<br />
<br />, 106168
<br />.now all :.fIen Ill' G:bese .t)rtsents, TltGl, W_.ln an adlan in tho Dlltrlcl Courl of tho
<br />~~E.~_...Judicial Dilfricl of tho sw. of N",",,/ra, ..illain andlOl' tho CounI,y of...._.........._.~!!-_!:..L___...._..__., ..hutin
<br />___c.::~..t.I._~~....9.~~.~~_.}Sl ~.~~~~~~ask!!.. _______.__.p"'inllff_.nd
<br />_...~~~~ier..Y-=-~J:>.'=~ie~_~..?.:.P_:'..:.~t.!:~~,'__~~~:.:!......_...______..._....___...___.MfmdoJilLS
<br />at u.. JanUarx..l:.~_1;:._..._.....Tum, A. D. f9_~~, a/mid ",url,._~i t:;Y_.9f..QE_~_~~ sl_~~<!,B.~~.!l~~..____..
<br />did _in II dttt<e finding thai 1M,.. iI d"'/"",,-..._.!.E~~i.~.....~.E9.,!?~r t !"1!!..._l7..~:9?_~~.:!:.~~.._._.._......_..............__.
<br />Ia The C~~~_..c;.r..~.!:!!!LI..?~.!!~Ne~rask_~......._.._.._.._.._......___._____.__...__........._.....__.._... '''''.wn
<br />qf ~~.~.._~~__,:-!:.h!?1!~~.!?:9.._@~Y.!?.!!__Ii~_!:I..r:k!?._c1_oo:F._:i.:f.!::_y.::'th.J:.~_e__!"_..~~_l,.,O~~~-'!._~_3._:~;u1...
<br />
<br />and COlt. oj wil lazed 01............___............__...................._....__..._........ ........_......................._.dollar.. and, ~, it UIO.I tMn and there
<br />Jurlhu on:kred in tM row ru:lion that in defaull oj the paytmnl of 11~ sum 8OJOund du: by /he MicL_~.2.E!ie~__~;:2.Per_1:!~~
<br />~Epor_~_!.~_~!:!_, ,._....._______..._____...__",......._____..,__"",thaL,__.._~ et !_,t;._,____PlE.!:I_"1_l:_"=-___..___..___...._____.._
<br />Slwi/f of .aid County o!......._...__...:!.all..._..................___.. m' should cawe 1M lunch and (eru!~nl61~ninaflu ducribtd to be
<br />adf'Utu~ android auording to law fa pay the SO~. and. whtrtru. defauilllolling bun mcuk therein. the '0"1-........._...._.........._..__....._....._...
<br />________ .__'___oom____m___m_J;:JnrtJ_E;!_t:_~____<::_~___~!_I1_"'_~_~m' __ m__ m'_m' Shuiff oj .aid ",unty, under and by ,jrlw, 01 Ih, .aid dW't..nd
<br />/he aroual mle to Mm duly di=kd, did an tho____ oo____,m?_1._,,_:t:__ __________mday oj:m__mg~_EL_____._____.__________A. D. 19_~..~
<br />ul l,",m!Q.W.~:!:,__J9.j:lI:JY__,~~, o/lh. Counly Court I/aWo' in {/~_ ,m__oo___c.;!._1;,ym__________m_a!-mG,);_'!!!).d Isl_'!!!:l_CL__________
<br />in ,aid County of... . ...J:l.e..l.l... . ... .....m.... ............. .., lli1Dingfir61 gif1en due and legal notice oj the time andplace o/~aid.ale
<br />by plI!Jimlion 011<< in rach lLY't!k fur foul' .~IlCN'.~:fil'f' ",('('kif in f,.,...~.g.n.g.m.+.J?J.ar.Lq._P a~lY_..~ bl;a.~~~~n1JJa and in gtru!ral
<br />cin:ulaUaR in laid County 0/..._..... ........ . . . . .~~.!.!..._........................ ...._.._._.___. uIl.aid premise. at public audion 10_ CO~!:X_......._..
<br />___()_f..__I:I_",:L._1.__mL,N.'?_I:l'L._a_ s.Js_", ' mm__'__.__m________.m_moo_____/ar 1M .wn 01-_. Fo I!Ltl1!ngI.:_~g_.].!.g:!lty_____m___
<br />__F.:J:Y.:~'oo_"=I:!'c1._mQ.9!:I,_QQ'mJ.~_~__8._~_,__Q_Q,Lm_____m_mdDllnr., ..hich .at..... .fl.rward at IM_Y.E_I}_._!!l:L_Tenn al..id .aurl,
<br />A. D.. f9J1.8.. =ined and canf""",d .nd tho mid..._____.__!;;..lm!!~j;_:t;:_mc.-"____l\.'n!.~j;j;_m__m__m_oo__ m__m__..m___" such Sheriff, ordered
<br />/0 """'Y tho..id p,..ml... inl" .impt. /0 tho .aid...____,___c.:()_l1.!!_l:.Ym<:l_f___'I:I_ll,!,l.____'---__N.."1,!JE~_!3,~_ll_____,______-_______...._..........._____...____
<br />.Bow 'Ql:berdore, 1, ''''' ..id..oo______m________m____!'mm~'1;,:l:,____..!;;__,____b:!:,ll_~:l:,t.___m__..______'___________. Shuiff 01 the County 01
<br />_._..._.......~~.~.!..._.............._...fU a/aruaid. in cumiderolion oj tlk! prwnuu and by tlirflU oj the pot.oer' fJUud in me by law andlM
<br />d..... 01 ..id ",url, du hutby Gi", Grant and Can"Y to tho .aid...__.c::.'?_l1!.l_i:X..-E._f___l!ll_!_1.L!'!."1E.;_~.s.~~___,___..___...___..._____..._.._
<br />........._..._...__..............._........_. ......_.._..__...._...._._.......... .. ._......2fIJiIfr and ouigru, the prem... m ~ a/on:Jaid .old, to wiJ:
<br />____k9_:t:'m~:i.J<:_1:,"',~Il,mL1.~1__,IS;;l,l,.:I,(:~e__..~_~g.<?!!cl___~_1,1l:>cl:i.yi...Si._'?!!_L__i..!!_!!l~_c;_:i._1:y..._____,_,.______.._____....___,___..
<br />_m9_f...__c;;,E;;lIl_cl,,:J:~_1.-':!!!9.L,I:I;;l1.}__<::()~f.l1:.Y._,____I1~I?'L._"'e_Jc,<:l.'___.__.oo__..____....____m_m_____..__..___..______oo__
<br />
<br />____m_:::___ :~~~f.~~~~=j- -
<br />00 mmm__moom _m '" --m-----f.oV--1-1-1988..--..- .
<br />',.,oo",,:.:,:::::::::~=:~~~~~~~f:ltED'-'--' :!~~~~f~~~:::~=:~-- .
<br />
<br />...._...._..._...._. .......__....__._.._._.._.....__.... ..........._................_..........__wilh ~ appUl'k~.
<br />U:o Jpabe anb to Jpolb tbe iltame unIa 1M .aid.oo."..,,_c.'?.!lP..1:,ym.<?.LHall &~g;:~_e~_<:!______m__
<br />
<br />__________________..____m_..__._..______--'IlGi and ...ig".. and /0 u..m and thoU- we and b<hoall"""".
<br />In 'Ql:eliltimone 'Wbereof, 1 I.a... .. ..,h Sherif!. hutunla "I my lumd thil___m__.m.. 3rdmm'oomm__.....day of
<br />
<br />N OVeIlJl.?_~,;:____,__"'_._____..,________,_____.A. D.. f9M ...:f:.C1:~..iIJ.l1......L+...a..-:.~~-'--m-'------
<br />
<br />E_ and <hliDend in tho p....... 01
<br />R. L. 1'1iJ-_liaIillL..__
<br />
<br />Shuiff al_______!!all________Caanly, N.bnulra.
<br />
<br />c-tr./TAT:a~i NEBRAS~~___..J'"
<br />
<br />On lhil______~;:_g__.day al-.__I1.qy~_l!!.\?.E!E__m_______
<br />
<br />f9JlB..., /wI.... ..... tho w.!....ign<d.........Badg.e.I:__L,.___J'lilli.ams____m.__m__mm________m___
<br />
<br />in. ond/OI' .oid counq, IN!I'mnolly appeared ~ 8Bid._____........_..._.................._._....... ........._.........._..
<br />
<br />~__. );;J.\I!I!'J;;L(;_....~,l:1~t.L_____ '_..___m.._ ______...ShuiJ! 01 ..id Co""".
<br />_ 10 me ~rlfmally A:nown to IJt, tM idmt~al ,,"8M who ~"na1 thtJfW90lTI(} ind,umvJl d.I granlDr, and
<br />_ F aduwwW~ 1M.rome to ~ hu IIOluntory ad and d<<tl. 01 ,uch .huilf. Jor 1M wu and pU1'~
<br />If..... in "'Iarlh. .
<br />
<br />~::f~ .lIne" mYhand~7g/Jt;:n.
<br />
<br />-~.-..,.'-..."".,,;..,..._:"_~_2..~~:~ii~tf:.~il~i~;:;;:f~~~::7:l:;;E22~.''.C~;.":.::.2:~:(~-~_~__n ~::~.;...'~-:...- --
<br />