<br />:;t~, l":UC .4-
<br />
<br />88-106347
<br />
<br />~"S ~D OF TRUST. m.de Ihl. 21st d.y.' November . 19....a.!L- bV .nd .m.nw Larry J. Toner & Rose Ann :j:oner.
<br />whci.~s_.sY~lec/o Toners, In~.. 3721 West HillhwRl' #7 r.r"n~ Talan~;'"' &sOOl
<br />(hereln.''Tru.I,OC'''),Iind' ,BANK O~ WOOD RIVER , wh..e m.lllng .ddressp. O. Box 487, Wood River ",'NE
<br />68818, (herein .'Tru.,.... and "8enef,cl.ry"'. BANK OF WOOD RIVER 68883
<br />FOR VAlUABLE CONSIDERATION. Including the Ind.bledne.. Indentlll.d her.in .nd Ihe Iru.I h.r.ln cr..I.d. th., r.c.lpl .f which I. h.r.by
<br />ocknowledged, Tr'uslin' IrrevoCably granls. Iransfers. cOnveys. and assigns I. Tru.I....INTRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE. r.r the b.n.fil,.nd ,
<br />securlly of Beneficiary, under and subleclle Ihe terms end condltl.ns.f Ihls D.ed.f Tru.t. the real pr.perty descrlb.d os I.II.w..
<br />
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH. all renls. pr.llts. r.y.llles. Inc.m. .nd oth.r b.n.fil. d.riv.d fr.m Ih. r..1 prop.rly, .111..... or .ubl..... cov.ring Ih.
<br />real pr.p.rly.r any p.rll.n Ih.r..I. now.r herealler .xi,'ing or .nt.r.d Inl.. and all righl. litl. .nd Inl.r..' of Tru.t.r Ih.reunder, .11 in-
<br />leresl.. esl.l. or alh.r c1.im., b.lh in I.w and in .qully. which Tru.I.r n.w h...r m.y here.rter acquire In Ihe real pr.perly. all eo.emenls,
<br />rights-.'-way, lenemenls, her.dil.m.nl. .nd appurlen.nces Ihereol and Ih.relo, 011 .il and g.. rlghl. and profil', waler righl. and woler
<br />slock, all righl. IiIle and inl.resl.1 Tru,'.r. n.w .wn.d.r h.r..Iler .cquir.d, in and 10 any land. lying wllhin Ih.,righl-of-w.y of .ny ,'re.'.r
<br />highway adj.lning the r..1 pr.p.rly. any and .11 building.. IIxlures. impr.v.m.nl.. .rid .ppurlenonces n.w or here.Iler erecled Iher..n .r
<br />belonging ,herelo, {herein referred to os "Improvemenl" or "Improvemon's'.)i and any ond 011 Dwards. mode for the JDlcing by eminent domain
<br />... byCllJ'l pr.oc.eed'mg,or purcha.. in lieu there.I, .f Ihe wh.le or any port .r the r.ol pr.perly.
<br />All 01 IhdoregDing esl.'e, properly imd inlere.1 hereby c.nveyed I. Tru.I.e herein c.llectlvely relerred I. .. the "Pr.p.rty".
<br />(.),The Pawn.nl.llnd.M.dn... llvid.l1J:.d by Tru.l.r'. n.le .I.v.n d.I. h.rewilh in the principol.um.f
<br />. :,eventy thousand doUars D.llors (S 70,000.00 ,.
<br />
<br />logelher with inl.r..I 01 the rale.r ral.. pr.vlded th.r.in. (her.in. l.g.lh.r with any .nd.1I r.n.wal.. modillc.'i.n.. and .xten.i.n.there.f.
<br />rel.rr.d I. .. the "N.I.'" b.th principol and int.ni.1 .n Ih. N.t. b.ing poy.bl. In .ccord.nc. wllh the I.rm. .., f.rlh Ih.r.ln. r.lerence 10
<br />which Is h.r.by m.de. Ihe IInol poymenl .1 principal and inl.r..t, if n.I soon.r p.id .nd il no r.n.wal., m.dificali.n. .r exlen.i.n. or. mod..
<br />due and pay.bl. on Februarv 1. 1989
<br />(b) Th. perrormonc. .f .och .gre.ment.nd c.ven.nl.f Tru.lor h.rein c.nl.in.d, .nd
<br />lc' The poym.nl 01 any .um.r .um. .1 mon.y with inlerestther..n which may be here.fter poid.r advanced und.r Ih. lerm. .f this Deed .f
<br />Trusl. .
<br />(dJ Th. paymenl .1 any future odYDnt.. n.c...ary 1. proletllhe .ecurily .r any fulure .dv.nce mod. .1 Ihe .pli.n .f the par lie., .nd
<br />Ie' The performance of an .bllgoll.n .'.ny .Iher pers.n nam.d in Ihi. Trusl Deed I. a beneficiary.
<br />1. P.,ml.I of PrlntIpel and Inlln.I. Tni.,... .h.1I pr.mptly pay when due Ihe princip.' .1 .nd inler..' .n Ih. indebl.dn... evidenced by Ihe
<br />N.te.and all .I,her thorges ond rees.. pr.vid.d in lhe N.,.. .nd Ihe principol.f .nd interest .n any Future Adv.nces ..cured by this Deed.f
<br />Tru.l.
<br />2. "arnnl, DI ntl.. Truslor is lowfur;y seized and possessed of good and indefeas.ible title and estate to the Properly hereby conveyed and
<br />hos lhe rlghll. gi.nl andcanvey the Properly, th. Pr.perly i. Ir.e .nd tI.or .r .1I1i.n. .nd .ncumbr.nc.. excepl lien. now of r.cord, and
<br />Tru"or 1ri1l......anl and d.r.nd the IiU. I.,h. Prop.rly agoin,' oil c1.im. and d.mond..
<br />3. ....,.......... Compll1mc. ..lIb ...... Truslor .hallke.p Ih. Pr.perly in g..d conditi.n .nd rep.ir .nd .holl n.' c.mmil w..'. or perr)1i1.
<br />impairment or d~terlorolion of the ProPerty and sholl complv with the proyislons or any 'ease if this Deed of Trust is on 0 leasehold. ND improve.
<br />menl now or hereafter ereeled upon Ihe Property shall be oUered, removed or demolished without the prior wril1en consenl of Deneflciory.
<br />Tru.lor 5hoIlc:ompiy wilh 011 low.. .rdinanc.s, regui.'i.n.. c.venonl.. condili.ns .nd r.slricti.n. .ffecling the Prop.rly and nol c.mmir. .uffer.
<br />or perini. any ad ,~o .~d~ In or ~,he Properly in ylolatlon of any low. ordinance, regulation, covenont. condition or res.riction. Trustor
<br />shoU ollmplele, or''''Iorepnllflptly and in good workmanlike manner any improv.m.nl on Ih. Property which m.y b. domaged.r deslr.yed and
<br />pay. when dllll. oil clolm. for 10'b0r performed and m.I.riol. lurni.h.d th.r.l.r. and f.r any aUer.n.n. Ih.re.l.
<br />4. ........ T;v,'or,-lil Us expense, will mainlain wilh In.urors appr.ved by 8.n.llciory. in.uranc. with r..p.cl 10 th. Impr.vem.nl. .nd
<br />ptll'sonol properl,. cOnstlMIng'lhe Property. cigoinst los. by fire, Iighlnlng. loriIOd.. and .Iher p.ril. .nd h.lOrd. c.vered by sl.nd.rd exlended
<br />covinige ondorsemenl, lJiM CIIlIOIII1I equol t. .1 le..1 one hundred percenl .f the fuU r.pl.cein.n! v.lu. Ih.r.of .nd In.uranc. ogoin.t .uch
<br />alher hotard. and in such am.unt. os i. cu'Iomarlly comed by .wn.rs ond aper.'or. .f .Imul.r properlles .r .. B.neflci.ry m.y require for il.
<br />pr...tllon. Tru.tor will comply wilh such .th.r requirements .. Beneflci.ry m.y Irom time I. time reque'I '.r Ih. pr.lectlon by In.ur.nce of Ihe
<br />1n1...I. .llhe respetlift parties. All insur.nce polici.. mainl.lned pur.u.nt ,. Ihl. Deed .1 Tru'l .hull nume Tru.t.r .nd nenelieiory "' in.
<br />suredt, at 'hllr rMpettl.. Intere.ts may !JPpeor. and provide thai there shall be no contellotion Dr modificollon wlthoul 110 leu than t 5 day!
<br />prior wrillen notificalion 10 8eneficlary. In lhe evenl any policy her.under i. n.1 r.newed on.r bef.re 1 S d.y. prior to it, expir.tlon dule.
<br />IenIficiarr mar pocure suc.h insurant. In accordance with lhe provisions of parograph 7 hereof. Truslor 5holl deliver to Beneficiary rhe onginol
<br />poI"lI:ill Dr insurance and renewals ther.af or memo top1.s of such ralid,s Dlld renewals thereof. roilurC! to furnish surf, insurance by Trustor. or
<br />rene1l1llus required hereundlf Ihall, allh. apllan al 8enelldary, ConllilUlto d.1QUII.
<br />