<br />'0. Th.'" odd_ _uri!y. Truitor hereby gl... to and conien.upon.BenetlClary tho right powar. and authority, during the COl]1iiiuonc8 of Ihl. Tru.t to
<br />collect the property Income.11I&llMng to Truotor the right, prior la aoyd.fauit by Trustor In paym.nt of .ny Ind_n... ..cured_by or In parlonnance 01
<br />
<br />~7fu~;:~:.t~~,:,r,:t~~,0~~~~~~ ~: ::::r.:'::~,'~:,,~= i:v~~: ~'d" ~~~e:'r::~~d yg~;a ~7~~~~ydg:~~; :C~~~':07~:Yn~~~rlo~:;
<br />horebL:tf&.~nd Iak. po.....lon 01 said. .p,roPMtY. ., or I. ny, PI.". Ih. oreD... . 1;'1_" h...'.. ,D~.. .nom. ..... sue fO. r. . o. r." otherwise collect such pro. p"rty Income,
<br />Incluce d un,,~ and apply the same, lea ooata and ..pen... of operation Bnd 'coUec1lon. Including reasonable attorney's fees. upon Bny
<br />Ind.bIlili ,"In such ord.,.s Benetlcl.ry-may dOlannlne.Th. enbirlnguponandlaldngpoOaesslon 01 said prop~;th.collefl!onof
<br />such property Income. and the application thereof 8S afo~~. shin not cure of'walve I;n)',deifaulto.r-ncrtlce of TrUstae'e sale hereunder or Invalidate any act
<br />done pursuant to such notice. ::::';~,:~/"{'_'. ~:_:;:-~~,:,::;: ;i \\ \..~.,". ,~.; \'~~~~':.~',.2:'::;;~'~,,:,;;}:'>,'_i,~:ij' ;:X~~rN:~ ' ' .
<br />~in:fl%~~~~':n~":'~~~:J': :.~v~n:~~~~i\l'~:' :'1';':::~;~~~~~.f:~~'[=J'r:=I.:.=r~Jl:d'rr~~~d I.IY, .....,
<br />12. That upon default by Trus10r hi' "~~~~~t~~:~~ ~I~d_~)-~~e~rh~~y~~r~l~ .p8i1~~..ri~(ot:~~~'y;;a~:~'m~ri~',~'~ti'ri;;" ';.'
<br />notica of rightlo cu,. .nd f.llure to cure, ."oppIlCablli/declere all oumuecured. ~.~ Immedlelaly.du. and pay.bl.by.d.llvery19 .
<br />thereot. setting forth the nature thereof,'and'of.election,to cause,to be sold SaId propert.)"under thJ~ D8ed ot~Tru~t.'ljien~~CI8ry:.also' -TnJstee:,
<br />thl. Deed otTrust. said nole{s), .n~~',~~~~~cf'f'F!~~ "'1I8')~llll~~r8d h.;"~. :.i .'):\ ../.:c:':..>-:i.: ... . . "l"':';:
<br />Trusl8tl shall record snd glvti'iloticiorTru81e8.....'.I.-th. inaririar requlred'byolaw.and'aft8rlh.,.j>s. pl.ilCh.tJm.....m.y,th.n;b...raqllired.IJy.I.W;"..:.
<br />Trust.. sh.lls.lI. In th. msnne, requlrodb)' Ievi.said.ProP.rty'. pti~II"-J1uclii>n.t 1he.~m:e .~d'pI.C..fl~ed by It in sal~.notlce .01 crruatila:O:saj.1O tIle't1!gh!"l!:' ,.
<br />bldd., lor C8:lh In lawlul money o!tho U.nllad ~tao;payabl..ot~m. "'saie:TruI!iee1nayp.ostpqn. orcontlnu.th..saI. by givl~g-~otI~ o!p~stpqn.!II.n!o':...._
<br />continu.nce by public declareflon.atll!8.ti"",.an~ p!~lsajappoln1.dlo,th'B!lle,.Tru_$hall d.llYo, to OUch pu,j:haa....1ta Dee<l:oon~ng,f!le PO:\>I'8'1Y'lIO:/..
<br />said. but wtthoutany covenant or ~~trr,~~'-~~ Implied. ~y.peraons,I~~Udlng,Triietor; Tru~i ~!-.~,~,~:ry':~~ ~(r~:"p~,8UC:~,~~: \~,,'- ~>,: ';': .
<br />Attar deductIng all costs. fees.'~nd:8XPe:risB&:~:Tri.8~B'_and of this Trust. Including cost of evldence,~of.tfUeJi1"'Co;U'~DiFwitri Bale snd r~!Jnable
<br />attorney's tees to the exlent permlned bYJaw, TrUstee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment of: Alllums the.n,eecu.red,.......by and alrother_aumj ~ue,.: "!-
<br />under the terms hereol. with aqcrued Interest; and the remainder; if any, to the person or persons legally entitled theretO, or as p.ovJctectln' ttR.S." S7~'1~l-1~ ::ro.::;'-~'
<br />the extent permitted by law, an action may be maintained by Beneflclary to recover a deficiency Judgment tor any ~anC8 due ~~~~ . .:',:'-, ~"7i:;" _.-,'.'?,' - . '"\
<br />13. That In the event at default. the remedies provided in this Deed are not exclusive of other remedies available to BeneficiarY and'T~steB u'nderthe law.'
<br />14. That Beneficiary may appoint a successor Trustee In the manner prescribed by law. A successor Trustee herein shall, without conveyance from the
<br />predecessor Trustee. succeed to all the predecessor's title. rights. powers, and duties. Trustee may resign by mall or delivering nolice thereat to'Beneficlary
<br />and Trustor.
<br />15. That, this ~ :01 Trust applies to, Inures to the benefit of. and binds all parties hereto, their heirs. legatees, devisees. administrators. executors,
<br />successors; and Uafgns. The term Benefic1ary shall mean the owner and holder of the note{s) secured hereby, whether or not named as BeneficIary hareln. In
<br />this ~ of Tru~_whBnever the co~textao requires. the masculine gender Includes the feminine and neuter. and the singular number lncludea the plural.
<br />16. Th.at T.rustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust. duly executed. and Bcknowledg9d, Is made a public record as provided by law. Trustee 1& not
<br />obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other;Deed of Trust or at any action or proceeding in which Trustor. Beneficiary, or Trustee
<br />shall be a party unless brought by Trustee.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />The undersigned Trustor requests that a copy of any notice of Trustee's sale hereunder be mailed to him at his address set torth above.
<br />
<br />~U~ ~~.hC~
<br />/ ~810' J Truato,
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<br />Onlllie)8~ dayot jI.J"".._kr
<br />duty commlaalonecl and qualified tor end In said stala and county. peraonally cama :r ,. h ~
<br />\.,....,,\,...-J. ;:;"...J w..('c.
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<br />. 19 ~. beIonl me, the undenigned . Notluy Public,
<br />E""s~......."", -::r,... c.....J Ko..., IC\ .f'4'i-+~""'" ,
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<br />to me known to be "'" ldenticel_ or pe~n. whoae n.mol. or n.mes ere _ to tIl. foregoing lnstrumant and acknowledged th.lIlUICIllIon th.reof
<br />10 be hili, her or _ voluntary ectand __
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<br />_ my han~ and NoIarIaJ SeoJ IIle day and year I... above wri1len.
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<br />Donald W. Wa1ters
<br />325.W. 4th
<br />P.O. Box 514
<br />Grand Is1and. NE 68802
<br />(308). 382-4520
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