<br />lIununt!} mr,h 88-106047
<br />
<br />mlJis 1Jtth.rnt1trr 1 Made this...........?~!:L......d.y oL..~!?y.~m~.~.r............, ill the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundml :md.Jl!L_~
<br />
<br />between.....~~.~~.~..~.~.~.~~.~~~...~:.~7.~!:g...~.~.~~~~~i.?~....................................., (a Cemetery A.soci.tlon), of......!:!!!J.).............COunty, ..~~.i?r..~~!!..~
<br />
<br />. corporation organiud and existing under and by virtue of the l.w. of the St.te of.......H.aJ.l............., p.rty of the first p.rt, and........ol~.r.ry....!1Y.er~...!!!l.!!............_.
<br />
<br />...........~~.~~Y....~,Y.~.~~.......................................................of the County oL....~~.J.l..............., .nd State of......~.~.b.E!!~.~!!..........., party of the second part: Witnesseth,
<br />
<br />th.tthc said party of the first part, for and in con.ideration of the sum of.....!~.r:~.e....h.~.n.~.r.e.~...!!I1.(.~()!.W.O'..:::::::.::::.::::.::::.~.::.~.::::.~.::::.::::J.PQ9.:.Q.9.1::.00LLARs.
<br />
<br />in hand paid, reccipt whereof i. hcr.eby 'l..cknqwkd~d, has sold and by' these ~ t does R,anl, convey and confirm unto the said part.!..E.!.~of the second part, the
<br />tlurlal plots Numberetl 22 & 23, Sectlon G, 3rd Addition
<br />following described premises, to.wit :.............................................................................. ......~..,., '.,......................................,..... ,Lot No................................. ( ) in
<br />
<br />Divi.ion......... of...~()~.~~...~J.e..~.~~.~~..~~.'TI~.~e..r..Y....J;\~.s.~.:Cemetery in.......~i!.1.L.. ...................COunty,.....~.E.!.~.r.i!~.~i!........., together with all appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging: Subject, however, to all Articles, By-Laws, Rul.. and regulationa of said Ccmetcry A.sociation. as they now exist or m.y hereafter be changed, modified
<br />or enlarged, and the said grantor Cemetery Associ.tion for itself or its successors, docs hereby covenant to and with the said part.!..E.!.~ of the second part and
<br />
<br />.....~.~.~.i.r:.......heirs and assigns, that at the rime of the execution and delivery of these presents it is I.wfully seiud of said premises; that it has good right and lawful
<br />authority to convey the same; that they .re frce from encumbrance and doe. hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of aU
<br />person. whomsoever, In witness whereof, the said grantor Ccmetery Association has hereunto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be aigned
<br />by its President and Clerk the d.y and year first above written,
<br />.
<br />
<br />Signed and sc.led and delivered in the presence of
<br />
<br />Mo.u.~~..ne..~.~.a.~~...~~~.~~.r..Y....J;\~.s.Q!;.!.!!c~!.I?r A CBMETI!R.Y ASSOCIATION
<br />
<br />By..k1~...I~~....~................._p.;lckm:...-
<br />........................................................................................................ By...4~......r.{~-~..-..
<br />STATE OF.........~;.~B.J;\~!SA.............................} 2 d N b 88
<br />
<br />~.N~.P~bii~..~~d...i~~..~d..~~~~~;,..:lIy app:::::::::.:::::~::::::::i.~~~:~~;~;.~~;::~:~:~~.~::~::~::::.:::::::::::::::~:~:~=~~~~::= bef-::,::=:
<br />
<br />.......................~().~~.r:~...~.:...h.i!:r:~.~!)......................................., Clerk of the._t1Q.!l!!.t.P..1.~~l.j;emetery Associ ation
<br />A Cemetery A.sociation, to me person.lIy known to be the said President and Clerk and the identica1 pc:nlIIII whose names an:
<br />affixed to the above inatrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their wluntary act and deed aa auch officera,
<br />and the voluntary act and deed of the said...~.9..~!!~...PJg!!~.!m.t..!;gmg.t.gr.Y....~~li.o~.aj;.i .' """-"fietery Association.
<br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal .t........~.~..~.r:().L~.S.....~.?!l.?L.........in said ty clay and ear Iaat above written.
<br />
<br />, , (!A. 'il / i.()~() ...-................-......... tL.c.e....c. ~<.~IiC.
<br />My commlSSlOn expires... .:1.&.ic....U2.r. ...7..a~ Notary Pub
<br />. Thla .pace mar be uaed lor further COQdIUoDJ, rstrlcUo!lS and COftDallb, aQ. I 6 &IAlIJJAIV..stallII MrISb I
<br />YO.... "o-Unbed ~ :~~!l~~r:~~ I,
<br />
<br />.Tn....,...."EU~ ..... ~'R.......... .........
<br />
<br />(SEAL)
<br />
<br />...___..__......................__..........................................n''''''____''_'__'''__''''>
<br />
<br />...,
<br />
<br />.411
<br />