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<br />88-10645S <br /> <br />If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the lonn secured by this Securit)' Instrument, <br />Borrower s.hnll pay the premiums required 10 maintain Ihe insurance in effect until such lime as the requirement fOf the <br />insurance lermimlles in accordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or Bpplicable law. <br />8. InspECtion. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. lender <br />shall give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br />9. Condemnation. The proceeds of any awnrd or claim for damages. direcl or consequential. in connection with <br />any condemnluion or olher laking of any pari of the Properr~:. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby <br />assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securily <br />[nstrument, whelher or notlhen due. with any excess paid to Borrower. In the evenl of a partial taking of the Property. <br />unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing. the 'turns secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by <br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by Ihe following frafJion: (a) the total arr;ount of the sums secured immediately <br />before the taking. divided by (b) Ihe fair market value oflhe Property immediately before the taking. Any balance shall be <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Propeny i!<t abandoned by Borrower. or ir. 3fter notice by Lender 10 Borrower that the condemnor offers to <br />make an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is <br />given. Lender is authorized to collecll.lnd apply thC' proceeds. at its option. either 10 restoration or repair oCthe Property or <br />10 th~ sums secured bVlhis Securilv Instrument. whether or nol then due. <br />Unless Lende~ and Borrow~r olherwlse agree in writing. any applicallOl1 of procecd!<t to principal shall not extend or <br />postpone the due date orlhe mmllhly payments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amounl of such payments, <br />10. Borrower Sot Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension DC the time for payment or <br />modificalion of amoni711llOn of the !'ium!'i 'iecured by this Security Instrumenl gran led by Lender to any "UCCI.'ssor in <br />interest of Borrower !'ihallnot nperalc to release thr liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successof't In inlcre~t. <br />Lender shall nol be required 10 commence proceedings agilinsl any successor in inlerest or rduse 10 cAlcnd time Cm <br />payment or otherwise modify amnrti7.3lion of the sums secured by Ihis Securily Instrument by rem,on of any dem3nd made <br />by the original Borrower or Borrower'!> successors in inlerest. Any forbearam:e by Lender In exerci~ing any right or remedy <br />shall not bea waiver ofur preclude Ihe e",erci!.e of any right or remedy. <br />11. SUCCe550f'5 and AssiKDS Bound; Joint and Several Liability~ Co.signers. TIll: C'o\:enant!io and agreement... of <br />Ihis Security Instrument shall hind and henefit Ihe successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subJC'CI 10 the pro\'islOn!io <br />of paragraph 17. B(lrrowcr", cnvellan'!> and agreements shall he joint and !'ie\'eral, An~' Borrower who co.signs Ihis SecurilY <br />Instrument hut dill." nut ellecutc.' the Nole: (a) l!o co.signing this Security )m;lrument only 10 morlgage. gr:mt and con\'cy' <br />that Borrower'!. lIIterC!oI 111 the Property under Ihe terms of Ihi!. Secunty In!olrument: (hi I... nol per">t'nal1~ nhhga1eclltl ra~ <br />the sum!. !!ecured hy thl!t Sct;urny Iu!.trumenl: and Ie) agre~ that Lender and any tither Borrowcr maY' :'lgrL."C In c:\lcnd. <br />modify, furbear or ma"-e any ilccummodal1on!. with regard 10 Ihe lerm!! or thiS Security In!<tlrumcnll1f Ihe Note' "1lhnut <br />that Borrower'" CllO!tenl <br />12. loan Challtc!Jo If the loan !<tl.'l:ured b}' Ihi!. Security In!tlrument j, subjL.'Ct 10 a hi" "1lIch!<t ma:\lmum II'an <br />charge!.. and thai law i... finally inlerprcled so that the II1teresl nr olher loan l.:hargl.", t'olln'lt't.! ,lr hI he colk'1:lcd III <br />connectiun With Ihe loan ellcced the permlltcd limits. then: (a) any such loan chaq;e ,h31l he rL.oduccd h) the ;.1mounl <br />nccL.'!>sary Iu reduce lhe charge to Ihe pcrmitted limit: and (h) any sums already collecled from Borrower which c,ceedcd <br />permilted Iimil' will he refunded 10 Borrower. Lender may ch(l(i!!c w make tin... rcfund h~' redu..:mg rhe pnnclpalowL.-d <br />under the Noh: or by ml.lking a direct paymenllo Borrower. Ifa refund reduces principalo Ihe rc.-duction will he tn:aled a!t a <br />parlinl prepay'menl wilhout any prepaymenl charge under the Nole. <br />13. 1..eldslaUon AffcclinR Lender's Ri~ht5. If enaclment or cllpiralion of applicable laws h:t... the effect of <br />rendering any provi!o1on of the Note or this Securily Inslrument unenforceahle according tn ih term!.. lender. at it!. option. <br />may require immediale paymenl in full of all sums sL."Cured by Ihi!o Security Instrumenl and may in\'oke any remedies <br />permined by paragraph I Q. If Lender exercises this option, L~ndc:r shall take lhe steps !opccifk-d in the second paragraph of <br />paragraph 17. <br />14. Notices. Any 110tlc~ to Borrow~r provided for in thi!o Secunty Instrument shall be given h) deli\'c:ring il or by <br />mailing it by fiT)I clas!t mail unlo~ apphcable law requires use of another melhod. The 1ll1tice shall b~ direcled to 1he <br />Property Address m any other address Borrower designates by notic~ to Lender. Any 110llCe to Lender shall be given by <br />first class mail to Lender's addres!o !tll.ued herein or any olher address lender dt."!oolgnalc.. hy nut ice to norrowcr. Any notice <br />provided for in this Securit)' Instrumenl shall be: deemed to ha\'e been given 10 Bnrruwer or Lender when gl\'en a!t provided <br />in this paragrapho <br />15. Go,erning Law; Severability, Thl:!. SL."t:urlly In~trumcnl !thaH he l!tl\eTlu:d 11) fl-denlll:lw and lhe law orth~ <br />jurisdiction in which Ihe ProperlY i!'i located. In the event thaI an)' prmi"ion or dau"~ or IhlS Se!:lIr1t) In"tn.:ma:nt or the <br />Note conflicts with applicable law, such conflict !<thall not affecl other pnwision!o or Ihi!. SeCUTlI) Inslrumenl or the Notc <br />which call be given effect without the conflicling pro\'isiull. fl) thiS end Ihe pruvi"iol1" of Ihi!<t Sel."uTlt) 111..lrumcllt and Ihe <br />Note are declared 10 be !.cverable. <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower !<thall be given llllC conCormed copy .,fthe Ntlle ilud (lfll1l.. Securlly In"lrumenl. <br />17. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest In Borrower. Ir all many paTt IIf the Propert)' or any <br />inlerest in it is sold or transferred (or if 1I. beneficial interest in Burrower i!. snld or tran..reffL.-d and BnrfO\\'Cr IS 110t a nalUrnl <br />person) without Lender's prior written t;on:!.en1. lender mny. at lis opllUIl. require nnlllcdialc payment 111 fullnf all !tum!! <br />secured by Ihis Security Inslrument. However. 1his opt inn shull nnl be excle1\ed b) Lcndlor If c:\erl'I\C i!o I"rt\luhilCd by <br />federullaw as of the datcofthis Security 111slrumen1. <br />If Lender exercise. this optIOn. Lender shan give Borrower nollce of acceleratlul\. Tile I\(lllt'e ...hall pHI' idc a period <br />of no I less thon 30du)'li Crom Ihedate Ihe notice b. delivered or maded within which 11111..1 pay ..l.'l:urcd b)' <br />thi!lo Security Instrument. If Borrower fails 10 pa.y thL."SC' !oums pnur 10 the ex-piratiulI nflhl" pCflllt1. Lcnder lIIay IIl\tlkc all) <br />remedies permitted by thisSecurit)' Instrument withoul furthcr notice or demand Onlltlrrn.....CI <br />18. Borrower.! Right to Reinstate. If Borrowcr meets certain conditllm!o. Borrllwer ..hall h,l\ e I he right ttI ha\'e <br />enforcement oflhili Security Inslrument discontinued III any time prior hllhe earlier of: (u) ~,t!a~'" (lIT ..uch ulher period as <br />applicable law mu)" specify for rcill!<ttulclIlenl) before sale of Ihe Propert)' purMlanl lu any ruwer llf ..all.' Ctllll;Ulled In th" <br />Securit). Instrument; or (b. enlr) or a jud~mel1t enforcing Ihis Securil)' lll!ttrUTllt.'nl T1Hl\c t:lmdlll<lIl... arc lhat IJOCftlWCr <br />(a) pa)'s Lender all sum!. which then would be tluc under this St.'Curil)' Imtrumelll and Ihe Nute had nn acccleralllln <br />occurred; (b) cures an)' default of any uther covcnant!. or agreements; (c) pay.. ':111 C,,"PCII"C" Illcurred 111 cnfnrl'lIIg thl" <br />Sccuril) Imtrument. mcluding, bUl nut hmited 10. rca!'oonable atttlrnc)'!<t' ree.... and (dll.:lk.c.. ..III:h a..:111l1l a.. I.emh:r may <br />reu!lullabh require 10 ll!o..ure Ihl1l lhe Iicll llf thi!. Sc.'Cunl) Imtrurnenl, Lemler'.. rlghl" 111 111l: l)fllpl:ll~ allll BllrnlYlCro" <br />uhltgallllll 10 pa) lhc "um~ ..ccured h) Ilus SCl'UTlt)" In..trumenl ..hull \'lllllllllll.' UIKh,.lIglotl I 'pllll Il0111..I;lI\'IIIl.."lIl h~ <br />Unrru"cr. Ih" Sl'I.'Ufll) Im,lrullIelll undlhe lIhhguIIIIII" ..el'urnl hcrch) ..h;11I rem,lll' 11I11~ l'Il'\'~ IIH' .... II Ih' ,h~dl'[;llh'll h,ld <br />ll\."t'urn:d 1111"" C\ ('f , 1111" ng,hllo relll..llllc ,hllIlIlOI urr1y miltI.' ":.1"1.' llf i1l~'loIcTa(IlIl' 1I111kl PM'II!I.I!,I" . I <'I [- <br />