<br />
<br />.now all _en 11!' Gtbeit _r.titnti, TMi, Wh<mu, In an adwn in tho DiI";.1 Co",1 of tho
<br />~.n.t..h.............Judicial D;,"ir~ of I'" SIalf oJ Ntb""Ila, Ulilhin andJ(JI' tho County of.........................Ha.ll........._............., Ulhu<in
<br />_.....CQ1J.nty.."Q.!;.. .H;;1,ll.N..E;!..Q);..<!g~.<!.._..................._...._..................................................__.........plainliJl.... and
<br />__...._..f...Q.nt.i.~l:.....J.>.r.Qp.!;ll:.!;,j,.!'1.1;LC.Q.t".P..Q.J;..i;\:!;j,Q.n..........e.t_...L...........................................................<hJmdanls.
<br />al ~.l!..~~.Y_l..~:t.......,..,.....T...m. A. D, f9~..~.... oJ..id courl,~.9)!~!::Y...9i.....~..~,*J....1.!'!~..!?!:~.!?..IS.~........_..................
<br />did _in. d<<r<e finding thal u..,.. iI dueJrom...E.r.an.tie.J:..J.>.t:op.e.J:ti.e.s....co.J:po.J:a.ti.on.......................................,........
<br />1o__s:..Qw:lll...9.i...!i:<!.lb.....l..JJ~Q.1;.g.!?...~......_..................................._............................_............,....._................... lho.am
<br /><If Four .,.!!.\!!!.~1;J;~.~t...s.~yg!:!.j;.y...Nj,.m~...E.n.cLQ.?.D,Q..Q.....L~.~Il.~.....Q.?..L.....,........................._.........,.., ........d.ltdrl,
<br />
<br />and em" oJ luil t=d al..f..g~.Y.....9.;\,~....~.p.g....~.~.I.1.Q..Q.....L$.~.9."..~.4.L......,.,. .......,d.llar" and, who,.... il....lhon .nd tho,..
<br />J",1hu ....w.d in tho ..id ""Iwn thal in deJauU oJ Ihe paymenl oJ tho sum.. J.und due by tho ,.id..F..J:on:t.ier....Fr.a:p.er.ti.es....
<br />
<br />...c.ar:p.ar.a:t:i.on. ..........,.................................. ..............................thaL............Ernmeti:....C.....Ar.n.e:t.t..,.............._.......................
<br />Shui/! oj laid County o!..........._llgJJ:......_..__ ........._____........___........., should COWl! tlu: lamb and leTU!17ll:nU liereinaJlu described 10 ~
<br />ootltJ'lised and mld according 10 law to pay the same. and. wlWffl', default having b<<n made therein, the ~aid..........._..._...
<br />nmmJ;:_:mm_e_tJ;..nCh".h_A*JJ._~_t.t..____........o. mo' Sl:uilf oJ ~aid county, undO' and by fJiriue of Ihe mid d~ and
<br />tho oNi... oJ ,ak to him duly dimled, did on the. ............~J-'?t... . .....day oJ.......,...:r..ll.r:1.l?................o................A. D, f9..~.!,l..
<br />.t u...lo.w.er...lobhy... fliIii!iiW oJ V.. Counly Co",1 1I0",,' in lloe........ ....Ci.t;y.... , ...,oJ......Gr.and...IsJ.and.................
<br />in .aid Counly oj... . .0 nmom.Jig.l.l.__ . hutlingfusl giun d~ and legal Mike oj the time and piau oj 80m llule
<br />by publicatiun unCi' in carll weeJl for Jour SlIcr.t!s.tirr IN'rk., ill III1'G.J:.aJlg,...I.slan.d_I1a.i.l.~~aeJ1~~ge~~1fded and in general
<br />eircuIa.tion in law Caunly of..._.........._.....Ha~l...._............._....-._.............__,,,_,_, .&t:llloid prmauu at puhlw auction lo__~~l.Yi..n..._...n.
<br />li'..i!! t t.el.:r;:.~.QD....~Jl.ci....I;?Q!:.el."'!L:r..90t..t.~];.;?9.n...................... .J.r V.. ,am .fLi..Yg....!i\!.m!.1;..~!Lg.!l.g.....9...Q.a.Q.Q........
<br />.(.,$.!iJJ.D._.D.D..).......... ..................................... ..............................d.llar" whid. .ak .... .J/erwan/. allhe....Ian~....lS.t..Term oJ ,aid co",l.
<br />A. D., 19!1.!L examined .nd ronfU'med and the ,.id...........J;;J.!!ffif!.t..t....C.......8.J;:D.g:\;.t....... ........................ ,ueh Shuijf, .rdued
<br />to contleY the said premue. infee simple 10 the 6aid_.Mg.lyi.n...R5tt.!;g~~.QJlmg..D.g..-.Q.Q~~.g.nh.~.g..t.tgb_~9J}__..__n.._
<br />~ot:u m:berdore. I, tho said ..................J;;.!!!!!g.t.t...C.......8.;r.n€\:\;.t..... ......................,..... ShuiJl of the County of
<br />_._.H.all..._.......m_..............m_....as aJoraaid. in consitkralwn oj Ill/! pmnuu and by tlirl~ oj tm power. vult:d in me by law and the
<br />rkcree .J ..id co",l, d. hu<by Gite. Granl .nd Coneey to tho ..id..M.e.l.v.in....Ea.t.tar.li.Q.n....a.DJi...llo.r.e.en....p.at:t.eL5.QIl.
<br />
<br />.... m.m...heirs and auigru, the premilu .0 as a/an,aid sold. to wil.:
<br />
<br />......I,.g:t.....f..i.;l;t.E,!.'".!).....U.5.J..........~a)..:!.9..l?..,.SJ.l.b.Q.iy.is,iQn., .,in.. the...C.i.ty.....Qf....Gr.and...I.5.1.a.ntl.,..,
<br />.......IIa)..:!.. .G.QW).tY...KE;!..Qt".a.~.ka, ..,.......................... .,.,.....................
<br />
<br />....~~~~~;;~Q~~~:.:.:.
<br />
<br />..]....NEBRASKli"OOCUMENTARV.. r .
<br />
<br />l~~~:~ ==
<br />
<br />I ~ ~ ............
<br />
<br />_..__........._... o. u.mm.._......... .__._.____..__.... ...........wilh ~ appurkn.aJ'l(r'.
<br />m:O "abe anb to "o(b tbe ~ame wUo tho said.h~l.g:J,yJ!1....l,"P..t..t..E,!..:r;.E.Q.!1.....img..m ..o.
<br />_,!;!.QJ;.li\gn....P..~,:\;:\;g.+.,~..9.n.........._..............._......_......_..heir. .nd au""", and to thom and u..ir we and belwo/J""""'.
<br />:tn m:e~timon!, lDbtttol, 1 hate. .. ,uch ShuijJ, li<rewIIa "t my hand thil...................4..t.h...................
<br />OctobS'..l;:..................,......................._.....A. D., f9BJl.. Y-. ' "/;
<br />.:r,.,--41:LZ:1:k.I..e:...+LC....t.?~
<br />
<br />Eza:ult:d and cklirued in tk preenee of
<br />
<br />SIo...iff of_...._.......Hi'..11.....____.COwdy. Nebnulla.
<br />
<br />R. L. will.iallllL.........
<br />
<br />c-.tr oJ Ha.ll ........................
<br />
<br />.J'
<br />
<br />On thil_.........4.th..............day oj...D.c.tohe.r.........
<br />
<br />19.Jl].., b<Jore me. tho undu.igna/...RQQgg.L..;r,..,.....~il.l.iams.......
<br />
<br />~ '::!I
<br />0::~:~~:,-=-~:::::::." ,::,~~~~~~~'*t;~~~;~~.,"'~";.~;;~:::."'":;.:.::::~?i""l~lIJ!!::
<br />
<br />in undJor ~aid caunly. pulOnnlly appeond the saitL_____.__... . . on ....m__.......
<br />_................ .. ElI1!' et:.!:...I:;."-..~.!!..~.1'.!::.....__..........'h..... ..o.........8h...ijf of said Cow,q.
<br />to me pernmolly known to be the itkntical pu,on u:oo ~igTU!d IMfo"floing irulrwruml. (U granlor. and
<br />~ adirwwlrdpnJ 1M mme to be hi.. roluntary ad and dud. (U .uch :rht:riJ!. Jar the wu and purPD-u
<br />Uwnin .dJarlh.
<br />Eline" my hand and, ~ 0.ffi;..J.:' I ,~I.~ the day and? . .~. '" ynlkn,
<br />~jzfd.L~f~
<br />