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<br />Sl8te 01 Nebrallk8 <br /> <br />88- 1083a3 <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />FHA CI.. .... <br /> <br />321-12B2942-203 b <br /> <br />'I1dI M...... made and execuled this 28th day or November <br />19 88 . by and between David A. Friedricksan and Patricia A. Friedricksan, each in his and her <br />own right. and as spouse of each other, <br />of !be CouD1J of Hall . and State of Nebruka. party of the rust put, hereinafter coJIed <br />!be MorIPP. and Tha Equitable Building and Loan Association, 113-115 North Locust Street <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />. oorporatIon orpnlred and aIIIinII under the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />pony of the sec:nnd pan. b:reInafter coJIed the MortPSee. <br /> <br />~ 1baI\be said Mor\II&Or. for and In colllideradon or \be I1IB1 of Thirty Thousand Nine Hundred and <br />no{100 ________________________________________________.DoUan ($ 30,900..00 l. paid by the Mort- <br />ppe, \be receipt of wbIt:b II herebY acImowJedaed. bu Grante<l and Sold and by these praents does Granl. Dupin. SeD. Convey <br />and ConfiJm unto the Mortp&ee. ill sua:asors and auianI. forever. \be followins-<lesc:ribed r=I estate, sIlUate<lln \be County of <br />Hall . and SI8Ie of Nebruka, \0 wil: <br /> <br /> <br />Lot Three (3). Block Ninety-one (91). Wheeler and Bennett's Fourth Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />of !be SIsIb PriDdpol Meridian. CCIIIIIIniDI in all <br /> <br />acres ......-.liDl1O Oovernment 1UI'YOl': <br /> <br />To aa.. ... To 110M \be premiscs above described. with all \be _U\1eDIDceI \hemIDIO beIoDIInI and incIudInI all beaIlaa. <br />pIIIatbiDa ud IiIltthtI r_ ud equipmaI1 _ or hereafter IIII8dIod \0 or wed In coauection wiIb said reo! estate unto \be Mort- <br />....... ud 10 iII_ ud usJaaI, forever. 1be MortPIM repn:sents tAl. ud covaww' wiIb, the MCJrtiIPe, IbaI the Mort- <br />..... bas aoad rilbtlO oeII and convey said premiscs; IbaIIh:y .... fra: from _braDCe;. ud IbaI the MortPIOI' wID warranl and <br />dercDd !be _ apIDIl the lawfUl cIaimI of all perIOIII _ and \be said MortPIM hereby reIInquiIIIeI all rIIhts.of <br />bamrIU:Id. ad all awitaI rIIhts. c:iIbr:r In law or in equity. and all oIber CII\IIIn&l:III intereIU of \be MorlPJIlr in ud 10 \be above- <br />daI:Ilbod premiIcs. the lD\eIIllOI1 beIDI tAl convey bacby atI .-Iure title. in fee simple. incIudInI all rIIhts of bomeIlC8d. and oIber <br />riIbU and _ .. afORllld. <br />........ AhnoJI, and IbeIe presenII are eucuted ud delivered _\be followiD& coadIlioaI. \0 wiI: <br />1be Mortpaor _ \0 pay the MorIppe. or emIer. the principo1l11B1 of Thirty Thousand Nine Hundred and <br />no{100 _______________________________________________J)oUan~ 30.900.00 l. <br />wiIb iataeIt from dIIe Il\be rate of Ten and Dne-Half .. ....IUDI ( 10,5 'l\l .. onnUID on the <br />~ boIIId IIIIIi1 paid. 1be said priDcipaI ud _ sball be payable Il!be orr... of Tha Equitab1a Building and <br />loan Association. <br />Itt. Grand Island. Nebraska . or III11Ch oIber p\lce as \be holder or the note <br />maydell,plleltt wrltiq. in IDOIIlhly iDI\llUmlIIlI of Two Hundred Eighty Two and 66/100 ------------------- <br />_____________.DOIIIn (S 282.66 . T. coiDment:ID& on \be IIi1t Clay of January 1, ' <br />19 89 . ud aD !be IirII day of each IDOIdh thereafter until the principal and _ .... fully paid, eIIlOpllbal\be rmol payment of <br />pritIcipII aDd inIaeIl. if _ sooner paid. sball be due and payable au \be IirII day of Decamber <br />20 18 ; aD ...ordiq tAl !be tenDI of 0 certaiD promissory note of ..... dIIe hereWith eucuted by \be said Mor\II&OI. <br /> <br />11lla Ionn 10 _ In eonMCIIon with ~ t_ under liII. one-to Iour-lemlly progrwne of the National. Houelng Acl which p.... <br />_lor periodic _ __ _I"", paymenta. .r g Q a .... .~ <br />__ Edl_ AID Obeolele U .; HUlHz,aM CHI_1 <br />PIlge 1 01 . 2. CFR 203.17(b) <br />