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<br />::./. <br /> <br />3239222 <br />1520059732 <br />157995 <br /> <br />88- 10641 () <br /> <br />A,sS{t;NNEN'f OF HORTGAGE - Corporntion <br /> <br />KNlM AI.I. tlEN BY TIlESE PRESENTS. That Colonial Central Savings Bank. <br />FSU. n United StateR of Americn Corporation, thl:! party of the first pnrt, in <br />consideration of the sum of One Doll.n.r and other valuable considerntion, to <br />it in hnnd pnid by Xog~?lfM~~ECbl1li8~~IggRPORATION the pnrty of <br />the l"l:!col1d part, .,t nl" hefore the ('nseallng anll delivery of thesl:! rresentR, <br />reef> f pt whereof 1~ hereby ncknowledged. hilS granted. bnrgained. sold, <br />n~Fi1gned, tranFifcrrell, and Fil:!t over, nnd, by these presents. does grant, <br />bnrgnJ.n, FielI, .'1';51go, trnnsfer. trnTlFiferrcrl, and set over, unto the SOlid <br />pilrty of the Fiecontl pnrt. its successors and nssigns, a certain INDENTURE OF <br />MORTGAGE, Onted AUGUST 21, 19 86, Retorded as DOC. #86-104765, <br />of the Hortgage Records of HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />nnd made by GEORGE B. AND CYNTHIA A. MOHR, HUSBAND AND WIFE, <br /> <br />to Colonlal Central S"vinp.,Fi O:1T1k, FSB .:lntl nIl its right. title .:lnd interest <br />to the premises therein described, 35 follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />LOT 21, BLOCK 15, IN ASHTON PLACE. AN hDDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />TOI\elh('r wIth tilt'! note therein dcscribed. anu the money due or to become due <br />thereunder, tl1c]tldln~ Interest thereon. TO HAVE ANn TO HOLD the same unto <br />the Baid pnrty of the !1econd pnrt, its Sllccessors and nsslgns forever. <br />f;uh] ec t mll y to the provis ions of an id INDENTURE OF MORTGAGE there 1 n <br />contnincd. <br /> <br />Anll the pnrly llr the rirr;t pnrt doeR hen>hy mnke, constitute nnd appoint the <br />nnill pnrty of thl' F.Iecond pnrt, its trne nnd lawful ottorney, irrevoc.:J.ble, in <br />its nnme, otherwlFie, hut at their own proper COflts and ch.:lr~es, to have, <br />liRe, nlld lnkC' ,,11 Inwfl11 wnys nnd mcnllf1 for the recovery of the Raid money <br />nnd il1t~rest, nncl, in CnIH! of rnymcnt, to dischnrge the snme as the pnrt oC <br />the fin'lt r..trt mIght, or could do, if ther:c presents were not <br /> <br />IN WITNI~~S WlmREOF, Colonin1 Centrol SnvIngs Bnnk, FSB n corrorntion of the <br />United Stnte5 of s'H~8FVtge hDS enURed this Assignment of Nortgage to be <br />executed by t ts President and its CorporAte Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the 15TH day of AUGUST in the year 1988. <br /> <br />COLO:~~L ;ZV;;:ZzSB <br /> <br />THOMAS R. BUSH, SR VICE PRESIDENT <br /> <br />Stnte DC Nlc:hlgl1n) <br />) <br />County of Nncomb ) <br /> <br />P:::' . . <br />AtteRt: rk/:#~/~~' <br /> <br />FRANK A. BERNABEI. SECRETARY <br /> <br />~.'.. <br />....; <br /> <br />f. <br /> <br />On the Dale above stnted, before me, n Notnry Public, duly commiss1oncll <br />nod qun 1 i (ied in nnd for fud,d Coun ty nnLl S to'l te, Pc rf;ono'l11y Cl1me the above <br />named THOMAS R. BUSH AND FRANK A. BERNABEI of Colonial CentrnI SavlngR <br />Dank, F511 who nre peroonnlJy known to me to be the identicnl persons whose <br />names are affixed to the above llFiRlgnment of ~lortgagl:! as the SENIOR VJCE <br />PRESIDENT nlld SECRETARY". of Raid Corporation. and they <br />acknowledged t\.c 1l1Rtrument to bl! thC'J t voluntary net and deed, nnd the <br />voluntary act nod deed o[ the soid Corporntion. <br /> <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal, in Michigan, in said County, the dote <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br />_ H. .....-::z <br />___.CIt*CirlWIIIY.1oll <br />1lIr~~0e<..~.'- <br /> <br /> <br />MInllIn MIIXlIIIIl CllIllIf <br /> <br />IF _, <br />. /1 <br /> <br />N .:nr c <br />COUNT YWI fUNDING CORPll!lAT1lJN <br /> <br />DOCUMENT CONTIHlI. nEPt\KT~IE~l <br /> <br />11)') N Ll\KE AVENUE <br /> <br />l'ASAIJENl\. <:,\ II 1 lOll <br /> <br />My commission expiref1: <br />AFTER RECORDING PLEASE SEND Ill: <br />