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<br /> <br />88- 108151 <br /> <br />lDarrantg Cemeterg Deed <br />-IN- <br />......1..... ...OBI.... PABK <br />of Grlll1d 1a1lII1d, Nebrll8ka, <br />a cemetery auociation <br />incorporated under the <br />cemetery law. of the <br />State of Nebrll8b <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURIC: Mad. thla..~l.!1__daY Of____l1Qy e m b ~L_____________A. D., ID..M__. <br />between WIlBTL4WN IIIICMOIUAL PARK OICIIETBRY OF GRAND ISLUm, NEIIBA8KA, Il'Int party, <br /> <br />and ________!l_~.&~_'1~__!.!_'___~~j&L_____________________________________ <br /> <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />---------------------------------------------------------------------_____. Ilecond party. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That First Party for and in cOIlIJderatlon of the sum of <br /> <br />PJ:l..!LAQ!lE'..L..f!.'1.!L1Lt_ h e r__,ll'-Ll!.!!Qk..!;_Q.!tll_:liVilL..J;.1.Q-'l~_______________.___DOLLARS <br />the receipt whereof .la hereby acknowledged, has lold and by thelle pruental doe. grant, convey and confirm <br /> <br />unto the Second Party and to Second Party'. helrl and ualgn. ___E.!'_-!_~__!!.~_~!'..~_~I!P__________ <br /> <br />~_ s s i ~~__~_~_~~_':__~~:_':~~.'::__.?~__~_~_~__~~:;:_"_:~!._!:.~.~.~~!_______.___.__________ <br /> <br />Spa c ':: s 3-_~-'__~:..:_:..i_?~__:~~_________________m______of WIIlSTLAWN MIIlMORJAL PARK <br />of Grand Ialand. Nebraaka. alluated In Hall County, Nebruka. .. cemetery to be Uled tor Interment pur- <br />poHII only, beiq 10 dedicated lUId deelared.. the Plat of aa14 cemetery being recorded In the otf1ce of the <br />ROIIoler of Deed.o of Hall County. Nebruka. <br />'nU deed la subject to all law. of the State at Nebruka, and to aU by~laws, ruiN and regulaUOJl8 <br />of WICSTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CICMETERY at Grand Island, Nebraska, and to any chanlel! in said <br />Jaw.. by~laWl, rule. and regulaUona. <br />Any tranafer ot tiUe of any part. of the above deacrtbed property .haU not be valid unUJ the ame <br />hu been recorded upon the boob of the Ftnt Party. <br />WIIlSTLAWN MICMORIAL PARK CIIlMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND. NIllSRASKA, bereby cove- <br />nanll and qTeeII to and with the Second Party and with the heSnl and auIgna of the Second Partyl that <br />at the Ume of the execuUon and delivery of theBe pre.enult 111 laW:ul1y seized of Aid premlaell; that it has <br />good rlpt ad lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from encwnbrancl!I and 1I'ln:t party <br />doe. hereby covenant to WUTaIIt and defend the premlaea agaInat the lawful c1a1nu1 of all ptlI'IIOl1II whomaG- <br />ever. <br /> <br />~ I <br /> <br />,"-:' <br /> <br />WE8TLAWN MlIlMORJAL PARK CIIlMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND. NIIlBRAIIKA, __ to fur- <br />nIall perpetual care, admlnlatraUon and. maintenance of the above described premillN .. provided. by III by_ <br />laWL <br /> <br />IN W1TNIIlSS WHIIlRICOF, '1'I1e lIaId WIIlSTLAWN MICMORlAL PARK CEMIIlTEIlY OF GRAND <br />ISLAHD. NBBRABKA. bu hereunto caused Ita corporate seal to be affixed and theJIe preeenbl to be a1gned <br />by ita preoI4ent the day and ;y.... flret above Written. <br /> <br />11'," -:/7~~_:~=~_~KA <br /> <br />"".. '\ ~~ Pre.ident <br /> <br />r). <br /> <br />.;. ST"'''''ipr, ~ } u. <br /> <br />:~: COUNTY OF-HALL ' <br /> <br />. ..-,_'''';'I'~~~=-::-dal' of ---------KO-'UlJl1.II.1tL_.n_____n____________m___. ID_./,!_fL, <br /> <br />Wore m.~ uDcsenlped, . notary public, In and for I&Id county and atate. penonaUy came __________ <br /> <br />."-:' ,:, ..;.,~,:':~-----_____A.ll_'l.!!LP_.__~,~!_L_____________________________ <br /> <br />,:,~;;;'t ~'\V"UaWD Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand leland. Nebraak&. to m. -.ny known to b. <br />u.e'l'Niddtalt~ th. Idenllcal _ _ name Ia affixed to th. above CODVOj'aDCe. and aclmowIedpd <br />- -- th~.!";"" bJa voIuntuy ""t &Dd deed .. ouch officer and the voIuntuy act and deed of IIle <br />- W__ Kemoriid'Pu!l Cem.tery or GroDCI leland. Nebraaka, &Dd that th. corporal. oeaI of th. oaJd <br />W__ _ Park Cemeter)' of Grand 1eland, N.b....... w.. thereto afflxed by Ita authority. <br /> <br />...."..,~ my _d and notar'&1 aeallIle day and y........ abov. Written. <br /> <br />~'"<J:~~~'::~;\~.~, \ ~B-~'llZ_J8~__ <br />Notary Public <br />lilIIfRI.1Imn-SlltlDlIIIIIrasb <br />LaCONNAiM. BAKER <br />r.'y~~0;l3.1i111 <br /> <br /> <br />." , <br />~."":~~~:J,;~,~~~~~,.0~ ; <br /> <br />..- '\ <br />