<br />Stale 01 Nebraaka Deed of Trust
<br />88- f 08221
<br />
<br />FHA e... No,
<br />321-128-1419-248 (b)
<br />
<br />". Deed orTnall ("Security Instrument") is made on November 18
<br />19 88 . The lrUSlor is Larry R. Winters and Terri L. Winters, Husband
<br />("Borrower"). Thelrus1eO is Arend R.
<br />
<br />and Wife
<br />8eack
<br />(''Trustee"). The beneficiary is
<br />, which is orpnill'd and existing
<br />Locust
<br />
<br />Home Federal Savin9s and Loan Association
<br />under the laws 01 Nebraska , and whose address is 221 South
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />("Lender").
<br />
<br />~ ThaI the Borrower in coosideration of the debt and trust hereinafter descn'bed and created, and the sum of One Dollar (SI), 10
<br />him in band paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents sran~ bargain and sell, convey and
<br />COIIfinn, unlO the Trustee in trust, with power of we, forever, &11 of the following described real ....te, situated lying and being in the County of
<br />Hall , and SIBte of Nebraska, 10 wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Nineteen (19), Sass Second Subdivision, being part of Section Fourteen (14),
<br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is incorp-
<br />orated herein and the covenants and agreements of the rider shall amend and supplement
<br />the covenants and agreements of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />
<br />which has the address of
<br />
<br />233 South Ma4;l....)
<br />
<br />Grand Island (cit,)
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />68801
<br />
<br />(Zip Cudel
<br />
<br />("Property Address");
<br />
<br />To Ran mMI To Hold the premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunlO belonging and including all beating, plumbing and
<br />lilbting flItura and equipment now or I1en:after alUlched 10 or used io connection with said real ....te unlO the Trustee, and to its successors
<br />and usijpIs, forever. The Bonower represents 10, and convenants with, the Trustee, thaI the Borrower has good right to sell and convey said
<br />premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and thai the Borrower WIll wanant and defead the same agaillSl the lawful claims of &11 persons
<br />whomsoever; and the said Borrower hereby relinquish.. &11 rights ofhomeslead, and &11 marital rigblS. either in law or in equity, and all other
<br /><XlIIIingeot inlereSlS of the Bonower in and 10 the above-descn'bed premises, and intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple,
<br />including all rights of homesleBd, and other rigbts and interests as aforesaid.
<br />
<br />Provided Ahnoys. and these preseots IIle executed and delivered unlO the Trustee, in trus~ however for the following purpooes:
<br />
<br />w-.-. the Bonower on the 18th ,day of NoventJer ,19 88 ,borrowed from the Lender
<br />thesom of Forty Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and no/100--------------------------
<br />n___nn______________________ DoIIar.J (S 43, 7S0.00 ), for which
<br />sum the Borrower has executed and delivered to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of even date, bearing
<br />interest 01 the rate of Ten & one/half per cenlum ( 10.50 %) per annum on Ibe unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said principal and interest shall be payable Bllbe ollice of Home Federal Savings and Loan Association
<br />of Grand Island, 221 South Locust Street
<br />in Grand Island, Nebraska ,or alSuch other place as the holder oflbe nole
<br />OIly designate in writing, in monlhly installments of Four Hllldred dollars and 31/100--------------------
<br />___________ DoIlar.J(S 400.31 }, commencing on the first day of January
<br />19 89. and on the first day ofeach month \hereafter untillbe principal and interest are fully paid, except thatlhe final payment or principal
<br />and interest, if not sooner psid, shall be due and payable on the first day of December
<br />20 18
<br />
<br />Thll 'orm I' used In connection with mortgagsslnsured under the one- to four-family programs of the National Housing Act (Including
<br />Section. 203(b) and (I)) which require a One-Time Mortgage [n.urance Premium payment In accordance with the rogulatlonalor those
<br />program.. .
<br />
<br />Page 1 of 5
<br />
<br />form HUD-92143.DT.1 (3-BB edition)
<br />24 CFR 203.17(n)
<br />