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<br /> <br />n <br />.- <br />.. <br />i" <br />:II <br />.z <br />Ii" <br />! <br /> <br />E1cerp11 From Internal RevenuI Coda <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />11 any perlan lilble to PlY any lu ne;llCt1 Dr tD <br />'pay thI urn. .ft., dlmand. thl amounl (Including any lntlr- <br />at. addlllonal amount. IddlUon 10 tu. or ,UI..lble ptnllty, <br />together wUh any costl1hat may accrull In .1Idlllon thlrtlO) <br />thall bI.lI", Inflvor oflhl UnlledStltlS upon all proplrty <br />and rights to PflIptlrtv, whither real or pltsonal. blllooglnll <br />talUdlPlrmft <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period 01 Lien. <br /> <br />Unlnl ttlOthIr dalll, Iptelfletlljl flltlll by lilli, till IlIn <br />Impolllll by lICtIon mlIhIII.rl..It Inllima the uunmenl <br />II nwIa and ShIll canUnue 1Il111 the liability lor Ihe amounl so <br />IIIftIIlI {or .jullgmlntagallllt ltIo taxpayer out of <br />IUCh IlIblllty) II utisned or bIcomn unlnfOrtelbl, try rellOn <br />DflaptlDfllml. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons. <br /> <br />(~ Pun:hall'a, HoIdaII 01 SecurIty In- <br /> <br />....... 1ltclIIn1c'. LIanorI, And Judgmtnl <br /> <br />LIen CrIdItOJL - Thlll,n impolld by netlo" 1321,h,1I <br />not ..valid U IQllnIt an)' plKChUl', holder of IllCurlty <br />IIItIrIIt. nwchanlC'llIlnor, Of ludllmenlllln creditor unlU Rollct <br />thIrIOf which ftIIIU IhI raqulramlnts of lubllctlon If) hll <br />_fllodbytho_ry, <br /> <br />10 PIKI For FIling NoUcr, Fonn.- <br /> <br />111 PlICI For FIling - TI\I nollte refernd 10 In sub- <br />IIClIllClllllhIllblflllll- <br />(AI Utili" Slatl La_ <br />(I) RIal PrOpirty - In IhI CUI of rill property, In OM <br />anlcewttl'llnUllStlll(OrthltOUOly,orOlhtrIlOVlrnmenlll <br />lutICIlvlllon). u e1ullln.ted by Ihl II.' 01 IUch Stall. In <br />which.. praperty IUbJect to thallen II Iltualed; and <br />IUlPlfIDl\I1 Property. In the ClII 01 personal <br />propIItr. whither taflQlbIl or Intanllibll. In ant office <br />within lhI Stab (or Ihl Collnty, or Dlher govemmlnlJ.l <br />IU!lCIlvlllonl. U dUlllnatell by thl 'awl 01 IUCh Stile, <br />In wtIich 1tII prootrty aub\tCI to the lien II sltllatad; <br />.. <br />(I) WIth Cltrk or DII111t1 Cour1-ln IIlI office ollhl clerk ot <br />UIIUnltlllStatlldlslrlc1collrtforlheJudlcllldlltrlc1lnwhlch <br />IhI property subjKlIO lien ia alluattd, whenlverthe Stili hIS <br />notbyllwdn1llnlled onlcnlcewhlCh mHtlthl reQuirements 01 <br />slIllcJarIOraph(AI.or <br />ICI With Rlconlll or DettlI 01 Thl Dlslncl or ColumOII' In <br />tl'IIDftlClofthlRlcorcluol DetdlofltltDtslrlc1 01 Call1mOII. II <br />ttllpr_rtylllbj.ct~lhelilnlslltlllledlnlnpDI;trlcl0' <br />Columbia <br /> <br />tnlered 115 Document No. <br /> <br />88-1 06 11 3 <br />Granlor 15 <br />Z htee ~- <br />g, NlIme~1 ~ <br />n STATE Of NEBRASKA) <br />CD OOLINT'( OF HALL } SS <br />o <br />- jI <br />; 8 HOU IS AMID 56 <br />M <br />;: 9a~~.L:.L.v <br /> <br />:I Fl"G: OF O"En!l <br /> <br />[ <br />!if <br />.. <br /> <br />- <br />... <br />is. <br /> ! <br />~ 2. <br /> <br />(2) SlluI or Proparty subJtct Ta Uln - FilT purpoIU of <br />parallraphl (IJ anll (4). praperty Ihll1 be d_mtd 10 bultulled- <br />1~1 Rnl Property - In thl CUI of Tnl pTDperty. .1 Us <br />physlcalloeatlon:OT <br />(Bl Ptrlanel the CUI of PlTlOnal pro,*". <br />whether tanlllb11 or InWIDlbll. II the mlGII1CI 01 UMI <br />lUplytr II thillml the nutlet ot lien 11 mill. <br />ForpurpoUIOlpmUTlPhl2llB),thlmldlnctotlCOrpDTlUan <br />or plrtneTlhlp IhIIl be d_mlll to be the pllCl at which .. <br />principal "KUlIVl office allbI bullnmll 1ocI1Id, IJICI tha <br />relldlflCl af I taxpayer whon mldenee It wlthaut till United <br />Statlllhlll be d_mIIl 10 be In "M Dll1rlct 01 ColumblL <br />131 Form - Till form and contlnt 01 the n01lce <br />flf,rmt 10 In subllCllDn (I' Ihlll be pmcrlbld by b <br />Stcrltlty. Sucll na1JCI al1lll bt YllId notwlthetandlog any <br />other provlaian 01 I,. fIIIlrdlnll thl farm ar conllllt at I <br />nallaDlnla. <br /> <br />Nola: See section 6323(b) lor protection for <br />eerfeln Interests even though nollce DIllin <br />Imposed by section 6321 Is flied with respect <br />to: <br />1. Securllltl <br />2. MDtOrvlhlcltI <br />3. Paraanll proptfty purchUld 11 mall <br />4. Plraonal property purchUld In cullllllla <br />5. PtTlonalproplrtylubJlIctldtopoUulOryllln <br />B. Rill proPlrty tilt Ind IpICIll UIIumtnllllnl <br />7. RlllolnllllproPlrtylubjlCltalmlChlnll:'l <br />Ulnforcer1lilnrepllraand ImpTo....mtlntJ <br />I. Atlomey'llllnl <br />9. Car1liln InluflncecDntrJCII <br />10. PwbooklOlTlI <br /> <br />10) Rallllng 01 NoIICI. - For ""ou, 01 ..I. <br />sectlan. <br /> <br />(1) GlftlraI Rull. - Unl"1 nDtlCl alliin II ratllllclln <br />Ihl mlnnn pre.crlbed In plrallraph (21 durlnllllll raqulred <br />r.fl1lnllperlod;luchnoticeolllenlhlllbelrfllteduflledonthl <br />dlllorr.hlch II i,flled (In.cCflrdanclwllhlubHttlan (01 atilT <br />lhepplratlonofluchreflllnlllllrlod. <br /> <br />~I p,- For Filing. - A ","co of lion "met! <br />durinlllhltlqlllredrelllinglllrladlhll1beeflllCtlvlOnly- <br />lAllI- <br />(I) .uchnoUceDfllenllratiledlnlh.ofllceln.hlchlll. <br />prior notlctol lien wu fllllll..nd <br />(iI) in tM CUI of rI.1 pTDptlrIy, lhe ,.ct D' TlfIIlng I. <br />entlred.nd Tlcordlllln.nlndlxtDlheelllnl reqUITllIlly <br />Subllctlonlll(41.lncI <br />(Bllnlnyc.HlOwhlch.90dlvsalmarepnarlDlhed.1I <br />01. r,'lling af noticeot IIln underlubplr.graph I~J,the <br /> <br />C{~l <br />\0 <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />c <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />SlIc:l'IIITYf'ICIlVldwrtltlnlnfonnal1on{lnltllll\lfN' <br />prncribld In flQUllllons luWid by the SIcrI1IIyJ <br />~ncemlng I d1l1lg1ln thI taxpayar's mldlTlCl.lla notICI <br />ohuch 111ft II .1113 flIllI klaccordance wUhlUbIIdlon 1l)1n <br />tha Stall In which such mlellT'lCl II kaIId. <br /> <br />i3l Raqulrad Railing PeIlod. - In tho '"" <br />01 any notlctolllln,thtt::fm"TIqUlradRfUInII ptrlod"mIII'lI- <br />I~I thlont-yurPlrlOClIndII'lD31dayalftarbIlPtratlon <br />of IS pari attar the dill 01 thI ....ment DI ttlI tu. &rod <br />(8) thlonl1'lI,ptrlocIenc1Ingwllt1th1uplrltlonollyur1l <br />InerUllclollofthlpTlCldlnaTIQUlradratlUl'lllperlodfoT <br />luchnoUlltolliln. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release 01 Lien Ot <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />I') R~ Ol.u.n. - Sobjool to - <br />ragulallanl II the Semtary may pTllCtibl. till SacmIry ahIII <br />luuI. ctrtlllCltl of rlllanof any IIln Impolld with ,._10 <br />any Intimal rlVlnUl tilt not IIIIT than 30 cIQIlftar 1tlI da:y on <br />wfllth. <br />II) U.blllty Sa"'"et! or Untnforclllill . Tho _ <br />f1ndlthatthlllabllltytorthllmDlIltllllllld,UlglltllrwlttlaU <br />Intlrllt In rllptCt ""rIOl, ftU IIIIn tully IItIJtItd or hu <br />bIcomlllOlU)' uMnfarcutlll; Dr <br />(2) Bond Accapt.., - bra II tumllhlll ta 1JII SIcrItIry and <br />Iccaplld byfllm I bondthlt Is condltiDned upanthl Plymlfttal <br />till .moun1 1UlQ1d, loglthar wllt1 III IntnIt in fIIPId <br />tIlIl1af, wlUlln tha lIlMI pTllCl'lbId by law ~ndudlno IJ'I)' <br />utITlllonalluchtlml).lndthltlllnaccordll1Clwl1tl:luc:b <br />I'tllull'lmlnll ralltlng to \Irma, condlllDfll.1JICI form ot thI iolld <br />and IUfltln thll'Ian, II lfIIY ba IpICiflIll by IUdl flQulltlona. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis. <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />Ik) Dllcloau,. 01 CtIlIIn RatumI and <br />Rtlum Inlonnatlon For Tu AdmlnJatratlon <br />PurpollL - <br /> <br />(2) Dlsclolllr,Dflmounlolaulltandlngllen.-lllnDtlceof <br />IIlnhubllnfllldpurlulnlloSlCllanS323(l),lh,.mountoflhl <br />aubllndlnllDblllllllanHccrtdlly.uChlllnmaybldllclaadla <br />Iny peraon whO tumlahll IItlltlCtOrywrlnlnlvidlncathllhl <br />hili rlllhlln Ihl propeny aubjlCllo luch lienor Inlandl to <br />Dbtaln I Tlllhl InSllCn proplny. <br /> <br />~ <br />