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<br /> <br />.nom au ~tn fJ!, QI:btst ~ustnts, 7'AoI, Wkootu, In an ad... in u.. Dillrlel Cowl 0' 0.. <br />Eleventh ...JudiA:i41 DiM.., of 0.. sw. of Ntbnutoa, within oMJor 0.. CounI;y of.____!iiiLl.J___., lDhutin <br />The C!tY_.~~.~l?':E..d Is1 and ,Nebras~..':.___.__._.____._.p"'inl(tf_. oM <br />Frontie:.:.. pr.operties corporation, et al.,.. ..---'*JmdanLs <br />.,,.. January 1st T""".A.D.f9.1!J!,!;ity o:L.G.J;:;:mdu Is1and,NebJ;a.!3ka <br />did ollI4in 0 _fW/inIIlhal u..... io d""J..",_~.<:>ntier !?!.E~!"ties__g,9_;:E.9.!:~tion _____u____ <br />.. The Ci._ty of Grand Is1and,N~braska .. ___uO"/IUm <br />qfTwen ty Six Tb.Qy~,w_\L.~~_'!!~!LBundr efL_~UtY.=threjL~_~.I..1.Q.O ( $ 2 6 ~?.5_~_~u~u..... <br /> <br />oM -" oj ta=l aL_______,uu________m__uum___u_m_uu_u--<lollw., oM, .-. il....1hm oM u..... <br />JwiJIa- ordered in o....jd odion thal in deJouII oj LI, pay17WIl oj ..Jound duo by 0.. miL.. Frontier Properties <br />_~2!:9_:tl.9_I}____.___u____1hal'm_ Enmett~_,_lg:~!:_t________ <br />ShuiJf oJ "ill Cormfy oJ___...__..--l:!a 1 ~_.__.._._.._..__..._______..... .should C4UIe 1M {tultI. and' lenvnentr lloeinaJkr ducribed to be <br />fIIloulind and ~ld rux:ording to law to pay tk BtJInI!. and. whereas. chfaulL luming hem made thuein. /he 6aid...________._._h_ <br />m____mu__~JI!1]_~'l::,1:.miCu'm_~.!l~_!:_t._um _'m_m.u_u. ShoijJ oj county, undu.nd by .irluo of Ih, deem! oM <br />0.. onkr oJ..Ie to him duly dirrded, did on Ih<._uum_u~_!_~_:t_m_ _m_ _ __ m m,um_m.dny o1-_m_u_.;!_~________A. D. flilJ!._ <br />., o...J,Ql!I_emJ;:mlQ):),bY__1P'III~J th, County CourlHow, in O"_mmm__Ci.t_Y.m_u_u_mu<if__"l:: <In d Is 1 aQ~ <br />in ftlit! County 01... .__...uh__.n_._._~_~_! um__.___...........___.___.._...._. ..._ ...lumingfl1'.t gioen d~ and legal nolit:e ofihe/irneandplauof-said.ale <br />bypublicalion~inrac},wt'l'kJorfourslu:cr:ubr IIlN'b in Ulr_~_Lap..Q.._Island Daily ~~~~Ji,~~~andin{]enuaI <br />eirr:ulaiion in mid County oJ_.___nn_____...~~J:Jn_____..__._.__n__..___. WI mid premuu at public auction to COtnl t Y <br />. of _~1.L__~__u~':?E"'_,,_~"'_m________m__m_________mmJor o..~"", of- Six Hunci:r. ed Sixt y and <br />00/1 Q.Q___t?6..p..Q__'.Q.QJm__m_____m_m_u___.dollan, whirh .at. .... .Jluwanl at u..i!J!n~u~T""" oj courl. <br />A. D., 19.JlJ1. ezamined and confm=l und 0.. _'mm_m_____ u m.m_m__--"'.ueh SheijJ, ordz..J. <br />to romey prrmiou inJ.. .imple to 0..'__ <br />jlobJ Utbtrdort. 1, 0.. .aid__mm_m,______u__);;rrrn.e.U_C~__A_J:_n.e._tt__m____m______mm_m__ ShoijJ of 0.. CounI;y of <br />__....._..J:l.all_h__._.___.aa afOl"Uaid. in COTISiduolion oJ tJu: and by t1u-tue of the JX1U'UIlIUletl in me by laul anJlM <br />dearo t=rl. do hrrebyG.... GrunlundCanoeyto o....iL__C_qunty...E!_ Ha11.L Nebraska <br /> <br />n...__.___*1Icr and auigna. the premixa m cu aJoruaid mid. w uil: <br /> <br />L ot..'L\f!l.n:!:y:::Qlli'--ll;Uu"..,K"'U_Q_~,g.Q.lli!..s!.1b_g.iY.i_s.i.o,n,.-in-mthe-_,C,ity__.o_f <br /> <br />.GJ::and,_-IsJ.~--,Hall.-COlJI\-ty-r-,-Nehraska.'-m.--- ""m._ -________,_ <br /> <br />u~~.~~~~~;,o=~ ..t2~ <br /> <br />.._._.._.._______.__._ _llJiJh ~ appUl'tenaruza. <br />eto JPabt anb to .oIb tbt Slam _.G,Q),!!}_t.Y__9f HE!1.l.Neb:r;:q~!I:_<L______ <br />~ oM _igno. oM to ihmI ... und b.Jroof J......... <br />In 1:ntimonp BJbtuof. 1 ha.c, .. .ueh Sh.rijJ, h=unJo ..I m, loand thio__...3rd____.um__m_______--<IDy of <br /> <br />_NG>.rembel;-mu____u___m_mm___u--A. D., f9-1!l.g. t.... J,lA ~t'--:rt C 4l~ ___ <br /> <br />E-u.d and <kIioro-od in 0.. ~ of <br />R.~. Williams <br /> <br />ShoijJ of_....l!.!!11,______m___COunty' Nrbnu.... <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br />c:o...I7 r#- Ha 11 <br /> <br />}& <br /> <br />On thio_, 3r d _______,_.dny of..1l9~m!l~.Lu <br /> <br />f9--BJi, 1>eJ""'.... 0.. under-oigruod <br /> <br />11 odg.eLuL..ulllilliamfL_m <br /> <br />in raunIy, penaNz11y appeol'rll u.."_mu..___u__m__u_u ___ huu_________ <br />~ _._. Enmett ~nett__m__m______8/wrriffof..ideo.w" <br />eo me ptI'.onoUy knmm to be the idenliml FMJR. who .igned lhef~in{r inWunaen.t d6 grantor. end <br />. he aeinoIDr,JI/td 0.. ...... to ". hio"""""'" ad oM <hal, .. wd< .wiff,foro.. __ and ~ <br />..~ llwftinulforUo. ~ <br />',,",.,., ~ .llnrumyhandoM~1:;a..,.~~7~ \ <br />,:11:11 ~,. ~P-- L_:_J1'-/..('- ~tod <br /> <br />it~~;!.. ~,.~ <br />