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<br />:: I <br />i T05-A-COl"pol"Dtlon W,llI"l"lInt)' Deed (Revl.lld 1901)88_ <br />-----r <br />I <br /> <br />, :: <br /> <br />106406 Tb. nuttman Supply lIun.e, Llncnlu, Nebr, <br />__ - n,__,__._.. ________~ <br /> <br />SNYDER PACKING COMPANY <br /> <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THEBE PRESENTS, That <br /> <br />n corporation organized and c:lLisl,ing under nnd by virtue of the laW'8 of the State of Nebras ka <br /> <br />in consideration o! Seventy Thousand ($70.000) Dollars <br /> <br />receiyed fron:. g-Tllntpt's, dOl'" grunt, bar~nin, spl1 CODl'CY and ('lJuf'irm unto SUPREME FOODS. INC. <br /> <br />herein culled the whether olle or marl', the fol1owin~ described real propert:r in <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />Lot One (1). Block Thirty-eight (38). Original Town. <br />now City. of Grand Island. Nebraska <br />STATEMENT ATIACHED <br /> <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />!'\TAMP TAlC <br /> <br /> <br />To 1111\'1> nud to 1101,11111' IIbu\'l' .)I'st'ribt'd JlTt'mises tlll-\'(.thpr with nIl tenements, hereditnments and appnr- <br />telllllll'es thert'lu bt'lulI~ilJl.:' uulu tht' I:ralltl'l' nlld to I:Tlwtt.t.'s hl~irs lUllJ ussil..rns forever, <br />AIlII thl' g'rlLlltor fllr ihwlf lIud its SIIC'l'l'ssnrN dlll'S lll'reb,y ('lJ\'enuut with the grantee and with grantee's <br />heirt; litHJ misi~lls thllt j.!ralltor is lu\\ filII)' sl'isl'd ur !'oonid prl'mis('Ii; thut the~' nfl' free from encumbrnnl.'e; <br />SubJect nowever to all easements of record <br /> <br />thnt g-rllulor hiLS j.!tlotl right liUt! IIIwfulllIJlhuri1y 10 ('O!"'I'Y thl' slime; und that grantor warrants and will defend <br />Ihe litl.. 10 Huid premises Il~nilu;l till' ll1wful (,ll1ims of 1111 JIl'rSlllHi whosoever, <br />1.11 witllt'SS wlll'reo!', J.rrlllJllJr Ins IIt'rt'UnlCl t'allHecl its corporate lieu I to be affixed and these presents signed <br />by its Prcliideul...,...J) <br />Dulcu October ~ _ lil78 <br /> <br />~TATE OF.. .NEBRAS.KA.. ....., ('OUl\t~. of... ..Hall. <br /> <br />... ~.~Y.o~.R. P.ACKIJ~' .CO.~WY;."':"" <br />Il~' .~m. ~/~.Presluent <br />Max M. Sny6eUr <br /> <br />Before lilt', n not.ur~' public qualified in l'ollid NIlHlt)', p('rs(lllllll~' came MAX M. SNVDEri. <br /> <br /> <br />President of <br /> <br />SNYDER PACKING COMPANY ,acorporntioll <br />known to me 10 IH.' tilt' Prl'sidc'nt. nnd id('lltil~lIlllt'r~wll wlln sil:lH'd the foreg'oiug- instrument, and ucknowledged the <br />eXI'cution thereof to be his \'olunlur~' llt't IIUlJ tlt't'd us Sllt'lI ofCiL,t'r 11tH! the \'nllllltllry /let llnd deed of Mid corpo. <br />rlltion and thllt its cnrpofltte sl'nl WIIS tJlt'Tt.tu IIffiXI'tl hy its nuthurit)', ....f) <br /> <br />'\ my hllOllrl'M! 'ER 1,,". .. Oct.Ob~2>'~;_","""" 19.?~... <br />~'\ ~~~~~A~~t:{'J,T/I~Y. -:-.-'."~~~,~,Notur}' Public. <br /> <br />I.l:" r.'-"',l.I'" ,'__' .~s {,J _______ .' <br />O.:tob~"~~; 1;;~"Q5 ~1~' commission expires,. ",'" ..."19..",, <br /> <br /> <br />\8TA~t;'9~;';" ..... .1 <br />,.' (' . [ss. <br />",.,:Vlu:tr r',';. -"':" <br />~ I:, ~ tlllor,.d (111 IUItIll'rit'ul incIi'x ulHl ml'd fur rel'ord ill I lie He~dster of DeeclH Officf> uf NUld ('flullty the <br />'I: -:,.. . .duy of'. , .,I!I .,ut". .u'eloclt undo minuII':! M., <br />;1, h!JII' ~l'urllt!r.l ~Il'!l'~.~k. of . .uljlll/':w <br />, . . <br />'r <br /> <br />HI'I-:' nf Il,-,'ds <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />JI"jlllt,\" <br /> <br />" I <br />