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<br />CONSTRUCTION COST LIEN <br /> <br />88- 106049 <br /> <br />Ge"a1d R. White and Meredith n White <br /> and wi:.. ~IENEES. for s.curing ~h. pay..n~ of ~h. n.~ <br />const.ruction charg. of. 1466 40 aa ..t. out. in P.ragraph IV 0: <br />~h. Irrigat.ion El.c~ric Pow.r S.rvic. Agr....nt. .nt.ered int.o by and <br />b.t.w..n Sout.h.rn Rur.l Public Pow.r Diat.rict.. ~IENOR, and <br />~IENEES dat.ed November . 198~ Account./W.ll Nuab.r 1208112 <br />.ort.gag. and .ncu.b.r ~o Sout.h.rn N.braaka Rural Public Pow.r District. <br />t.h. following deacr.!.b.d The No"thweet Quarte" (NW~) of Section Fou" (4), <br />Townehip Nine (9), Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. except a tract of land siuated in the <br />No"theast COl'ne" of the Northeast Quarte" (NE~) the"eof, more pa"ticula"ly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Quarter Section COl'ner on the North side of said Section Four (4), running thence <br />South along and upon the North-South 1/2 Section line through said Section Four (4),a distance of <br />417.4 feet; thence West parallel with the No"th line of said Northwest Quarter (NW\) of said Sec- <br />tion Four (4) a distance of 417.4 feet; thence No"th parallel with the said 1/2 Section lin~ <br />through said Section Four (4) a distance of 417.4 feet to a point on the Northline of said North- <br />west Quarter (NWJ,;); thence East along and upon said North line of the Northwest Quarter (NW!,;) of <br />. said Section Four (4) a distance of 417.4 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4 acres, more <br />or less, subject to easements, restrictions, reservations and leases of record, which is recorded <br />in Book 161, of Real Estate Mortgages, Page 543 of the Records of the County of Hall, and State <br />of Nebraska. <br /> <br />This Const.ruct.ion Cost. Li.n i. giv.n t.o .ecure pay..nt. of t.he net. <br />const.ruct.ion ch.rg. d.scrib.d .bov.. <br /> <br />Paragraph IV 0: t.h. Irrigat.ion E1ect.ric Power Service Agr....nt. <br />d..cribed above provid.s t.i.. i. 0: t.h. and i: d.:.u1t. i. <br />in pay.ent. a: any annual inst.all..nt. 0: t.h. n.t. const.ruct.ion charg., <br />Sout.hern N.braska Rural Public Power Di.t.rict. .ay d.clar. t.h. <br />unpaid a.ount. 0: t.h. const.ruct.ion charg. i...diat.1y due and payabl.. <br /> <br />If LIENEES d.:.u1t. in t.h. pay..nt. 0: .ny annual inst.al1..nt. 0: t.h. <br />net construct.ion charg. as r.quir.d by P.ragraph IV 0: t.h. Electric <br />Pow.r S.rvic. Agree..nt d.scribed above, LIENOR .ay declare the .nt.ire <br /> a.cured by this Const.ruct.ion Cost. Li.n due .nd payable <br />and :or.clos. this Const.ruction Co.t. Li.n in t.h. .... .ann.r .s t.h. <br />for.clasure 0: . .ort.gag. under t.h. stat.ut... 0% Nebr.ska. <br /> <br />D..t:.ed: )J;i';?h-'~......e..----'-7 <br /> <br />e::fjf4~ <br /> <br />. 198.!1.-. <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, COUNTY OF <br /> <br />frdL <br /> <br />The :or.going wa. .cknowl.dg.d b.for. .. <br />f'l()( J. '7 . 1981L, by ~J?I'1,(1J'd, <br />.nd /'Y)R.I1 Qr'~,'.ti) 2;) 's,VA.l:k/ <br /> <br />YY'lnll; f~.,~ -Lb d~ALlIJn <br />Nary ublic <br />lIy ca..ission .xpires, fY7nll.r),) .;:?~ ) 9q,~ <br /> <br />t.hi. <br /> <br />p ?J,~'-k/ <br /> <br />huab.nd .n~ wife, LIENEES. <br /> <br /> <br />'.J::-=~=l <br /> <br />~ <br />