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<br />N~MENTAAY I <br />STAMP TI\X <br /> <br />NDV 30 1988 <br />,It <br />" $b.,, /I~ BY ~ <br /> <br />STATEMENT AlTACHED' <br /> <br />88-10643'(' <br /> <br />UJarrantg Cemetery De~d <br />-IN- <br />WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK <br /> <br />01 Grand Wand, Nebrulm, <br />a cemetery aaociatioD <br />incorporated under the <br />cemetery laws 01 the <br />State 01 Nebraska <br /> <br />THJB INDENTURE: Made UJU__?!J!/}_daY Ol_____2~---------------A. D.. IB..!lL <br />between WESTLAWN MEMORIAL pARJ[ OEMJ:TEB.Y OF GRAND ISLUW. ND&&8IL\, I'lnt Party. <br />and __JP.J..__~__"'-O!!JJ_2.IJ..___!?!1!!:.l'LaJ!kJ.../..!1EI-- <br />__~i'.'!!!:_~_w!-J.!2__':1_P!..~_~__'!!':!!:!'!!!:_~~ in. c:onrmn. wUh._ <br /> <br />__~_AlIllll~JJ&llJip.__,,-------------------------------__---_------------ - party. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That Firat Party fOl" and in conaldent1on of tbe wm of <br />_~__d:!~_'!1!!!:_~_~_Y..~'=__~~~~~__________________________-DOLLARS <br /> <br />the receipt whereof I. hereby acknow1edl'ed. baa aold and t.-y these preamb does grant. convey and co:n.flrm <br /> <br />unto the Second PArty and to Second Party'. heLra and aJUdgna _IJJ1._I.Jl_lLeiM_.JlIJlLad4i.grLd <br /> <br />"-{...f,.b#-A!l!!:'t..~9!L<!J_!!J..r!m._k~Y..'Mc__J..~r;:!,,i,g!!'__1J__J.g!'_I!JjLS$F~~-'---;!- ~"-'i-6 <br /> <br />________________________________________________________________of WESTI...A WN MlCM.ORIAL PARK <br />of Orand z.Iand, Nebraaka. .c:ltuated In Hall County, Ncbraake, . eomet.ery to be uud far interment pur- <br />poei: only, beinB ao ded1ea.ted and declared. the Plat of aaJd cemetery be1n&' recorded. In the office of the <br />Rec1ater of DeedI of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />"nl1I deed 18 wbject to &11 law. of the Btate of' Nebruka, and to all by.lawa, niI~ and regu1&Uon.s <br />of WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMBTERY of Grand Wand, Nebruka, and to any chango In a1d <br />laWI, by-IaWII, ruIu and rqulaUon.. <br />Any tranlfer of UUe at any part at Ute above d9crlb~ property 8hall not be valld until the ume <br />hu been recorded upon the boob of the Ftnt Party. <br />WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND IBLANP, NEBRASKA, hueby eaV~ <br />neta and agreu to and with the Second Party and with the helra and auigM ot the Second party, that <br />at. the Ume at the execuUon and dellvery at \hUll pre.enbl It. 1Il1awtu11y l!Ie1zed of aid premiaea; that It hu <br />good rtpt and l&wtul autLotity to convey the lI&me; that they are trlle trom encumbrance and FlrIt party <br />doell bereby covenant to warrant and defend the premllltJ; aplnIt the lawful c:la1mI of all pentonII wborrwo- <br />ever. <br /> <br />WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA.. acrea to fur- <br />n1Ih perpetual care, adminlllraUon and malntenanee ot the above deacrtbed premiHa .. provided. by ill by. <br />Ja_ <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The I!IIJd WES'l'LAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEl4E'TERY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND. NEBRASKA, bu hereW1to cawed ILa corporate seal to be aftlxed and tb~e pruent. to be J1&nfd <br />by Ita prelldent. the day ed year flrat. above written. <br />WEIITLAWN MEMOBL\L PARK c~~ ISLAND, NEIIBA8J[A <br /> <br />8Y__________u_______________:: K ;::_~~'!__'_._~___-------------- <br />Pruldent <br /> <br />;..' <br />'. I ~\'.,:' <br /> <br />.8TATIl OF NEBRASKA. } ... <br /> <br />- COUNTY o~ 8 <br />On UJU_________day of u__________:J.ui;;_uu_____u____________n__nn__n________. 19__1__. <br />-betor. -me the underalaned, a notary pubJlc, In and for Aid counly and .tate, pencmally came ----------- <br /> <br />".c._____________ ________J..R..__!/._r!!P.:!!________________________________________------------ <br />-rr_dent of W.Uawn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand bland, Nebruka, to me per.una.Uy known to be <br />lbe PreD1eDt and the ldenUca1 penon wboR name 1.1 aftlxed to the above conveyance, and aelmowJedpd <br />the uecuUon thereof to be t11a VOIWltary act and deed. .. wch ofllcer and the voluntary act. and deed. of the <br />RId W..uawn MlII'DOrJal Park Cemeter,; or Grand Ialand, Nebruka, and that the corporate leal or the aJd <br />, W..u&WD Mllmorlal Park Cemetery 01 Grand Ialand, Nebraska, w.. thereto affixed by lu authority. <br />WlTNI:88 my haIld and notartal I. the day and year I..t above written. <br /> <br />C?~-L?:z..--I2~~-- <br />Notary Public <br /> <br />"'1:'~ . <br />,~:rf", <br /> <br />..,-,~ _. _ ~ CEl/ERAI NOTlijY. SlAtoo' N,"". <br />':,:' Il<!:!:h PAULINE M, MOON <br />. :.., ~." My Comm. hp. ADI, 8, 19M <br />