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<br />~j \ <br />~' ! <br />~ ~~,! <br />n~tt~~. <br />J/~ <br />G\:) <br />~ <br />~ <br />\:::,. <br />f <br /> <br /> i Entered liS Oocumo", ~7 Ul <br /> ]Ooy <br /> ~ 88- 1 0 6 1 6 0 <br /> Z Granlllriz <br /> 0 Grantee Z <br /> - <br /> n' STATEN8~efj'lf~~s ~ <br /> ~ C <br /> 9. COUIITY OF HALL ) I <br /> j\I <br />WI -t AM 10 25 i <br /> I>> '88 HOU I 7 <br /> )C <br /> r- 9~J~ <br />i CD' <br /> ~ <br /> prG: OF [1I'Ens <br /> ! <br />it So <br /> <br /> <br />n <br />! <br />'i <br />:II <br />.t <br />! <br /> <br />Elc:erpll FllHIIlnl8mll R_ue Code <br /> <br />Sec.6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />n any pnan IllbIt 10 PI, In, IU tlIG1W or mil" III <br />!PIJ' 1M ...... IftIf demand, the .mount (Inc;/udlng any Inttr- <br />IIt.lddltionallmount, adcIIllDn to lU, or u.....b1. penally, <br />tDgIIt.- w1ltlany CAlI d\ll1IlQ 1CCf1l1 in addition 1tlIrItD) <br />II'1II1 blllllnlnllmoftrll UnttId Slim upon III property <br />and rigbU 111 ptVJIIrtJ. wNthIf 1111 or p'flonal, bllonglng <br />10_- <br /> <br />See, 6322. Period Of Lien, <br />UriIII anothIr It'" IllPICltlc:all, fl_tC1 b, 1._, thelian <br />llIPOIIi brMGtlonl12t lhall arlH II the Utntthl......lIlInl <br />.__ and Iha1I CDIlIllwt Wltll tht liability lor lhI.mollll1lO <br />.-.d (or I Judgmam ICIllnII the tuPlpr .rlllng out 01 <br />lID UlblUlJIIlIltlIfiIlI or bIcomn uMnforCllb!1 by rwon <br />DI__orUIDl. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />CIl PlRIIIHI'.. HokItrI Of hcurIlJ In- <br />....... IIIchMIc'I LIInon, And ~udgmInt <br />LIIn CrIcIIIorI. - ThlIltn Impalld b, IKIlon I!21Ih1Il <br />nil bI valid U lOll'" an, pun:hUIr, holdlr of I IIClI'lty <br />lrlIIrIIL-.ctsanc',lIlnllr,orjuclllllllflllllncl'ldltaruntllnotlCl <br />IMfIDI wt\ictI li'liiii U. I'IOIlITlmtntl at aublKtlon (f) f\II <br />-.11"'''''_, <br />(11 .... For FIling NolIcr, Fonn.- <br />11) PlaeI For Filing. The notltl mlrT'lI 111 In Itm- <br />_1Il_1lI.1oCl. <br />(Al UndIr&llllLlWl <br />(Q RaI Property.1n a. CUI ot ~ll pfOperty. In Ont <br />otflcl.nhln~ StItt(Df lhl COLltty,llr otMTgonmmental <br />lu1ICItvlstonJ. II lIa1gnallG by thll... of such Statl, In <br />wtlIchlhllll'OPlffYlUbflttlalhllltnillitullld;1tnll <br />(III PnonaI Property . In IhI CUI of penonll <br />lWIfIl'IY. ..... tangillll or intanglblt. in one offiCI <br />wt1tlIIl tht SlI1t lor thll;lIunty. Of DUlIr gonmllllntal <br />IUiCIlvlJlon), II HIlgnallCl by 1tlI I'.. of IUCIl Sll1t. <br />1ft WhICII !!II propeny Il.dltICI tD DIe ll1n II Sl1:UIll1t <br />.. <br />(I) WIttI ClerkOt Diltrld Court. InhoMietofthlclet1l 01 <br />thlUnl1lclSlltlldlltri~courtforthlJudiclJ.'lliltrletlnwtlich <br />tnlpropIf1y'IUbjtc'ltallrnilsl1U1t1l1.whmevllrtllS1l1'f'IIl <br />na11rr".cInlgnattdD",Il"lttwtuCflftllltlthlttQUI~lTIIl'lt'D' <br />IlIllpara;raptlIAI.01 <br />ICl WItII RtcoratT 01 Deeds 01' The DIstrlC! ot ColumDI' -In <br />tJllalftclotUll ~Dt'DndlofIhlDlstnc! DIColumOILII <br />"" prrq,llfty IUDpC1 tJ ItIt hlft II SitUf;11tl In ITJ! DI~lfttt Dl <br />ec_ <br /> <br />(2) Stlu. Of Property Subftct To u", . Fo, Purpolll at <br />pllfagrlphllljlnd(4),propertyshlllbldnmldlcbllltultlcl. <br />(A) fII.r Property. In thI till of rill' property, at III <br />phplullflCltlon;ar <br />(BI P'noIllIProplrty.lnthlCIIIOfptrsonalprGptny, <br />whIU'ItrllnQlbI.orlntanglbll.ata.....ldlflClofthl <br />tupI)'tfatdll tin'" notictoflllllllfllld. . <br />For purpolll of PlfIG'aph QJ (8), 1hI fIIktInct of . COfpOfltiflft <br />orpartnerlhlptllllt bldltftlld to bib p11C1II wtdct'lUw <br />prfnclpll '11QllIn ornCl at tN bullneu II 1ocItId, and III <br />nlldera of I tupl)'lr whoM raldlnClllwlthoUlthe UnItId <br />Slim Ih1II .delmId 10 be In lhI 0lItnc1 of Columbla. <br />(3) Form . Tht larm .nd contini al UlI notIcI <br />nIIlTId to In ,ubsIctlan tal lhall . pracrlbld by III <br />SIcmuy. SucI'l nolle. .h.1l blI valid notwtthltlnlllng 1111 <br />athll' prowlllon af '-W nglrdlng tht form Of content of . <br />notlc:eofHlIl. <br /> <br />NlIlr. Sea sectlDn 6323(b) IDr prDtectlDn IDr <br />certain Interests IVen thDUgh nDtlce DI lien <br />ImpDsed by sectlDn 6321 Is lII.d with ...p.ct <br />'D: <br />1. Stcurttltl <br />2- UOtorvlhlelll <br />3. Pll'IOnllproPlrtv"~..hUDd.lf1tlll <br />... PlrlOnalproplrtypurdlUlcllnculllIl11. <br />5. ParaonalpropanylUbjlCtld10 posIIIIOrylltn <br />I Aul propllTytu ancI.pacI.l......mant Uana <br />7. RllldtnllllptOper!ylubjlCltalmtdlanlc'l <br />Illn lor canaln npaln and Improvamlnu <br />a Anomay'l Ulna <br />I CartlinlnalltlnucOntflCII <br />1D Pwbaakloana <br /> <br />'01 R.lDlng 01 NoUct. - Far PUlP'''' ,I \lIIJ <br />_DII- <br /> <br />11} GentrII RuII. - Unl.u noUtlot Ii.n II rwtllld In <br />thl mannarpnlcrlbld In p.r.grapn (2J during rn. rlqUlrld <br />raflllng pariod, luch n01itl 01 II.n lhall be trutad u fIIllI on lhI <br />dltlarrwhldll1tlflllll(ln.t:COnlancawlttllubsacttonlr)llttar <br />thI..plrJIlllnalludlrtfUlngpertoll. <br /> <br />(2) PIICI For FIling. - Ii. nallCl DI 11m rtfUad <br />dunn; thI nQuilwd mlllng IN:rlDCllllall!lt Inletlll, aniI' . <br />IAlll- <br />(I) ludlnatIClofUlnllrtlllldlntnlaffic:a,nwtlld'ltIW <br />~1rI0' notice of lien ...1lI1l1. and <br />IH) In thl CUI of rul IlfDl*TJ. tha f.c1 at nllllng II <br />Intmd anCI fICOrlIld In In IncllllornalItflntttQulnclby <br />$ubMc:tlon(flI4),11MI <br />(SltnanYC&lIlnlWhich.lIOda)'SDrmorlllflatIOlnldltl <br />01 . ralllln; of noltcl of ban Uftlllf subparagraph IA). thI <br /> <br />_ryllCOlvtd_InIDI1lIIIlonClnl!ll_ <br />pracrlllld In l1CIulltlorm Iul.IId " l1'li SIaIWy) <br />conc:emlng I cI\angIln ltlI tapIJIr'Il'IIIdIncI. III notD <br />O1aucfllltnl'lllOlllIlIlnlCCGrdancawfthlUttllctlon(IJ1n <br />ItlIBlItIlnwttlctllLdl~"IclcI1Id. <br /> <br />Pl RequI!ed RtlfIng Ptr\od. - In .. _ <br />01 any notlcl 01 111ft, IhI lImI"rIQulrld nfIllngpertod"lllII/II- <br />IAlI!ll ,..,.., porIod ondlna II doya_ ..apIratlon <br />ot I yon 1ftii' the 11.11 ollhl-...t" IIlI tu.1tld <br />IIll!ll,,,,,_ponodtndlnawllh..tlqlIlI1lonolSyoon <br />IftarthlclallotlMPl1CldlngflQ1llrldl'lfUlngpertodfOl' <br />ludlnotIce01Utn. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property, <br />III R'" Of 'LItn. - .... 10 ouch <br />regulatlDnl a IN SItrItary may prac;rlbe. Iht IIIcmIry Ibd <br />Iou.. certtRcltt of fllauI Dr IIl1l1en II!qIOIId wIttt rapIl:Ita <br />any Inbmal rtY1l'lUI tal not later tbln 31 dip IftIr ltlI day an <br />wh..- <br />(I) Ulbillty SltIIIlllI or tnnforcIIbII . TbI 6IcrItIly <br />Ilndathat tballlbllllylorUtlIIBNlIIIIIIIICI. toalthlrwllft all <br />Intlrtlt In rupICt thIrtol, till bien fultv uUIfIad or hu <br />bIcomlllgallyunenforcaabll:or <br />I2l Band """bel- Tholll.iumllhod IOl!IIlIocIIIary IJId <br />.occpbclbyhlm.bandtl1lll.IilIIIdIU,IlId_l!IIpo_DI <br />the lmovnt UIIIIId, togltnlr wtt!I all lnllfa'l In rIIpICl <br />tNrIof, within fhI tlm. ptaerIbId by law (lnc:Iudlng any <br />tztIn,lon at lllch IIml), Ind that II In a=ordlncl w1tt11UCt1 <br />l1llIulttmtnll fIIttlna to ,,""10 candlllonl, and form Df lilt dond <br />llldaumMtl!IlIDIl,urnoylll_ "ouchllllula_, <br />See, 6103. Confldenliallty and Dis. <br />closure of Returns and Return In. <br />formation. <br />CkI DItcIoiIun 01 Cat1aIn RtlumllIId <br />RllUm Infoinllllon For Tu Admlnlllrlllon <br />PuIpor.& - <br /> <br />(2IDlaeloIUf,al.maunlafoltlatandlnglltn..lllnOllctaf <br />UlnhllbtlnflIt1lIlUflLWlIIOlICtiane3Z3(fl.tllllmountofthl <br />oUlltanallfllobtLgItIOn1lC1Rlltlya~hll,"maYlII'diKtO"'1D <br />Iny panon WIla fumllha IItiIIlCIDry wrltlln IvidltlCtthal hi <br />hu I rlghllnthlprapenyll.DllClloluCI'Ilitnof IntlndltG <br />Obtlln.rlghtlnluct'lllroPlr!y. <br />