<br />......_IU'a:IAL WARMN" D&aD
<br />
<br />HIS- 106885
<br />
<br />CUUIM,,'IIlM,IM.IlDW'''M'
<br />
<br />BOW ALL ION BY TRBSJ: PJU:IlBNTS, Tbat.......\IlESTEIDLSECURI.T.IES...COMP.AN:Y......,...........
<br />
<br />........-..._,,;,..1_...-........-......... .......................................--................................-............-.........................-.......................... ...
<br />
<br />.....-..-...-....-....................-.........................-..............-...................-....-....................-............................................................
<br />
<br />........_......._.._....._................._......_.._...._...._..__...._.._._..._.........._....m..........-......, iD cooalderstioD 01 the Bum
<br />
<br />ol...m.....9li!';...QQ!<Io.i\J.LJ..u.,JlQJ_~nd...2.;her ..y.i!;!,~-'!!?l.!L9.!?E.~;id~.~J~!!........_..._...R~
<br />iD hand paid by.....A!?~!~ST!!~~~..QE:_~.1:~~~..M'~!.!!.~L..~~.~_.~.~.~.'?..'?..'.',~9.=-~.._.~E~....~~.!.gns
<br />ol....LanJ:::as.t.e.r....._...._COunty and Btate 01 Nebraaks, doea bsrsby Grant, Bargain, SoU and CODVey unto
<br />tbe asid....~MI~.!STRATC?~.._Q~_~_~~~....!'>.!'-~~!.~~...E.~~.....~~!?!?~.~=~.~-~~?:.-<:.~.:.~~..~=.~.-
<br />
<br />the followiDg described premlsea, Bituated in the County oL_.......Ha.l-1.._....._....._m.......BDd Btate 01 Nebraeka,
<br />
<br />to-wit:
<br />
<br />Part of the Southeast QJarter of the Southeast QJarter (SE1/4SE1/4) of Section
<br />'lWenty (20), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th
<br />P.M., More particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the
<br />Southeasterly line of Del Monte Avenue said point being 62B.0 feet
<br />sootmiesterly fran the Northwesterly =mer of Lot One (1) Block Five (5) Eel
<br />Air l\ddi.tion to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska; thence running
<br />southeasterly ~lel to the sootmiesterly line of said IA:>t One (1) a distance
<br />of One Hundred 'lWenty Six (1261 Feet thence running southwesterly [Brallel to
<br />the southeasterly line of Del Iohnte Avenue a distance of Sixty Six (661 feet;
<br />thence running northwesterly parallel to the Southwesterly line of said IA:>t One
<br />(11 a distance of One Hwrlred 'lWenty Six. (1261 feet; thence running
<br />northeasterly along and upon the southeasterly line of Del Iohnte Avenue a
<br />distance of Sixty Six (661 feet to the place of beginning, in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska;
<br />
<br />together with all ths teoemeDte, bereditamenta, and appurteoaoces thereunto belODging, and all the eBtate, right
<br />title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever 01 the BSid._......~~E..TER!'f....~~~!!.~E.!~~....~Q~.~.~.!..mm.........-.-.....,
<br />
<br />01, in, or to the aame, or any part thersol:
<br />TO HA VB AHD TO BOLD the above described prsmlsea unto the BSid grantee...... aDd to........._his..........heiJB
<br />lorever; and the saiJL............._~_~'!'.~!!.J:l...~~..<:~!!.!~~...~-~~.!'~~--...._............-.hereby COVeDaDte that BBid
<br />
<br />premises are lree and c1ear 01 alllieos and inoumbraoces...uo.excep!:...-eaS.ement.s.._...c.o~enant.s.,..aIIli......
<br />restr~~:i:..~!!!l~_~.!?E.~.E9:..................._.........._._____.....__.....-..--.........-.--.........--...........
<br />
<br />---.-..--.--.--.-.-..---...-.-...-.-..--...-.......-..........--....-....-.-.-.....-...-
<br />
<br />:'Cotmty 01 Milwaukee
<br />
<br />and it doeo hereby COVBD8Dt to WARRANT AND DEFEND the BBid prsmlsea against the lawful claima sDd
<br />demaoda 01 all perBODS e1almiDg by, through, Dr under it, aDd against DO other elaima or demanda.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WBBBBOI'....__the)l.._..have bereunto eet...tl1e.1r,.._.haDlls,.... thiB..._..lOtl~i;>::::~~rcdaY
<br />
<br />oL._~ember ..____.A. D., 19.~. .m<%. :s..~B!L ~}J~~q,~~~~~,~;::'..~'
<br />
<br />By.'. ..::12~~....Lb~......2....:...>
<br />KeDDet J, Polikowak:l,,?~"'~rPre9:idi!.i't.:'
<br />
<br />~6 ~~~'iRll:::':-~'~~':~?rWISjNSIN . . -~ D. ~', As""t;:1/~"X.~~.'~~~$t.,
<br />III. , .. .:'1bth N~ve;J,~r+ ; ., .
<br />OD tJDs;.:._'-----___dayol_.__.._...,,-_
<br />A. D.. 19....Jl.lL. blirore me, a.Notary Public in aDd lor BBid County, perarioa11y
<br />ll8IDll the sIiove ~Jenneth.::1' Poliko~~_~.2'.~e-~_~~.~!:~~~~_..~.~~
<br />{'bhH B ..F1e~, ^fs ' t V~CCff ~~:!lfi~fui~~];'.!.tj,g!?,S.Q..JtlMny
<br />whn ~oa11y: ImowB'itb IDS to be ths identical perllOD!L. whose
<br />ll8DIe are .m"", to" the above iDlItrumeot as graotor2_., aDd I
<br />they have~~ ......._......acknowledged eald iDlItrumSDt I
<br />. to \]0> their volun and he voluntary act I
<br />act .~.rgy~le 0 n. i ;..fa'J'='l.' II
<br />{2..; 'dJ ...~d.......Notary Public. 1'1
<br />ame a . e
<br />,My commiloion upireo D tbe_ZtlL...~ ...May.............A. D.dP~~7' ! 'I
<br />As;5UQr.j .& DII1UQY I
<br />'''III? T2 WI 00 ~!;: i Ii
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<br />.. ",t., ~
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