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<br />32 309B 7 <br />15200293BB <br />I B4 B99 <br /> <br />88- 106414 <br /> <br />A5SIC:NNENT OF NUlrrGAGE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNut.J Al.L ~lIm ny TIIESI'; l'HI~SENT::;. Thnt Colonial Centrnl S:wings Dnnk, <br />F~;Il, :l Untted State!' of Al1lcrlc;1 Corpor<ltlon. tile p;trty of the first part. in <br />{'(IllS J dent t I,on (l r the CO'lJNT1ty7JlllED'tMib'itml~o'k~to'ftAT'i'blfnble COilS ide rn tion. to <br />11 111 hnlld p:tld by A NEW YORK CORPORATION the pnrty of <br />the Hccotl.1 pnrt. .,t Dr bcfore the clmcn1Ing .tilt! delivery of these presentR, <br />r"cclpt whereof 1~ hereby .1CkflO\dctlgcd", hns g=nntccl, ,bnrgnined, sold. <br />:'!:!';{gncll. transferred, :lllu set over, LInd, by these presents, docs grnnt, <br />h:lrf:!:'11u. !>cll. assIgn, transfer, tr:1I1s[erred, nnd set over, unto the said <br />I'"rty of the second part, its successors nod assigns, a certain INDENTURE OF <br />fIURTGAGE, Dated OCTOIIER 23, 19 B6, Recorded as OB6-106126, <br />of the Hortg<lge Records of HALL COUNTY I NEBRASKA, <br />and made by RICHARD W. AND LOIS M. McINTURF, HUSBAND AND WIFE, <br /> <br />to Colonlnl Central Silvings Bank, FSB and all its right, title and interest <br />to the premises thereIn described, as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />THE WESTERLY 44 FEET OF LOTS 12 AND 14, IN BLOCK 2B, IN GILBERT'S 3RD <br />ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Tll~ctht'[" wlth the illIte thereIn ucsl:ribcu. i1lld the mOlley duc or to become duc <br />thereunder, jlll:lutllng jrttcrc:>t thereon, TU "^VE ^NU TO 1I0LO the same unto <br />the :.nid party or the !lCCOl1d "nrt. its successors OInd f1ssigns forever. <br />suhJect only to the. provisions of said INUENTURE OF HORl'GAGE therein <br />contained. <br /> <br />^l1d the pnrty Ilf the ffroRt [l.\I"t UOCH hereby umke, constitute nlltl nppoinl the <br />!;:lltl I','Hty or the !lCCUIHl ptlrt, Itr; true ill1U Inwful nttorncy. irrcvocilhlc, in <br />It~ ll"l11C. or utlll!rwlR"e, bllt nt their OUlt proper costH nnd choq~cs. to have, <br />""'c, and t;dtc <111 lawful WilYH .11lU mcnT1n (or the recovery of the snid money <br />.'l1d i11ld, ill cn~e uf payment. to dischnrge the Bomc ns the pnrt of <br />the [irst pnrt might, or could do, If these preBcnts were not made. <br /> <br />Ifl h'lTNI~SS lml~IlEOf, ColonIal CentrO'll Snvlngs Bo1llk, F!-iU II corpnr.-:ltlon oC the <br />United StntcB ofE ^c~~rvicOicehns causeu this Assignment of Hortgllgc to be <br />c:tccuted by its fPreBl~cllt and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 15th day of AUGUST in the yeu 19BB. ---, <br /> <br />Stote of NichLgnn) <br />) ss. <br />CClunty of Hncomb ) <br /> <br />CDLONI",L CENT . ~:I/If//~~B <br /> <br />B{ ~&~ <br /> <br />LPH E. WATKINS EXECUTIVE VICE PRES !DENT <br /> <br />Attest: 7fYi ~ <br /> <br />".' <br />i <br /> <br />FRANK A. BERNABEI, SECRETARY <br /> <br />011 the J).1tc! above st;lleli. he[tlre me, n Notnry Puldie, duly commisniol1cd <br />nllll quali[led in and [or soid County nflU State I PersOlHllly come the above <br />n:uncd RALPH E4 WATKHSAND FRANK A4 BERNABEI of Colollinl Centr;!l Savings <br />n.1l1k, FSD who ore personally kl1uwn tu HIe to be the Idtmtical persons whose <br />IHlmCI;; are nffixcu to the above nss1gnmcut of Nortgage as the EXECUTIVE VICE <br />PRESIDENT nnd SECRETARY o[ said Corporation. nnd they <br />nC'knowledged tile 1l1fitrument to be theLr voluntary nct- and deed, and the <br />voluntary oct and deed u[ the said Corporation. <br /> <br />\HTNESS my hand nnd official <br />aforesaid. <br />IQ~N[ tt I.o\CObElll <br />"ot~ry Public. MOCOfTlC County "'11 <br />.... CJmrntlllOn hp,l/E1'!o JUI., 21. t 990 <br /> <br />senl, in Nlchigan, in said CountYJ the dote: <br /> <br />Hy commlssion expireR: <br />AFTER RECORD [NG PLEASE SEND TO: <br /> <br />~:/~/~~ <br /> <br />No~gU~TKy~Mf. FUNDING CORPORATION <br />OOCUMENT CDNTROl. OEPARTMENT <br />I" N LAKE A VENUE <br />I'ASADENA, CA q 1109 <br />