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<br />3231311 <br />1,20030055 <br />184899 <br /> <br />98- <br /> <br />106435 <br /> <br />^SSlGNHI~NT OF HUltn;ACE - Corporntton <br /> <br />KtlOH ALL ttI~N DY THESE I'HESI~lnS. TII.a Colonial Centrnl 511V lngs Dank, <br />F:;n, i1 Unitell Stnte.s o[ AllIcr!c.1 COrplH";ltiOll, the party of the first pnrt. in <br />("nllS tdC[";ll fUll I.J[ the sum of One Dull.,r and other v.11unlJle consideration. to <br />II In 10.'''0 1',,10 by xOlH1~RrclMl.Ecbl&BR~Ig~RPORATION the party of <br />the ..-;{'collll p;lrt. nt 01' he fore --the cll!';~:1l1ng .:md delivery of these pre5ent~. <br />l",'cC'ipt whereof i.s hcrchy .'lckIlO\...Jcd,~crJ. hns granted, bnrgillncd, ::;old. <br />;l~:~lgIICd, tr:1l1s[crrell. :lIlt! set over. and, by these presents. docs grnnt, <br />h..rgnln, .sell. assign, trnns(cr. tnltlsferred. and set over, unto the said <br />pnrty oC the second part. its successors nnd assigns. n certain INDENTURE OF <br />I,IURTGAGE, Dateo OCTOBER 21, 1986 , Recorded as 1186-106041 <br />of the Hortgage Re.cords of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />ano mode by PAUL A. AND LYNETTE A. MEYER, HUSBAND AND WIFE, <br /> <br />to Colon Ii'll Central Silvings D;tnk. Fsn and all its right, title and interest <br />to the premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />LOT 31 BLOCK 5, IN MORRIS 3rd ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />rl',~cLh('r ....ith the IH,'te therein lil~5cribc'J. nllt! the money due or to become due <br />lllf~rclll1t1cr I jllcludJnl; intcrcl"t thereon, TU HAVE AND TO nOLO the snme unto <br />lh~ ~niJ pnrty of the !'Icc:ond pnrt. its successors ilnd ilssigllS forever. <br />~llhJcct only to the pro11isions of snid INI)ENTURE OF HOlnGhGE therein <br />cflntilincd. <br /> <br />/",,1 the 1'.1rty of the [11-sL pill t doc;. lll'rchy 11I;Jkc, cOl1stitute ;tilt! OIl'point the <br />';;l;d lQrly or the ~[,C011d p"rt, It~ true .111U lilwful nttoTl1cy. irrc\'ocahlc. In <br />il" ll.1l11C, 0'" othcrwi!,c, bill nt their own pl-opcr costs nnt! ch.nt"J!,cs, to IHI\.'r., <br />no..:~, nnll tnke nIl Llwful W;I)'F; :lI\11 Incnl1S [or the recovery of the ~n1d money <br />.,Ild intercr.l, L1nt.l, in cn~c of pnymcnt I to dischnrge the same as the pnrt oC <br />the first p;trt mIght. or could dO, if these presents 'Were not made. <br /> <br />Itl h'lTNE~S I.JIlEHEOf, ColonIal CCl1trnl S.,vings Dnnk, FSU .'1 corporal Ion of the <br />tllll tell Stnte5 DC E ^crnffJci.l;cehas cnused this Assignment or Hortgagc to be <br />c~ccutcd by its fFrcBl~ent and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 15th day of AUGUST in the year 1988. 7 <br /> <br /> <br />SB ," <br />// <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />State of Miclligan) <br />) 56. <br />Cuun ty of Hncomb ) <br /> <br />RA1.PH E. WATKINS EXECUTIVE/VI, PRESIDENT <br /> <br />Atteot: ~ ~ "- <br /> <br />FRANK A. BERNABE I, SECRETARY <br /> <br />(Ill L111' IInlc above slilled, hcft'rc tile, n Hotnry Public, rllll)' cotnml~!1jnl1(!lI <br />. jwd '1unliflctl in and for sold t.:OUllt)' nlH.l Stilte, Personally t::1!tle tlte nbove <br />wllned RALPH E. WATKltSAND FRANK A. BERNABEI of Colanlnl eelltrOll Snvincs <br />1\.111k, FSU who arc persollnJ 1y kl\OWA to me ttl be the identical persons whose <br />1l,Jrne5 iHe affixed to the above nssignrnent of f'lortguge os the EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT nnd SECRETARY of snit1 Corporntion, :lnd they <br />nl"kno\llcdgctl the il1ntrUmtll1t to be their voluntary oct. and t1cccJ, anll the <br />voluntary 4Ct tlnd deed of the said Corporation. <br /> <br />IRENE H IACOBElLI <br />NoImv Publtc Mocomb County MI <br />w,.CommtIl1onr"PIIOSJl.Il,,;>: ~!.'9n <br /> <br />seaI':J ~l1chigan. in said County, the dote <br /> <br /> <br />.$-~ '//. .j2~~~~'/- <br /> <br />f~otory Public <br />rOUNTRYW 1 LIE FUND I N(; r [II{ I'ORt\T Ill}; <br /> <br />nOCUMENT I oNTROL l1EPr'lInl-1EN'1 <br />I)) N I.AKE AVI~NUE <br />!'ASAUENA. CA 4 I 11)4 <br /> <br />WITNESS my hnnd nnd official <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br />/1)' commi6sLon cxpircR: <br />,\FTEk RECORDING PLEASE SEND TO: <br />