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<br />,.' i...,-;-;::-O,f;~-';:.:!.'-'.""-';L.-.:.:~~~~~=#.t':"-r--~-"''::;-:;~~o-: '--':;;l.'-.-,,:'", <br /> <br />:c~ ~~~il <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />88- <br />.notu au ~en fJp Ut:btst _resents, That, Who....., In an ad;.n in tho Dilbol., C.urt of tho <br />!Ul.t.O...........Judic;.l Vilboitl of tho Stat. ./ NtI>rallra, ..ilhin and/.,. Iho C.unty ./...........................tlS!.!,.!........................, ..ho, <br />.~J!n.t.Y....Qf....!:!.g.!J, ,!;g..9PM..................,.........................__..................................,....,............_.........plaintijJ.... and <br />_........f.,E9.!!g!".!:,...g,E9P~.!:.i:J.~~....g,9.r..I?9.F~1;.~9.!'!.!.....~t...~!.~....._.............................,............................d./.nd4nUI <br />at,y:...l.s:L............. T...m, A. D, 19...6.8, ./ I<lid "'ur/,....Co.unt, <br />did obIain a d...... fuuling that Iho,.. iI d"'/rom...___11'X.9..!:\:!;J.!rr.....1?.J.:Qp.g;;:.j;.i.~.!>....C.Q:!:BQ:!:.gj;,iQ!L........................................ <br />"'---._......_............~.9.lID..t.y....Q.L.1!g.!.!.....,.);!!?.!?.!;..g.;?.~,g............,..................................................................,.............,.. 1I1..urn <br />ri\Ultlr..~.Q..J;<'.Q.W;... .iOXlQ.,..g..6.Ll..O.O,....L$.4..B..4...6.6.1................................................... ........d.lldr., <br /> <br />and ""tz ./.uillazed a/...f..i.f.ty....SJ.~....."'n.g.....Q1.L.1Q.Q..... ...(~..S..6..,..Q..4J...... .. ........d./Inr., and, ..11.,...., il.... Ihon and Iho,.. <br />JUJ'Ihno ort:kml in. the 6aid action lhal in dt'JauU 0/ {lit! pay~nt of o~ sum ItO found dut! bj- the said.__fi.Qn.t..i~J:....l?r.Q!le.:rJ;i.~:?... <br />CorP.9.E,g.t:J.9.D.... , . ...................... .......thaL.......!;:l!!1!g:!:t ...C... ..J.!;;:n.~.j;.J::,................................................. <br />Shuijf of 6aid Counly of...-. .............._1Iall............. .m....._.._____..._..__...___. should cause- die lands and {enenunls hereinafter descri~d to be <br />odf1utiser/ and .old according to luw to pay the some, and. 1t:/~recu. thJault having been made therem. the said.....___...._..........._______..... <br />._____.........__..._....... ......~.~.t.t..._~..!.....~!'.P.:~.t:l; .. SlieriJ! oj ,aid county. under and by rJirl~ of the mid df!Cru and <br />Iho orduo/sal< 10 him daly dlntl.d, did on th........... .. ..........?oJ..!>.!:.... ' ..;..dayof..........IJJJ1~..................................A. D.I9ll.!L <br />at 1ho...l.awer....~QbbyJllliK~ o/llU' Counly Co=' 11..." in tI.......,...Cit.y...... ,........o/ <br />in6aidCountyoJ__. ...... ..__Ji_~+.J_ ... ...._..._...__...___..... .., havingfir.tgivm dut!and legal notia oflhe-timeandplaceoJ#aid.ale <br />by plliJlicaliml anre ill earh lI'f'r!.' fur lour ,mrlTlflli,'r Wrf'k:f in the.J?;r;:Br.H!__..i.$j._G\T.l.Q...D.a.i.1'y.._~~J1J).~~Ah1t and in general <br />cin:ulaJion in ,aid Calmly oJ.....-. ... H~.~.~... .... _....___......_...______....___..._.._... ,ell .said premiau at public auction 1o__MgJ_YiIL.......... <br />l?at.ter.s.on.,.and,..D.o.r.e.en" Ih. surn .f._Ei.v.e....HundJ:.ed...anC.....D.D./.lO.a...... <br />.............(~.5..0.0....0.Q.L... ... .........................dollnr.. which.aIt.... a/I.ruxud<rm o/.aid ",urt, <br />A. D.. 19...8.a emmin<d aruJ "nf"m.d and tho,AJ:net.t..... .......................'" s""h SherijJ, onhr<d <br />to "''''''Y the mid pr-<mi... in/<< .impl< I. tI...aid.....l1g..+.yj,.!L.1?..<!.t.:!;g;;:!?...Q!1..."'n.g...D..9.J.:.~gn....E'."'!:l'i.Q.!l......_........... <br />ftotu ~berdore, I, Ih. .aid .......................,.F.:..IIlJ.lgtt.....C.......h.:!:.ngj;;t..... ............, Sheriff 0/ the Counly of <br />. _..........H.Q.l.l_...m__............____...........lU u/uruaid. in r:unsichraJwn of the premil~ ('nd by "irw 0/ the powers vf!:Iud in me' h1law and the <br />det... ./.aid ",arl, d.l..rtby Gi... Granl and C.n..y ro tho <br />. Pa..t:tg.fJ?9.D:......____..... nmn........_.._.__......._............._....__...._... _.........heir. and tu.igm.the premi8u 11'0 tu aJew,aid.rald. to wil: <br /> <br />J;,..9..t...Jtj,,.H.SJ.". ,I<;<!.;l,1.Q.!>,..S.e.9..9..n.Q....SU.b.Q.i.'li.s.iQllr..ill."t.he...C.ity,..o.f.."Gx:aml. <br />_I3iJ..i;mg,..R<I.ll...C.o.!.1nj;,y,., Nebra,s.ka <br /> <br />-NE~'OOCUMENTARY ..~.. .. <br />\ . ~AMP TAX ..... <br />'srAttM~NTArrJ;Cflf!;l"'--" ... <br />__... .,Ofih.;;.2:~ 1::. ... :~~ <br /> <br />___............_.....___..._......_...._....___..___......_ ___with tlu! appurt::ntJ1IU.6. <br />U::o "abe aub to ~olb tbe :&ame ,,"Ia tho .aid.J1.':!1y'!g.__g.?!.:.~F..~Q.!l..AgQ...,. . <br />....Q.ore~ Pa t .!.~E.~9.E................................................_.._..........htir. and .../g"", and to thun and thoir ru. and behoof /DN!DU'. <br />In ~elltimon!, Wbereof, II",""," .uth Sheriff, hutun/o "I my hand thil...,_......4.1:h............................. of <br />_...Q.c.:t:o.b.e.L ...............................A. D..19Jlll P , / <br />..::..(.:::.4.Lk'.1<t."td:....c~.t4.L~~~7 <br /> <br />E=aI<d and d.IWutd in tho prumce ./ <br /> <br />Slotrlffo/...__ HalL_.__Counly, NtI>rallrtJ. <br /> <br />R. L. Will.i.ams......................... <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />r:;o.wy of. Hal] ............._....... <br /> <br />J'" <br /> <br />On / o[.....Qc.tober...... <br /> <br />19.JliL., be/.... m<, u.. wuI....ign<d......BQ.Il, <br /> <br />in and/or said counly. pe1'mnally ap~ the micI.__.___. <br /> <br />,__.........~etl..S.........N;;n.~......._...--. ..,...'...... .............SherlJTof .aid C.unq, <br />10 me pU60natly known to be till! ickn1icalpcrron who ,ignal Ulefnrt(Juing inrlrl.llmnt fl. gran/or. arid <br />M aclmowkdf}ftl tJ~ 8aI7U! to be h.... roluntary ad and deed. m 61teh :fhui1!, Jar 1M wu and pur~ <br />Chenein nUorlh. t <br /> <br />.(!neSS myloand~_do2!..7?~r~0 _........__... <br /> <br />'~;~~!~~=}~~;:~~_. ~_-~~_:~~~~~.~~o~~.Jf:~~~:::~~~-~:~~i~:~r~~~~~~~~~m~::::;:.~~~.;0',~'~:;:,.;~ "~:\~.y:~~~~~~:~.r;:._~:~~f.~~:..~i <br />_____ _ _ _________._._.__,.,_._.__-=."-.0'_'___ -0 =-:-=,-=_-,---=--~- --.----.--..---,.-. . ----.-- --.---- <br />