesI 1.1 Orand Wand. Nebraska. as
<br />mor1p&<O:
<br />WITNESSETH: ThalsaidmoI1P1or~.rorandlnconsiderati.onDfthesumor Twenty Thousand and no/100
<br />------------------------------------------------------- - Dollan 1$_ 20,000.00
<br />
<br />, 19~. by &nd between
<br />
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledzcd. doc,;;
<br />
<br />here by meseprescnumonpgeand warrant URID u!d monpaee.lts mccesson and lISSiIns.
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />forever, all the rouomn. described real estale. situated in IheCounty of
<br />and State of ~ebraska. to-mt:
<br />
<br />Lot Seventeen, (17). Bishop Heights Third Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Toptber with all beating, air conditioning, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fw.UIa. including 8CnIl!JUi. awningll. storm windows and
<br />doors. and winoo. e.hadell or bUnda. UMld on or in ttlhnection with said property. whether thI! same IU"e now located on said property or bueafter
<br />placed thereon.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the tenanen1Jl, henditamenta ud appurtenmces thereunto M-
<br />longing, or in anywiH appertaining, Iorevu, and ..,-arrant the title tc the same. Said morgagor -2-__ hereby co\o'enaIlt L....- with said
<br />mortgape lhat ._~ theY..-...~._ ,at LbedeliveJY bereo:, Lhe lIwful mmer~_ of the pn!miRll &bow conveyed and described,
<br />~~.med of a sood IIDd indefebible estate of inberil.anc:e t.bemn, free and cleu of all encumbrances, aDd tha1~bil'Lwill
<br />wattanL and ddmd the title tbm'eto forever against the claimll and demabd.II of all penoDJ whoJmoeves-.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, andthl. wtzumenl i.ll ~ec-utedanddelivered tolleC1.U'1l the pIIymeM:oftM swnof Twentv
<br />Thousand and ~1 oo-------------:-n------------------"1lol!anoll 20,000.00 '-
<br />with irltemlt tha'mo, toplber with II1.ICb c:harplI and advucel; .. may be due and pIIyabk! to said mortgagel! UDder the terms and conditiom
<br />of the promiuory nout of even daLe herewith and -=url'!d hereby, esecuted by said mo~ to said mort.gJlpe, pllyable as e:a:pl'e3l:d
<br />1ft aaid. DOLe, aDd to ICUr'II the pll"form.azw::e of aU the t.enna and condit:ioftA contained t.hemn. The terma of said note are hereby incorpcrated
<br />-.. by thU rot......
<br />It lithe ialatJoJ1 and ~ of the,...u. benlto that thia mort,pp ,ball alao IliIealn any future advanc:etl made to said ~S-
<br />by u.id~, and any and all indiIbtedn.ll in addition to Lbe amount .bulle stated whkl. aaid mortgagonl, or ey oi them. may OWl' to
<br />..xllDClftppe, bowever evideocod, whether by DOte, book IICD:IUnL OJ' otherwise. Thill mortgage.hall remain in full force and effect between
<br />the partiee bento and tMir hein, penonal l'epf1!8llDtaUves. succeuon and u.igna, untd all amounts Ik!ICUnld hereunder, ihcluding fuwno
<br />adv~, &nI s-id in full with mlM'ea.
<br />The ~ hentby uaicn 5....- to said mortppe l'l1l reDtlI and income ariaiD& at lUIy and all timm from said propert)' and
<br />Mnby autbori&e Mid mo~ 01' ita apnt, at ita option, upon def.ult, to take c:barp of add ptoplllty and mUeet aU rents and ibtOl!H!
<br />u...&am lUId appJy U. aama to the ~ 01 iuunaL, principal, buuruee premiwru, taua, UAaIIIBIlt.ll, 1"I!'p&in1 OJ' Unprtn'el'I1!'Dts
<br />~ toblpuid ~ ill ~CDIldilioa, orto~ cbarpI 01' lMJu.ltl pI"O'VkW lor hanin or in t.be DOte henb)' -=wed, Th.b
<br />nIbt auipmlat aball contimae iD fOIUllllltil the uapakI ba1aoaI nf aid DOtlll i.I fully paid. The takiD.g of poaeaaion btnunclllr llhaD in no nwmer
<br />preYent. or retard said mortcaaw ill the mUection of Kid sums by fondD8W"e or othtrwiee.
<br />The failu.re of the mort.ppe to aMBt aD)' of itll ri&hl.:I benuDdIlr at. IUI)' time aha1I not. be conat.rned .s . wa.iver of ita right to assert. the
<br />MD:MI aL any later tilDe, and to willt. upon and mforee strict. compllance with all the U!f1D!l and proviaiona of ll.id note .nd of t.his mort.gqe.
<br />If &aid IIIOIt.pcor .uu caUM c.o be paid to Mid mortppe the ent.inl amount due iL benlunder. and unci... the termS and provillionll
<br />of &aid IIIDla b.nby MCUI"Id, iDcladi.QI fubml adVaDl:8a, and any u.-.a.iorw or reewala theruof in accordaJlC'l! with the t.em.s and provillionll
<br />thInaf, ... U.us l:IIClr\ppr ~ abaU c::ampIy with .D the provi8ian1 of &aid noCAII and of thla rDOI"tpp, then c.t- prMeDta shall be void;
<br />....... Co I'IIII&bIlD Iu1IloImud~. madakllllOl'tppe.hall be entitled La the poa.....ton of aU of Baid property, .nd IMY, .t. i~ option,
<br />..........-oI_....adon_..."....,.m........ I<> be Immodiat.ol, due and "",ohio. and mo, 1._ tIUa mo_
<br />or tab...,. __..... KdoD to IJI"OlIId.lt& riebL. A.~ wund.
<br />Tbia........ abaD be ~ upaIlI and .,.IIlllUN to the bmefit. of the hIlinI, e:a:lllCUton, adminiatrators. IUazamt1l and ua.\p!I of t.he
<br />....,aM....... .......-
<br />Wri':. ,JfNESS !;/~F. oaid 101_ ~ he \1!L "",,,".1<> Nt ~__~theilhond ~ ~'''' do, .0<1 ,.... fl... ,00..
<br />
<br />--~/iK~!n-.--~~ - - ITri~arl~o~---
<br />