<br />Th.s STATEMENT ,s pres.nlcd to a lil'ng a"if!!r la, hl'og pu.,,,aolta ~~~m Cam~_~~_I-=-c:~:J_.
<br />
<br />1. O.btorl.1 (Lou Nome Fiut) and add..u(ul 2, S,culeJ Pallyliu) ood addrllU(1II1
<br />Dick's Heating & Air ConditiQnin .
<br />
<br />602 East 4th Street Inc.
<br />
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />
<br />3. '-'alu" I.,. datil I,f 00.,.1:
<br />-F;fFii-'--n-iOific-;';[Da';,~-~
<br />Qllieel
<br />
<br />Bnnk of Doniphan
<br />P,O. Box B
<br />
<br />88-106061
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />SOCl81 Security No.
<br />
<br />FederalLD. No. 47-0490809
<br />
<br />4. This stDtemen' feh'fs lo.original Financing Stalemenl bearing File Na, 86-100067
<br />Fll.d,:~ithHall Co. Register of Deefl,fi\1I Fde'd Jannary ~~~~
<br />5.0 ec.:.t:lnuatlon. The original financing \lotemDn' belwlI"n '''e fO'lIlJo",g Dl!!'b!or "nd SlIe"ted Parlv, bea.;ng fole numbel show.1 aba'/e, il "ill _Ifective.
<br />6.~Teimlnatlon. Secured pony no..longe. doims <1 un:;u"'''' ,nle.e51 "nLitH Ihll l.nonc,09 staleme"! beo..ng lilll number shown above.
<br />7.0 Assignment, The s,lIl1:ured parly's nghl under rhe 'IflancIfl9 SIOH'menl bear,ng l.1e numbllll 'Ihown oha~e to Ihll ploperly described in lIem 10 hove
<br />been assigned to Ihe ass'lInee whose name and cd.:i...s'l appeo" ,n lIem 10.
<br />Financing Stolemen! bearing fdl! numbel show" ab,,,e '10 am'!fld~d as ~el farlh ,n Item 10.
<br />SlIlculllld POfly ,ele05e, Ihe collate.al dlll:loCf;bed.n Item 10 "oon .he f,nane'''g il!att'mlll'n1 beCl';"V fillll numb'H sho....n abClve.
<br />
<br />B.D Amendment.
<br />9.l': Release.
<br />1,0,
<br />
<br />'1lECOIlDERS MEMO:
<br />
<br />;f/-'.
<br />
<br />.;; S-
<br />
<br />/7,"_" 7 /10/,..,/
<br />7.Z."
<br />/ira.a1Deellll
<br />
<br />No. of odd.ho"ol Sh.ets prIllSII"'IIO:
<br />
<br />hy:
<br />Signoture(sl of DehtClr{s) (neces5al.,. anly" I'e,,, B 's appl,~ablel.
<br />
<br />Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, NE
<br />
<br />
<br />b" ALI-1~ )yJ i,),,-_-::LJ}.,ice Presiden
<br />, !:"gnatu.e(s af Secured PClrtV{.IISI
<br />
<br />