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<br />St8te 01 Nebnllkll <br />.88- 'IO.tIO <br /> <br />Mortgage <br /> <br />fNA call .... <br /> <br />321 1276968 203(b) <br /> <br />nil M......... made ud executed thlJ 14th day of November <br />.gEl8 . by aDd between Rick A. VanBibber and Susan Lynn Van8ibber. each in his and her own right, <br />and as spouse of each other, <br />of the CoUDty of Hall ' aDd Stale of Nebraska, parly of the flllt pari, herelnafler called <br />the ~.1IIId The Equitllble Building and Loan Association, 113-115 North Locust Street, <br />Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />a corporation orpalmd ud exiJtlns UDder the laws of the State of Nebraska <br />party of the .....0<1 pari. hereloaller caUed the Morl8Bllee. <br /> <br />~: That the IIIid MOrl&Blor. for ud in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand Nine Hundred and no/l0D <br />_______________________________________________________-00\Ian ($ 10,9.0.0. .0.0 ), paid by the Mort- <br />ppe. the reczlpt of which la hereby aclmowled&ed, has OraDted aod Sold ud by these presents does OraDt. Darpin. SeU. Convey <br />aod Coallrm UDto the MorlP&eO. Ita luc:ceuon and usigus, forever. the rollowins-dcscn1Jed rtal estate. situated in the County of <br />Hall , aod Stale of Nebraska, 10 wit: <br /> <br /> <br />Lot Thirteen (13), in Block Six (6), of Koehler Place, an Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island. Hall County. Nebraska, <br /> <br />of the Sixth PriDc1pal Meridian. contaloiDa in all <br /> <br />acres accordlDllto Government survey: <br /> <br />To 111m ... To Bold tbe premlaa above described. with all tbe appurteD8Dces thereunto belouainlaod ineludini all heatina. <br />ptumblna aDd lilhtinl fIXtures and equipment IIOW Dr hereafter attached to or \lied in CODDectIon with IIIid rtal ..tale unto the Mort- <br />ppe. and to ita aucceaon aDd au\aDI. forever. The Mor\pIDr represents to, and covenants' with, the MDrI8BIlee. thai the Mort- <br />PIDf has IOCJCl rlIhtlO selllllld CODYey laid pnmiIa; thai they ue free from encumbrance; and thai the MortBlior wU1 warrant aod <br />defendtbe 1lIIIO .plDa the lawful cIaimI of all perIOns whOJDSDeYer; and tbe saIcl Mort....,r hereby reJlnqulahel all r1ahts of <br />homeitad. and aIlcmari'JIl riIbU. either in law or in equity. and all other coDliDaenl interelta of the MortplOf in aod to the above- <br />described pnmiIa. the loteDtlon beina to amvey hereby u absolute tide. in fee limple. includini all rlahts of homestead. aod other <br />riIbU IIIId IoterOoU u aforesaid. <br /> <br />......... AJwiva, aDd these preHDts are executed aDd deIlverecl upon tbe fol1owina cooditlons. to wit: <br /> <br />The Mortp&Or qreeI to pay the MDrIP&eO, or nrder. the prlucipal lUlU of Ten Thousand Nine Hundred and no/l0D <br /> <br />______________________________________________________~\Ian~ 1.0, ). <br />with inIereII from date at the rate of Ten per ceolum ( 1.0..0 '1'0) per IDnuo1 on the <br />uopald ~ UDIi1 paid. The saIcl prIocipal and interelt shall be payable at the office of The Equitable Building and <br />Loan Associetion, 113-115 North Locust Street. Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />III. Grand Islend, Nebraska, ' or aIlUcb other place as the holder of the note <br />may deolpate III wrItina. in moatbly instal\meDts of .one Hundred Seventeen and 14/1.00 --------------------- <br />________________~Ilan ~ 117.14 ). commencin& on the flnt day of January <br />19 89 . IIIId on the fInt day of each month thereafter UDill the principallDd interest are fully paid, except that the fmal payment of <br />DrinclJlI1I111d IntereSt. If DDIlDDDer paid, shall be due ~ payable on the fmt day of December 1. <br />ill .03 : aIllCCllll1llnJ 10 the termI of a certain promiaory note of even date herewith executed by the said Morl8Bllor. <br /> <br />'Illla fonn la uaed In con_lion wllh mortllllCllla Inaured under the on. 10 four-lomlly prog""". of the l\I"'fonal Ho I 1 pro. <br />_ tor peflocIlo Mort_ IDIU..... .......Ium p_nta. ., <br /> <br />Pnv\OUa EdltlllM Are Oboolete HUIHl214S11IHl Edlllont <br />Pille 1 of 4 24 CFR 203.17(b) <br />
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