<br />88-"~ 1062J3
<br />
<br />NON. UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrow.r and Lender lurther covenant and agree as lollDws:
<br />19. Acceleralloll; Remedies. Leader lball II'. aollce to Borro".r prior to a_leratloa follD"lng Borro"er's
<br />breacb or 1111 coftaot or qrtIllleatln tltll Securl17la1trumea1 (but not prior to ateeleratlon under paragraphs 13 and 17
<br />aaIea.IIpJlUeable la" pro"dll otltenrlle). lb. nollce lball epeelfy: el) 1h. default; (b) the action required to cur. Ihe
<br />derull; Ie) a dale, noli... tIwt 30"'" from tbe date the notice II lI,en to Borro"er, hf which the default mUlt be cured;
<br />and lei) tlttdlllllwe to cure tlt. derault oa or before tlte date apeclfted la tlte notice maf result In a_leratloa or the IU...
<br />aecared:br "II Security IlIItnuIIent IIId lIIe of Ibe Properly. lbe notiCe lballl'urlher Iitfonn' Borro"er of the rlgb1to
<br />reIaItata after ~Ieratlon IIId tlte rlgbtto brlag a c:oart action to assert Ibe non..xlatenee.of a derault or lIIy.o1her
<br />defellleof Borrower to _Ieratlon IIId lIIe. Iflbe defaullll aot cared oa or before the dale speclfted la Ibe aotlee, Lender
<br />at III optloa ...,. require Immedlale plfmeat In full of IIII111J11l1 _ured bf' 1bIII Securltf Ialtrumeat wllbout furl her
<br />demIJId IJId IIIIIY Inroke the po"er of lIIe IUd lUy olber remedlll permitted bf applicable law. Lender shaUbe enlltled to
<br />c:ollect ..hllpellHS Incurred In pUl1ulnglbe remedies pro,lded In thlll parqrapb19, locludlug, butaolllmlted to,
<br />_nable altDme)'l' fees and c:osII of till. ..Idence.
<br />If Ibe power of lIIe Is In,oked, Trus1ee shill record a aotlce of derault la each counl)' In "blcb anf 'part' of the
<br />Projlerty II located IJId shall mall c:oplu of auch,notlce lu Ibe mlMer prescrIbed by applicable law to Borro"er and to 1he
<br />olber penona prescribed by applicable law. After Ibe time reqolred by applicable Isw, Trus1ee sball give publiC uollce of
<br />lIIe to Ibe pel100 and In tbe manner prescribed bf applicable law. Trustee, wltbout demand ou, Borrower, shall sell the
<br />Properly lit plibllc auction to tlte blgbest bidder at the lime and place and under the lerms designated In the notice 01 sale In
<br />oue or more parcels and lu anf order Truslee de1ennlnes. Trustee maf pos1pon. sale of all or anf p.arcel of 1he Properly bf
<br />public announcement at Ibe time and place of any pr..louslf sebeduled sale. Lender or Its designee may purchase Ibe
<br />Properly at anf sale.
<br />Upon receipt of plJlllent of Ibe price bid, Trustee sball dell..r to Ibe purchaser Trustee's deed con..ylng the
<br />Properly. lbe recitals In1be Trus1ee's deed sball be prima Iscle ..Idence of tbe trutb of Ibe stalements made Ihereln.
<br />Truslee sballapply the proceeds of Ibe sale In Ibe following order: (s) 10 all expenses of tbe sale, Including, but not limited
<br />10, Trustee's fees u permlUed by applicable la" and reuonable aUorne)'S' fees; (b) to all sums secured bf tbls Securilf
<br />Inatrum.nl; and Ie) any excess to lb. penon or penonslegD\ly enlltled to It.
<br />20. Lender In 1!0.....lon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonmenl 01 th. Prop.rly. Lender (in
<br />pelSon, bf ag.nt or by judiciallf appointed receiver) shall be .nlitled to enter upon, lake possession 01 and manage th.
<br />Property and ID collectlhe rents 01 Ihe Property including those past du.. Any renls collecled by Lender or Ihe rec.iv.r
<br />sball be applied filStto payment of Ihe COSIS 01 managemenl 01 Ihe Property and colleclion Df rents. including. bul not
<br />limited 10, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonabl. allomeys' fees, and then 10 th. sums secured by
<br />this Securily Inslrumenl,
<br />21. Recon,efance. Upon paym.nt of all sums secured by this Security Inslrument, Lender shall request Trustee to
<br />reconv.y Ihe Property and shallsurr.nd.r this SecurilY Inslrum.nl and all noles .vid.ncing d.bt secured by lhis S.curity
<br />Instrument to Truslee. Truslee shall recDnvey Ihe PrDperty wilhoul warranty and withoul charge 10 Ih. p.lSon or pelSons
<br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordalion costs.
<br />U. Subslltote Trustee. Lender. a1 its oplion. may Irom lime 10 lime remove Truslee and appoinl a successor truslee
<br />to any Truste. appoinled hereunder by an instrumen1 recorded in Ihe counlY in which Ihis SecurilY Inslrumenl is record.d.
<br />Wilhoul conveyance 01 th. Property, Ihe successor lruSICC shall succeed to aJllhe lille, pow.r and duties conI erred upon
<br />Trustee herein and by applicable law,
<br />23. Request for NolI_. Borrower requests 1hat copies 01 Ihe notices of d.Iaull and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />address which Isthe Property Address.
<br />24. Riden to tbll Securl17 InlItrument. If one or more ridelS arc executed by Borrower and record.d logelher with
<br />this Security Instrument. tbe coveaants and agreements 01 esch such rid.r shall be incorpomted into and shall amend and
<br />supplem.nl the covenanls and agreements 01 this SecurilY Instrument as il the rider(s) w.r. a part 01 Ihis S.curity
<br />Instrumenl. [Check applicable box(es)]
<br />D Adjustable Rate Ri~r D CondDminlum Rider D 1-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />
<br />D Gradua1ed Payment Rider
<br />
<br />D Planned Unil D.velopment Rid.r
<br />
<br />Q Olbcr(s) (specily] Acknowledgement
<br />
<br />BY SIGNtNG BELOW, Borrow.r accepts and agrees 10 Ih. I.rms and covenants contained in Ihis SecurilY
<br />Inslrument and in any rid.r(s) execUled by Borrow.r and recorded willi il.
<br />
<br />
<br />....... ~..Ci.?n......,~~................(S.al)
<br />Y'tlY y_ on -Bonower
<br />
<br />.....,a.~....,J."..~.....,....(Seal)
<br />Theresa J. Conn -lI<>rr..-
<br />
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County 55:
<br />
<br />On this 16th day DI November .19 88, bclorc me, th. undersign.d. a Nolary Public
<br />duly commissioned and qualified lor said county, personally cam. Jerry E. Conn and The;:esa J.
<br />Carin. Husband and Wife ,10 me known 10 be Ih.
<br />Id.nlical person(s)~hQse nam.(s) are subscrib.d to lhe loregoing inslrumenl and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be e1r vDluntary act and deed.
<br />Witness my hand and notarial s.al at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county. the
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />J:-_...."'-
<br />., c.a &""29. 1.
<br />
<br />To TauSTEE:
<br />The undersi.ned Is the liold.r of th. nolc or nDle. securcd by ,hj, D..d of Trust. Said 1I0lc or 1I0les, logelller
<br />with aU oth~r indebtednell'eC'ured by this Deed of TrUll, have been paid irrfuU. You arc hereby dlrecleJ In I."Rlled ..aiu
<br />note or naIra and this Deed of Trust, which .r~ dell\'C'r1:d hereby, Bud 10 reconvey, wilMmH warrant). nlllhe ,.."fale
<br />now held by you under Ihls Defll of TrUll to thr pc'non or pennm Icgolly enlitled lhereln.
<br />
<br />............e:..~..,./~..,..,."..,..,.,"
<br />NOlar)' Public
<br />
<br />U.le:
<br />