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<br />88-106318 <br /> <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br /> <br />84750-1-20 <br /> <br />'THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIOER Is modi this 28th doy 01 November 19BB , and <br />III InCOlJlOl1lted Into and shoJI bl deemed to amlllld and supplomllllt the, Ooed 01 TNst or Security Oeed ("Mo~gege", of even <br />date horewfth, glvllll by the und....lgned ("Mo~glgor" to socu'" Mo~g.gor's Adjustable Rete Note ("Note", 01 even dati herewith, to <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCL-\.TION OF LINCOLN ("Mo~gagee", <br />covering the promls" d..C1ibed In the MO~~lle end located et 4328 West Capital Avenue <br />Grand Island, Nebraaka 68803 <br /> <br />~'.,' <br /> <br />Nolwlthstandlng anything to the contrary set lorth In thl Mortgage, Mo~gagor and Mo~gsgee hereby eg,ee to the following: <br /> <br />1. Under the Note, the initial steted Interest rate 01 Nine per centum I 9.000 %) <br />per annum ("Inltlal. Interest Rate" Dn the unpaid principal balanCB Is subject to change, II herelnsfter described. When the Interest <br />ra1e changes. the equal monthly Instal1ments of pMclpaJ and Interest also wlU be adJusted. as hereinafter provided. so that each <br />Installment wiD be In an amount neces:wy to fully amortf:ze the unpaid principal balance of the Note. at the new adjusted Interest <br />rate. over the remainlng term of the note. <br /> <br />2. The nrat adjustment 10 the Interest rele (ll any edJustment III required) win be effective on the firat day of. January <br />1990 , (which dall will not be I..s than twelve months nor more than elghteen months from the due date of the first In- <br />stellment paymllllt under the Note), and thereoner eech edjuslmenllo the Interest rele will be made effective on thet day 01 eech <br />succeeding year during Ihe tenn of thl Mo~gagl rChangl Oate'1. <br /> <br />3. Each adjustment to the Interest rate will be made based upon the faUawing method af employing the weekly average yield on Unit- <br />ed SIal.. Treasury Securities adjusted to a constant maturily 01 one year ("Index"; the Index Is published In the Federal Resel'lle <br />ID!l!!!!!I and madl ovoJlable by the UnUed Steles Treasury Oepartment In Statistical Release H,15 {51 B)). As 01 each Change Cate, <br />It wiD be detennined whether af not an Interest rate adjustment must be made, and the amount of the new adjusted Interest rate, <br />If any, IS follows; <br /> <br />(a) The amounl 01 thl Index wiD be detennlned. using the most recenlly availa!lle figure, thirty (3D) days before the Change Oate <br />("Currenl Index'1. <br />(b) 250 poreentege points I 2.500 %; thl "Margln'1 wiD be added 10 the Current Index and the <br />lum of this addiUon wW be rounded to the nearest one-eighth of onl3 p'ercentage point (0.125%). The rounded sum, of the <br />Morgin plus thl Curronllndex, will be called the "Calculated Interest Rate" fo' each Change Oate. <br />(c) Thl Calculatld Interest Rate will bl compared to thl Interest rate belng earned Immediately prior to the current Change Oate <br />(Iuch Int","lt rotl being coIed Ihl ''Eldsting Int...., Rate". Then, the now adjusted Interest rate, If any, will be detennlned <br />II fonows: <br />(l) II Ihl Calculaled 1nl....1 Rate Is Ihl same .. thl ExlsUng Int","st Ratl, thl Interest rete will nol change. <br />(11) If tho dlfllllnce botwoen thl Calculated Intfint Rste and thl ExIsting Intereal Ratl Is I..s than or equal to one percent- <br />age point, the now Id)usled Intfi..t ratl wiQ be squ.lto Ihe Calculated IntentSt Retl (subject tD thl l110ldmum ailowoble <br />changl ovlI' thl tonn 01 thl MO~glgl 01 flvl percentegl points, In eIIher direction, from thl Inltlallnteresl Rate, herein <br />coIed the "5% Cop'1. <br />(Ill) "the Calculated Interesl Rate excseds the ExIsting Interast Ratl by mo", Ihan onl poreentege point, the now adjusted <br />Int....t rail wlU be squalto onl percentegl polnl higher than thl ExlsUng Intl",st Rite (subject to thl 5% Cap). <br />(Iv) If the Calculated Interest Rate Is less than the ExIsting Interest Rate by more than one percentage point, 1he new adJust- <br />ed Interest role wlU be squol to onl percentegl poinl less than the ExIsting Int"",sl Rail (aubJect to the 5% Cap). <br />(el) Notwithstanding anything contelned In this Adjustabll Rate Rider, In no evllllt will any new ad/usted interesl rate be more than <br />flvl percentsge (5%) points higher or lower than thl Inil101 Interest Rate. "any Increasl or decreasl In Ihe ExIsting Interest <br />Rale would caUSI Ihl new adjusted Interest retl to exceed the 5% Cap, the now adjusted Interest rete will be limited to five <br />percentege (5%) polnto higher or lower, whichever Is applicable, than the Inil101.lnterest Rltl. <br />(e) Mo~glgee will porlonn the functions required under SUbparagrapha 3(1), (b) and (cJ 10 dotennlnl the amounl of the new adJust- <br />ed rote, If any. MY auch now Idjusted Interest rete will become effective on the Change Oate and thereafter will be deemed to <br />bl the Exllllng Interest Ratl. Thl new ExIsting Intoresl Rate wiD remain In effect unIB the next Changl Oate on which the Inter- <br />esl ratl Is adjusted. <br />(~ Thl method set fo~h In Ihls Paragraph 3 of this Adjusted Rato Rider, lor dotennlnlng whether 0' not an adjustment musl be <br />modi to thl Exlsllng Interest Rail Incorporales thl effeclo 01 the provisions 01 24 CFR 203.49 (e) (1) and 234.79 (e) (1) which <br />require that changes in the Index In l!XC2SS of one percentage point must be carrfed over fOf inclusion in adjustments to the <br />Exlsllng Inleresl Roll In subssouenl yeoro. <br />(g) n the Index IS no longer available, Martgllgee wiI be required to use any Index presaibed by the Department of Houling and <br />Urban Dwolopmenl. Mo~gogee will notlly Mo~glgor in writing of any such lubslltull IndIX (giving all noces""Y Infonnollon <br />lor MOl1gogor to obleln luch Index) and anII' thl dati 01 IUch notloe thl lubo1ltu\l Index wiU bl deemed to bl thl Index <br />henunder. <br /> <br />4. (I) If thl Exlsllng Inl....1 RoIo chong.. on any Changl Olio, Mo~gaDee will rocalculale Iha monthly InsleUmont plymento of princi- <br />pal and InIontsIlo _I thl omount which would bl nocosaery 10 repoy In full, on the moturily dall, thl unpaid principal balance <br />(which unpaid pJlnclpal boIonco wiI be deemed to bl thl amounl dul on auch Change Oetl ..sumlng there hla been no dlfautt In <br />any _I on thl Nolo but d _to on thl Notl hovI been leken Into lceount), 01 thl now Exlsllng Int...1 Rltl, In equal <br />_IV _to. On ,W bel"", thl Changl Oota, Mo~gagee will give Mo~gogor wriIlen notico {"AdJustmont Notice" 01 any <br />chongo In thl ExIo1Ing Intorosl Rate and of thl rovIoed amount of thl monthlV InsleUmlllll poymlllltS of principal and InleresL calcu. <br />_ IS pnwIdod obovo. Each Adjutltmln1 Notice wiI lot torth (l) thl dotl thl Adjustment Notice II given, (11) thl Changl Oatl, <br />\lIl \he __ ExIIllng _ Roll .. Idjultod on thl Chongl Oltl, (Iv) thl amount .1 thl Id/ualed monthly InsleUment payments, <br />_ .. __ obovl, (v) thl Curron! Index, (vi) thl method 01 colculallng Ihl IdJuStmllllt to thl monthly Instollment psy- <br />__ end (vii) any other Infonnotlon which may bl ,oquintd by law from limo 10 1Int1. <br /> <br />FHA ANI -.... 711A <br /> <br />Pa;. 1 tit' 2 <br /> <br />.r ~lr!J J ,. <br />