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<br />88- ~ 108929 <br /> <br />NON,UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender lurthercovcnant and agree aa lollows: <br /> <br />19. AeceIenIdDll; RelIIedIes. Leader IItaI1I1Yll aodce to Borrower prior to accetentlna foUowlq Borro"er'l <br />..... of..,. _t or..--at Ia l1lII SeeurlIJ IutntmeDt OIat oot prior to acceIeradon UDder puqrapU 13 end 17 <br />-- ."ucewe .... pnntdee odlenrilel. 11Ie Dotlce 1ItaI11p1Clfy: (II) the default; (Il) die IICdna nqoInd to cure die <br />defaaIt; (c). dale, DOt ... IUD 30 dap froat die IIale die Dottce IIIIYllII to Borrower, by ..bleb die default mUlt be cured; <br />ad (II) llIat fDllan to .- tile defu11 OD 01' befon the dale tpedI1ed Ia the DOtlce may rault Ia ICClJentlOD of the IWDI <br />IIClInd 11)' lIIIe SeeurIly IulntDIeDt _ ale of the Pnipertr. 11Ie Dottce IItaI1 farlIter lDfonD of die rlpl to <br />~ after .......don ad the rlIlbl to brIaa a coart 1ICd0D to ...n die DOD-ellilteDce of . defaull or ur other <br />def_ of Bonower to acceIeradon _ aJe.llthe defaull II Dot cared on or before die data tpedI1ed Ia die DOt!ce, LeDCler <br />at III opdoD l1li)" require Iatmedlate .-,-t Ia fDll of l1li_ MCIIl'ed br lIIIe Securlty IutntmeDI wldloul furdter <br />demad aDd Diay Ia9llU the po..... of ale IIId u,. otber retIIedlee permllUd br appllcable ..... LetuIer IbaJJ be <br />coUect l1li ...... l/ICIItI'ed Ia P1UDIaa the remedlu pnIrided ill lIIIe puqrapb Ill. IDclndlq, bot DOt UmIIed to. <br />reIIIOIUIbIeattorDIJI' feel __ ofdtle eridettce. <br />II the power of ale lllaYOUd, T_ IItaI1 recor1l a DOdce of defullill each COllJIty ill ..bleb ur part of the <br />Pnipertr IIlocaIed _...... maU copIu ofltldt aodce ill the lIWIIIer prescrlbed by app1lcab1e.... to Borrower ud to the <br />otber pet'IOIII prescrlbed by applicable ..... After the dma nqoInd br applicable ..... Tl'IIlItae ......11.. pubUe Dodce of <br />ale to the perIODI _ill die _ prescrlbed br applicable ..... TrtIItae, wlthoul dllllllld OD Borrower,lballeellthe <br />Pnipertr at public aDCtloD to the blgbeet bidder al the time aDd place ud UDder die terms desllID8led Ia die notice ofwe in <br />Dna or more parceb ad ill ar order TI'IIlIlee determloes. T_ mar postpoae we of l1li 01' ar parce1 of die Properly br <br />pubUe __eal aldle time ad place or IUIr preriooair lcbeduIed ale. Leader or III desI_ mar purchue lbe <br />Properly allUlJ"sale. <br />Upou recelpl of paytIIIIIt of die price bid, TI'lII1ee IbaJJ dellyer to die purcltuer TI'lII1ee'I deed eoDYllylDg tbe <br />Property. 11Ie redllls Ia the TI'IIlIlee'. deed IbaJJ be prima fade erideDCe of die trDtb of die ltatemeDlI made dlerein. <br />TI'lII1ee IbaJJ app1r the proeeeda of the ale ill die foUowlq onler: (I) to l1li ellJllllllll of die sale, IaeIndlq, but DOt UmIIed <br />to, TrIIIlee'I feel u perm1t1ed br appUcable la.. _ _able Iltnmep' fees; (Il) to l1li _ by lIIIe Securlty <br />1Dstmmeat;..... fe) an,. _ to the _ or penotIlIlep1Ir eatllled to It. <br /> <br />20. LetuIer iD ~ou. Upon acceleration under paragrapb 19 or abandonmenl 01 the Property. Lender (in <br />person. by agent or by judicially appoinled receiver) shaD be enlitled to enler upon. take possession 01 and manage the <br />Property and to collect l1!e rents 01 the Propcrly including those past due. Any rents collecled by Lender or lbe receiver <br />shaI1 be applied fil!lt10 payment of the costs of management of 1he Property and collection 01 rents, including. bUI not <br />limited to, receiver's fees. premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' Ices, and Iben to lbe sums secuncd by <br />this Security Inslrumenl. <br /> <br />21. Recon"Jlllce. Upon paymenl of all swns secured by Ibis Securily Instrument, Lender shall requcsI Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property and shaI1 sUl1'lllder this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing dcbl secured by this Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee.haD n:cDnvey Ibe Property withoul warranty and without ebarge to Ihe pcr50n or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shaI1 pay any recordation costs. <br /> <br />22. Subllltote TI'ItItee. Lender. at its option, may from lime to lime remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appoinled hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, Ibe successor II'IIlIlee shaI1 succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trusteeben:in and by applicable law. <br /> <br />23. ~ for Nollea. Borrower requcolll that copies 01 the notices 01 default and sale be sent to Borrower's <br />addras whil:h is the Property Addrea. <br /> <br />U. Rldera to lIIIe s-ru,. balrameDt. If one or more riden are executed by Borrower and recorded togctber with <br />this Security Instrument, the COVCDIUIls..... qreemcnts of cecb sueb rider shaI1 be incorporated into and sha1I amend aDd <br />SupplemCOI the covenants and agrecmenlll of tbis Security Instrumenl as if the ridcr(s) were a part 01 this Security <br />InstrumenL [Cbeck applicable box(ea)) <br /> <br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />o Gradualed Payment Rider <br /> <br />o PIatmcd Unit DevcIopmC01 Rider <br /> <br />~ ~~ ~pociIn Acknowledgement <br /> <br />BY StGNING BELOW. Borrower oecepts aDd agrees to the tenns and covenants contained in this Security <br />InstrtUllCllt _ in any rider(1) fUlCUttd by 1Iorrowcr..... rocorded with iL <br /> <br />~4.....':2:r~A4..................(Sea1) <br />~ ~~reY9!. ~ihm ~ <br /> <br />m...m~..~'/JjZAm....,.....-...-..~ <br /> <br />STAlE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />County 55: <br /> <br />On this 10 day of November . 19 aa, belore me, the undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duly colllll1issioned and qualified lor said county, personally came Jeffrey L. ~ihm and Kimberley <br />K. Illihm. Husband and Wife ----------------------------------------,to me known to be the <br />identica1 person(s) wbose name(s) are subscribed to the loregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof 10 be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witncss my hand and notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county, the <br />date aforesaid. ;? fi fI J <br /> <br />MYQ>m=:::~::-~e- [l~1 \.:.~~,...fb.~-fi... (~~? <br />_t.... o~,i,- <br />......_...12. _ REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br /> <br />The undersilned is the holder of the note or noles secured by this Deed of TrusL Said nou~ or notes. logelhef <br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. have been paid in full. YO\J'lllreNrcbY directed to cancel said <br />note or notes and this Deed of Trust. which are delivered hereby_ and to reconve~f~ ~tIi~-::arijmIY. allthl" e"'lale <br />now held by )"OU under this Derd of Trust 10 the person or persons legally ~nlitled thereto. <br /> <br />O.,e: <br /> <br />.t- ".:. · <br />
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