<br />20. Aaalgnmenlol Renl&; Appointment 01 Receiver; Lender In Po.....l<ln. As addlUonal security hereunder, Borrower
<br />~::=r :rS:~n~~n~~e~ 1~':.r~~~::'~:v'.:'r:e~g"ht~~~~~ri~~~:I: :~:~I',:~I: ~~ :.c~e~~~~ ~~e~~3;::'~CI~,18
<br />
<br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 herecf or abandonmenl 01 the properly, Lender, In person, by agent orby judlclllly
<br />appointed recelver,ahall be entitied to enter upon,1ake poseesslon olend menege the Properly end 10 collect the rentsolthe
<br />Properly Including Ihol8 past due. All rents collected by Lenderollhe receiver ehall beapplled fireno plyment 01 the costs 01
<br />mlnlgamenl 01 the Properly and collection 0' renls, Including, bul not limited to, reclever'e fee'a, premlume on recelver'a
<br />bonds Ind reaso'nlble allomey'a feee,lnd then to the sums secured by Ihle Deed 01 Truet Lender end Ihe recelvershsll be
<br />lisble to accounl only tor those rents actually received.
<br />21. Fulu..Advlnces. Upon requeslol Borrower, Lender,el Lender's optlon,prlorlofull reconv8Y8nce olthe Properly by
<br />Trusteelo Borrower, mlY mIke Future Advsnces to Borrower. Such Fulure Advences, with Interesltherecn, shsll be secured
<br />by thle Deed 01 Trust when eVidenced by promissory notes stetlng thll seld notes sre eecured herebt. AI no lime shall the
<br />
<br />~;~n::~:~~:I~~I~~~~~'=~~~~':.':c~I~~ ~~~n~l~~~~~r~\~~~~~~ e~~: ~~v:ncedJB!!ccOrdanceh~rewllh 10
<br />
<br />22. Reconvlyance, Upon paymenl 01 sllsums secured by this Deed olTrusl, Lender shsll request Trultee to reconvey the
<br />Properly and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and III noles evidencing Indebtedness eecured by this Deed 01 Trusl to
<br />Trustee. Trustee shIll reconvey the Properly without warranty Ind without charge 10 Ihe person or persone legslly entitled
<br />thereto. Such person or parsons shall psy all costs 01 ,eco,datlon. Itsny.
<br />
<br />10 1~~T~=':~~:;:t=e~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~on~'r~gJr~':;I~~",,~~~I::ri'i;rnm~~~~~~~~"8:e".tdo'\'1r~::rI: ~~c";r=Wt'J::u'i
<br />
<br />conveyance 0' the Property, lhesuccessortrustee shall succeed to all thelitle. power and duties conferred upon the Trustee
<br />herein end by Ipplicable law.
<br />24. Req.llllor NoUee., Borrower requests thet caples 0' Ihe notice 0' delsultend notice 01 sale be senlto Borrower's
<br />address which Is the Properly Address,
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. BORROWER has executed Ihls Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, :H fl-L_l- Counly ss: r/
<br />On this 1(,; deyof .A/e, I..' mhrt;'19~. befo,eme. Ihe ~erslgJled. eNotary Public
<br />duly commip;sion~~d qualified for sBIQ pourJfy, p~rs~lIy came (! hn ~ 1,..s. j'Yl, a ~-, 11 h \
<br />Cl f'([1.,e.,L --T, y.d{ y...flJ 1/ ,to me known to belhe
<br />identl~SOn(s) whose neme(e) aresubsc,lbed to' he foregoing Inslrumenlend scknowledged the execution thereoltobe
<br />fl- I I!. VOluntary ect and deed,..., _ _ I ~
<br />Wilness myhandlnd notarial seel al {-lru",d J~/Ctn Q IV '" In said county,the
<br />dste eforesald.
<br />
<br />cJ~ 177 7~~~
<br />Charles M. ,~
<br />X~
<br />Karen T. Hast ~
<br />
<br />
<br />~ ~U
<br />(f') i.{,L-tL<-- ~"t.. ~a:. L''--'--.
<br />- Notary Public
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<br />'~
<br />.::i
<br />
<br />TO TRUSTEE: '" 'J '\
<br />The undersigned Is Ihe holder olthe note or notes secured by Ihls Deed at Trust Seld note or notes,logether with ell olher i i'
<br />Indebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust hsve been peld In full. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or note. snd .~
<br />the Deed at Trust. which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, wlthoul wsrrenty, all the estate now held by you under Ihis~
<br />Deed 01 Trust to the person or persons legally entItled thereto. ":-l ~ J
<br />
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