<br />NON.UNlFORM COVENANT!, Borrower and Lender furlher covenant and Igree u fOllow~:8- 106127
<br />
<br />19. AccoIoralloll; R....u.. Leader lIIIoII II" DOlIce to Borrower prior to _llI'Idoa followlq Borrower'1
<br />'--II of.., _I or ..-1 Ia lIIIIs-rlty llIItrumeal (bul Dot prior to occeIll'ldoa DIcier puIII'Iplu 13 ad 17
<br />... ..,aIcUIe "w proYIdoI otIIerwIoel. ne DOIIllIlIIIoIIl\IIdfy: (1)1IIe defaull; (b) IIIe KIlOD nqalnd to can IIIe
<br />defaaIt; (c) a..... DOI_.... 30 da)'l1'roIII tile date IIIe DotIce 1lI11lyea to lIomIwer, by wIIIcb the defaull m1llt be ClII'Id;
<br />aDd (~ IIIat faiI_ to ... .... deflI1Ih aD or before tile date lpIdfIed Ia tile DotIce may nouIl Ia occeIll'lIIoD of the._
<br />-.NIl by .... SecurIty ~ aDd IDI. of lb. . Property. ne DotIce oIulII furIber Jaform Borrow.r of the rlaIR to
<br />reIDIIIIla after -'tralloa ad IIIe rl8b1 to IIrJaa a court KIlOD to -" IIIe DOD-nIIteDce of a defaDll or IIY oth.r
<br />de'- ofBnrrower to occeIeradoa lid 1DI..1f1lle deIaaIlllI Dot cured OD or before lb. date lpIdfIed Ialb. DDdee, Lead.r
<br />al 1111 opIIoa IIIlI)' nqllln iIIIDIedJate .-,.-1 la fail of 011_ IICIINd by II1II SecurIty I_I wlthoot lurIb.r
<br />...... ad.., IaYOk.1IIe power of ale aDd II,. other remedl.. permitted by applicable "w. Leadeuholl be eadlled 10
<br />colleet 011 ....- IDCIIfted la ptII'IlI/aa the .......u.. proYlded ID II1II parqraph 19, IDeludJaa, bul DOl UmIted la,
<br />.-hie _,.."", aDd COI!aoflllle...........
<br />If tile power of a1. /I Iayoked, Truotee oIulII record a DOllee of defaulllD each COIDty.1D which any pari of the
<br />Pro,erl)' II located and lIIIoII moll capilli of IlICb DOlleelD the lIIIIIJIer pracrlbed by .pplicabl. .... to Borro..er ODd to the
<br />other peftODI preecrlbed by applicable .... After the lime required by applicable .... Trllllee oIulIIlIlYl public Dollee of
<br />ale 10 Ibe penoas and ID tile IIIIDIIII' pracrlbed by applicable .... Trllllee, withoul delDlDd OD Borrower, lbaII ..u the
<br />Properly al pobllc auelloD to Ibe hlllhell bidder allbe lime aDd pl.ee ad Dlder the IerIIIS deslllIIlIled In the Dollee of ale ID
<br />ODe or more pucelo ad in lID)' order Tl'llllee delermlnes. TrDllee DIIY poIIpone ale of all or aDY pucel of the Properly by
<br />public IIIIIODDl:lllleDI althe 11m. aad place of ay preYloasly scheduled ale. Leoder or ils deslllDee l1li]' purcboe thc
<br />Properly atuy ale.
<br />Upon recelpl of paymenl of the prlee bid, Trustee sbaII dell.... 10 the purcl1aMr Trustee's deed conYlyIDg the
<br />Properly. The recitalo In the Truotee's deed sbaII be prima fade eridence of the truth of the statements owIe therein.
<br />Truotee sbaII apply the proceeds of the ale In the followiDI order: (a) to oII"peIIIII of the ale, including, hul not UmIted
<br />to, TrasIee's fees u permitted by applicable ... uu1l'1l110111ble ottome,..' fees; (b) to 011_ secured by II1II SecurIty
<br />IDItnImeDt; ad lelay ......10 the penon or perlllllllleplly eullded 10 il.
<br />
<br />20. Leader in F........lon. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Leader (in
<br />penon, by Igent or by judicially appointed receiver) sblll be entitled 10 enler upon. lake JIll55C5Ilion of and manage the
<br />Property and 10 collecl the rents of Ibe Properly including those past due. Any rents collecled by Lender or tbe receiver
<br />shall be applied 6..110 paymenl of Ibe costs of managemenl of Ihe Property and collection of rents. including, bUI nol
<br />limiled 10, receiver's f.... premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable allomeys' f.... and Iben 10 Ibe sums secured by
<br />Ibis Securlly [nslrument.
<br />
<br />11. Recon"yance. Upon paymenl of all sums secured by Ibis Securlly Inslrumenl, Lender sball requesl Truslee 10
<br />reconvey Ibe Properly and shall surrender Ibis Securlly Instrumenl and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br />[nslrumenllo Truslee. Trustee sball reconvey Ibe Property wilhoUI warranty and wilbout charge 10 Ibe pelSOn or pel50DS
<br />legally enlitled to il. Such pelSOn or pelSOns sba11 pay any recordalion cosls,
<br />
<br />n. Subllllute Trustee. Lender, II its optiou. may from time 10 time remove Trustee and Ippoinla successor lrustee
<br />to any Truslee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in tho county in which Ibis Security Inslrumenl is recorded.
<br />Wilboul conveyance of Ibe Property, tbe successor lrustee sballsucceed 10 a1llbe tille, power and duties conferred upon
<br />Trustee berein and by applicable law.
<br />
<br />~. Request for Notlca. Borrower requests tbal copies of the nOlices of deflull and sale be senl 10 Borrower's
<br />address wbicb is the Property Address.
<br />
<br />Z4. RIden to II1II s-tty 1DIIrmneDt. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower aad recorded logether with
<br />Ibis SecurIty [nstrumenl. Ihe covenants and agreements of esclI sucb rider sboll be incorporated lalo and sball amend and
<br />supplement Ibe covenants and agreements of tbis Securily [nstrumenl as if Ibe rlder(s) were a pari of this Securily
<br />Instrument. [Check Ipplicable box(es)]
<br />
<br />o Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider 0 2-4 Family Rider
<br />
<br />o Graduated Paymenl Rider
<br />
<br />o Plaoned Unit Development Rider
<br />
<br />IX] Other(s) [specify] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
<br />
<br />By SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepI5 and agrees 10 the tenus and covenants contained in Ibis Security
<br />Instrumenland in any rlder(s) executed by Borrower and recorded wilb iI,
<br />
<br />
<br />-#;-,~~--~
<br />..~~..,....~
<br />
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County ss:
<br />
<br />On thil 7 day of NoventJer . 19 Be before me. lhe undersigned, a Notary Public
<br />duly commissioned aDd qualified for said counly, personally came John S. Schulte and Dianne L
<br />Schulte, Husband and Wife ,10 me known 10 be Ihe
<br />idenlical person!l) whOle namc(s) are subscribed to the foregoing inslrumenl and acknowledged the execulion
<br />thereof 10 be their volunlary act and deed.
<br />Wilness my hand and notarial sealal Grand Island, Nebraska in said counly, the
<br />dale aforesaid.
<br />
<br />
<br />MY1]::~=' ....~~.4.~}..,."..,',.,.,"'"
<br />
<br />............l1li REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCENOlOry Publi,
<br />
<br />To TRUSTEE:
<br />
<br />The undersianed is [he holder or the nOle or notes secured by this Deed of Trus1. Said nOll: or ~Cllcs..loielht'r
<br />wilh all other indeblednes. secured by Ihis Deed of TruSl , have been paid in full. You are hereby dU.ctl:lt;t4cUcel said
<br />note or nOles and this Deed of Trust, which are delivered hereby, and to reconvey, without wnrranty. alllhe C'Siulr
<br />now held by you under this Deed of Trust to the person or penom legally emilled cherrlo.
<br />
<br />Olle:
<br />