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<br />
<br />I.,~
<br />~....
<br />
<br />Loan ....~?~~.1..............~............~.~...
<br />N__ Dr. 'JYp.
<br />
<br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the iDdebtedness secured by the Trust Deed ezecuted by ..!?~~?:.~..~.~..~~~~!:,:..?~~...~~?nie
<br />
<br />88- 106266
<br />, N~ 3580
<br />
<br />..._.........~..~~.?~~.~...~~~~.~~~..~:':I.~..~.~.!~...................................................................,................................................"........,...;
<br />
<br />to ........:!.?!!~~~...~~...~!!~~.'!:.............................................. as Trustee for tbebenefit of ...,;!!~~...!~~.~..~~~~~~~..~
<br />
<br />
<br />", ,'-', '
<br />..._......._~~..~~!?~~~.!~~..!?~..!-=!~~~~.......................................................................... tbeBerieficiary named ih8rem;
<br />dated ......~r....~.!...!.~.~~..............,.... Bnd recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of ........~~~.~..................,........
<br />County. Nebraska, in Book....XXXX......./ as Instrument Number.84.~OO2J.2:r' on Microfilm Ron Number......XXXL......
<br />
<br />I'
<br />i,
<br />,
<br />i
<br />1i
<br />
<br />Page......lWCt......... has been paid. and said Beneficiary has requested in writing thBt this Deed of Reconveyance be
<br />encuted and delivmed as confinned by its endol'l!eD1ent below;
<br />NOW THEREFORE. in considemtion of such payment and in aCl:Ordance with the request of the Beneficiary named
<br />therein, the undemigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release and reconvey to the person or
<br />peIIIODB ....titled thereto Bll the interest and ..tate derived to said Trustee by or through said Trust Deed in the
<br />following described premises but only as to such premia..:
<br />
<br />i;:.
<br />! '
<br />('
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4), in Capital Heights Sixth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />DATED: ...JiIo"ember...18~n19BB..."....n...
<br />88.
<br />COUNTY OF ....LANCASTEIl..................
<br />
<br />TRUSTEE:~n..c:i..~.....
<br />
<br />OD this .lath...... day of ....:Nl:lltemher............... 19..aB....before the undersigned, a Notary Public duly COmmissiODed
<br />
<br />
<br />and quali6ed for BAid County. pcroonally canie .................. ...7.aaepb...H.....I\\\llilmL.........................;...................................
<br />as Trustee, to me known to be the identical person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument Bnd
<br />. reaf to be his voluntary act and deed as sucb Trustee.
<br />J:-~......
<br />IlIEIlIm.lL wW.
<br />
<br />y ~":..........._....... "_n.. .' qynnP J:::2...i..!JJ.ii..... N_ "'bU,
<br />This is above named Trustee bas been ;;~::;.~:ng to execute the foregoing Deed of
<br />BecoM.... .....r:Ain doing ;;:s~c:~:~~=~~ns ~:;:~~~OCIATIO OF LINCOLN
<br />~~.. .~~ ~~
<br />~~i INCORPORATED ~~~ By: ...p..........f.?..... .. . .. .. . .. .... ::.......
<br />i,Yi\ 1907 !Siii ( . PRESlDEJt.'T
<br />ST~RAS~.{:;:i }
<br />e. .., ,-_~L .'c.... On this ...~Bl;h.:. day of .....Ilg.V.~~.!'.:.:....:' 19..!!!L. befo!"
<br />CO ~~........,,:"".7"'.... me, the undel'81gned. a Notary Public m and for BBld
<br />?:~ ,,', ;~ .~.....:...:.7..;:...h..!r.:...~!?!!E!!~.~!>.L.................................................. of F"ust Federal Sa~gs
<br />
<br />, f~ 1can AsaoCia~ of Uncoln, tt. me personaIly ~own to be the ....._!?r.!'..!!~E~J;............................ and identica1
<br />~'penpq, ~ JIl!ImI.1S alIiied to the above foregomg mstrumeot and acknowledged tbe executioD thereof to be his
<br />~,""hiii!B9: a.....d'deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and deed of the BAid First Federal Savings and Loan
<br />""AaOiiiatiilli;of Iiheoln. .", Q
<br />\~- m ,.'~..,...:9Y.~U~.._..........., 19.JR.. ..r;;:Jf;/lj)J l............&J.alJL....... Notary Public
<br />t :"~ 1, =.~.~Q'-
<br />
<br />IiPGlM.Eoi_l4.I!lS2 egister of Deed. Indez When recorded to be retUT,",d to:
<br />
<br />N_
<br />
<br />]
<br />
<br />~
<br />:,,!
<br />
<br />. ~
<br />
<br />Deed of Reconveyance
<br />This release 01 -.... must be recorded
<br />promptly III the oHice 01 the Recorder lor the
<br />County where the properly is located 10 satisfy
<br />the lien of record.
<br />
<br />A d"..ge of S15.00 will be made for duplicate
<br />rel&Blel.
<br />
<br />SU.I A
<br />
<br />"O.IkD.,_;;.
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