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<br />I( Ihe po...r of ..I. Is in.ok.d, Truslee shill r..ord I noti.e of deflullln el.h .ounty Inllacl;";J R~J..ft 8 <br />Properly is 1....led and shill molleopl.. of sucb notice In the OIInner prescribed by .ppllclbl. la.. 10 Borro...r Ind 10 tb. <br />olh.r persons prueribed by appllcabl. la... After the Um. r.qulred by IppUcabl. la.., Trust.. shill gl.. pubUe nollc. of <br />..Ie to the persons IIIId In tbe mlllln.r prescribed by appllcabl. I.... Trust.e, ..ithout d.m.nd on Borro...r, shall sell tb. <br />Properly at pubUc auction to the blshul bidd.r at tb.Urn. and pia.. and und.r tbe t.rms deslgn.led In the noUc. of slle In <br />one or more parcels and In IIIIY ord.r TrUltee determln... Trustee may poslpon. sale of all or IIIIY parc.l or'th. Property by <br />public al tb. time and pi... of IIIIY pre,lously ..b.dul.d sal.. Lend.r or Its desip.e mlY purcb... tbe <br />Property at IIIIY we. <br />Upon receipt of. payment of tbe bid, Tl'llllee lIball 10 tbe purcbaser Truslee's deed .onyeylng tbe <br />Property. The _Ibis la Ihe Tl'llllee's deed sball be prillUl racle e.ldence of tbe trutb of tbe statements made tbereln. <br />Trustee shall the pl'ClCl!eds of Ibe sale In the roIlo",lng order: (a) to oil expenses of Ibe sale, Including, but not limited <br />to, Trustee's fees as permlUed by applicable Ja", IIIId reasonable aUomeys' fees; (b) to III sums secured by Ihls Security <br />Instrument; IIIId (el any ex.... to lbe person or persons Ieplly enlltled to It. <br />20. Lender in Possession. Upon acceleration under paragrapb 19 or abandonment of tbe Propeny. Lender (in <br />person. by agenl or by jUdicfully appointed receiver) shall be entitied to enler upon. take possession of and manage tbe <br />Propeny and to collecltbe rents of the Propeny .including those past due. Any rents collected by Lender or tbe receiver <br />shall be applied first to payment of the costs of management of the Propeny and collection of reD1s, including. but not <br />limited to, receiver's fees, premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees. and then 10 the sums secured by <br />this Securily [nstrument. - <br />- 21. Rceon.e)'8llce. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Securi,y lnstrumen'. Lender sbaU request Trustee to <br />reconvey the Propeny and sball surrender thi, Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt ....ured by thi:; Security <br />Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />legally entitled '0 it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cost" <br />22. Substitute Trustee. Lender. at its option. may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the count)' in which this Security Instrument is recorded. <br />Wilbout conveyance oftbe Propeny. tbe successor truslee shall ,ucceed to allthelitle. power and du,ies conferred upon <br />Trustee berein and by applicable law. <br /> <br />23. Requat for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's ad- <br />dress which is the Property Address. "Borrower further requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be person <br />set forth herein." . <br />24. Riders to this Security [nstrument. If one or more ride" are execu'ed by Borrower and recorded ,ogetber witb <br />.J tbis Security Instrumi:nl. tbe covenants and agreements of cacb such rider sball be incorporaled into and shall amend and <br />supplement the covenants and agreements of tbis SecurilY Instrument as if Ibe rider(s) were a pan of tbis Security <br />Instru~t_lCbeck applicable box(es)) <br />~ AdjuslJlble Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2--4 Family Rider <br />o Gradualed Paymen, Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider <br />o Otber(s) [specify] <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, BorrO\\'eT accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Ins'rument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recorded wuh il. <br /> <br />-111rtki Ju!/J,J/Ir <br />NlIHIE1. J. <br /> <br />(Seal 1 <br />.8orrower <br /> <br />41i~ 0W.l~Y- (Seal) <br />. O-ao...- <br /> <br />lSealt <br />.Borrower <br /> <br />('>eaI) <br />-ao,"",", <br /> <br />A<.::KNOWLEDGMENT <br /> <br />ItWe, "IIHIE1. J. LEVfIl!T.nII SlELLEl B. LEVfIl!T <br />IlIMUer 16 th, 19 sa <br />amoung Trus,or, TIaIt TITLE INSlIIlKE ClJIIllIIY <br />("Trustee") and CEII1RAI. IIIIlllAllE aIlPlIlATIOl, 36100 IillATIDT "T. Cl.EIIEHS "I 48043 <br />(uBeneficiaryU) covering the following described propeny,:' , <br /> <br />. ("Trustor"), under that certain Deed of Trust dated <br />. ("Deed of Trust") to be entered into <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT FlUl (4), SIISSEX PUlCE SUlltIVISIDH, IIIU. CWITY, IEBllASI(A. <br /> <br />hereby ackowledge that it is understood thal (a~ the Deed of Trust to be executed by Trustor is a trust deed and nDt a mDr- <br />tgage and (b) the power of sale provided for in ,he Deed of Trust provides substantially different rishts and obligations <br />to the Trustor than a mongage in the C"venl of a defauh of breach of obligation. <br /> <br />Trustor AcLnowlcdgcs that this Acknowledg~:m was made prior fO the execution of tbe Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />Executed and delivered this <br /> <br />16 th <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />HoveUor <br /> <br />. [986 <br /> <br />T~~~J.{dI~ <br />~-i-.f/~~7J <br />Trustor , . <br /> <br />State of N-. <br /> <br />I <br />lu. <br />, <br /> <br />Coaly of Hall <br /> <br />The' foregoing instrument \1-as acknaVitJedged before me Ihis 16th day of. <br />November ,19 88 . by Michael J. LeValley and <br />Shelley B. LeValley, Husband and Wife <br />Wilnen my hand and nomrial saI at Grand Island in ~aid COUDI)', the dale afOftsaid, <br /> <br />M]I' commi".ion c:\pirn: <br /> <br />bL-=~iiJ <br /> <br />