<br />88- 106045
<br />
<br />PIge20f2
<br />
<br />Mortgagor(l) MIl 1_ 01....... Io_.....nanl_ __ MDfl_ U 10110..:
<br />(1) TOpal'llIUlnl, ludgm."ts orotherUMUmlntsl"llnl...ld premlall,lnCl 10 ply-whln dUI 11I...n, ""'1, fen archarun upon ..ld premll8larunderany
<br />...... PIIml'" lice"" or prtvllege ..I"ned to Mortg.gee uaddltlonal HCurlly 10 Ihll monga"e. Including IhOM on public domain,
<br />(2) To Inlure and klllp inlured building. and olher ImproyerMntl now on or heroner pllced on ..ld preml..,10 thl ..lIafactlon of Monga"... Such Inlurance
<br />mill MIPProved by and depotlled with MortDlDIt. and Indarud with. mortga"e claulll' wllh lOll thereunder PlYlblela Mongaget. Any .um.1O fWCIlved by
<br />MortglgM mill' be uMCI to pill' torf'KQnatructlon of the dIItroyed Improvements DrU no' 10 applied may, at the option ollhe Mortgagee, beapplted In plyment of
<br />any Indlbttclnm matured or unmalulWd eecur-.d by thll mortgage.
<br />(3) To kNpallbulldln"l, fhdura.nd othtrlmprovementl Rowan Ornl,.lnlrpllced on IIld premlaeaocc:upled and In goOd replllr, maln1enancelnd condition
<br />and to nllthlr commll nor permit In)' acta of wll18 or any Impalnnent a1 thl value of the MCUrtty.
<br />(4) In (hllYlnt Mortgagora fin to ply any Ilanl, ludgmenll. ......menta, lexOl, renta, t... or c:hargel or maintain any Inlu...nce on thl property. building..
<br />flxtu,. Dr Improvementau provided herein or In thlloan agrMlMn1, Mortgag.. m-v, It III option, make auch paymtntl Dr provldl InIU"'nce, maln1enlnCl or
<br />rePII,.. and any amountl paid th....or.h.n become part 01 the prlnclpallnd.btednea .ec:ured hereby, be Immedlat.ly due and PlYlble and bear Intl,..t from the
<br />dllaofPlymantuprovlded In thlloan ag,,"ment Provided. however. thatlhaldvencement by Mortgagee ollny luch .moun1llhallln nomlnnerllmlltherlghtof
<br />Mortglgel to did.... Mortgagotlln dllfluh or ...arellt any of Mortgagees other rlghtl and remedl...
<br />15) In thlevent Mortgagee'll partyto.nylltlgatlon affecting thellCurttyorth.Ulnollhll mortgage,lncludlng .nYlult byMortgageetolof'lClOllthllmortgage
<br />oranyaultlnwhlchMorIglg..lllnamedadlfendlnt (Including conchnnnatlonand blnkruptcyproceedlngl) Mortg.g..may Incurexpenllland IdvancllpaymenIJ
<br />lor lbatract ren. attornaya lees (except to Ihe extent prohibited by law). costa, .xpen.... appnu..II..1 and other chlrg.. .nd any amounta.o advanced IhllI
<br />become part of the princlPlllndlbllldn.. MCUntd he..by. be Immedlat1lty due and paylble and belr Interest.. provided In IhllDln Ig...m...t
<br />(6) Any Inrd. m.de to MortglgOrl or their IUCCftlOra by tha Ulrelle of eminent domain Ire h."'by ...Igned to Mortgagee; and Mortgagee fa hareby
<br />euthorlzed to collec1and applytha 11m. In payment of any Indlbtltdnea. matured or unmatured, HCU~ by thll monglg..
<br />(1) In the8Vlnt Mortll.gorldefault In thepaym.ntwhen dueofenYlum..lCured hef1lby (prlnclpal.lnt.rnl.ldvancemenll. orpratectlvedlllbummanll). or fill
<br />to perfarm or ob..rve eny covenanll and condltlonl contained hlf1lin. In the notlll) or In the loan ag...ment(a), or any proceadlng II broUghl by or qalnlt
<br />Mongagors undlr IllY Bankruptcy la... Mortgagaemay..1 It. option, declaretheentlre Indebtedne.. lecured herabyto bllmmacUlt1Ilydu.lnd payableandbllir
<br />Int.re.'I' lh.d.tault rat"1 provldlSd In IhI not.(I) orloln egreem.ntll) Ind Martgeg.. may Immedlltely tOreclOM Ih" mortgage orpuraue anyOlhlr naJlabJe
<br />Ilg,' rem~y Including foreclOlunt by advertlHmlnt with a power of ..Ie In Mortg.gee 10 the e.tent prOVided by alllll.., Provided. however. that delay by
<br />Mortgagee In exerclllng Ita r1ghtl upon default Ih.1I not be can.trued al II waiver ther.of Ind that Iny let 01 Mortgag" Wllvlng any apecltlc d.lault ahlll notbe
<br />conltrued ala walverof any future default. If Ihe proceeda under Buch ..Ie and loreclosureare InButllcl.nt to pay the totallndebtedneu hereby lICured, Mortg.gOTl
<br />do hereby Igrea 10 be perlonalty bound to pay the unpaid b111.nee, and Mongegee .hlll De .ntllled 10. d.flclancy judgm.nt.
<br />(S) Upon defaull. Mortg.g"lhallIt once beCOme enUlled to uclu.lve poue.alon. use and enjoyment 01 all property end to.1I rents, lUueI. croPland profits
<br />thereof. 'rom thetlm. at auch default and during tha pendency of foraclolUre proceedings and Ihe period of red.mptlon, the dellveryolwhlch may be enforced by
<br />Mong.gaeby any appropliale lull, action orproceecllng. Mortg;gee Ihall be.nUtled to. R.celver for s.ld property .nd.1I ranta.lllu", croPland profltstnereof,
<br />wilhout regard to 'he value of .ald property.orthesutflclencyth.reollo dllcharv.th. mortgage d.bland the loreclo.ure cosla, '...and IXpenMI. Suc:h Receiver
<br />m.y b. eppolnled byeny court 01 compelenlJurlsdlction upon.xparte eppllcatlon, notice being hereby..prellly waived. The RacelYlrlhallapplYln ranta,issulII.
<br />crops. profltl,lncom..nd revenue oflhe propertytokeepthe..meln good repelr.nd condition, p,y ell taxII, renll. tHl, eherg..and ......m.nts. pay InlUl'llnce
<br />premiums nec8lll.ry to keep the premllH I n.ured. p.y the expen" Df the rec.lvel'lhlp end anomey f"slncurred by the Receiver, cnd apply thl net proceedl to the
<br />paymenl or the IndebtednlllllCured hereby. Such Receiver .hln have all the other Ulual powers 01 recelver1l authorized by law and II the court. mllY direct
<br />(9) The Integrity and responsibility olth. Monglgorl conltltutes a pllrt 01 the eon.ldlratlon for the obllgatlonsllCu red hereby. Should Mortglgorl 1111. trwhlfer
<br />orc:onvey Ihe propertydelcribed hereln.w1lhoutpriorwrluen connnt oIMortg.gee, Mortgagee may, at It I option. declare theentlre Indeblednealmmedlatetydue
<br />and p.yabte and may proceed in th.enlorcemaM of Ita rightl All on eny other default.
<br />(10) Asalgnm.nt af Rents Including Proceedeof Mlnerel Lelia. Mortagorl hereby trenster, let over and convey to Mortglgee III renll, royaltlll, bonu... and
<br />delay moneyathat mlyfromtlm. tollm. becomedu.lndpeylble und.r.ny relleltale III" or under Inyoll, guorother mln....I.....of.nyklnd nowexilUngor
<br />Ihlt may hareallereame into exlltence, coveringfhe above land or any Pin tnereot. AUauch .umslo received by Mortgag.. lhall be Ipplted to the Indebtedn..
<br />IICUrect hereby; oruld Mortgagee may. at III option, tum overenddellvartoth.Mortglgoraarth.lr.uCC8llOl1Iln Int.mt.any arall otluch IUmlwlthout prejudice
<br />10 any 01 Mortgagee'a rights to take and retain luture lum., .nd .Ithoul prejudice 10 Iny of III other lights under Ihls mortgage. The Irllnlfor and conveylnae
<br />hereunderto Mong.geoof laid renta, royaltlll. bonu....nd delay moneyl Ihlll be conltrued to bel prowl.lon lorth. Pfiymant orNductlon ollhe mortgage debt,
<br />lSubJectto the Mortgagee's option a. herelnbeforeprovldtd, Indepandent of the mortgage lien on ..Id rill eat.ate. Upon peym I In lull ofthemortgagldlbland the
<br />rele... of this mortgage of record. Ihll convey.nce Ihall becom. Inoperative end of no rurther force and .ffect.
<br />(11) The coven.nts conlelned In Ihl. mongeg.ahen be deemed to be aeverable; I n h t .ny po
<br />unenforcllllbl., thai det. Inatlon shaU not affect the ."alldlty 01 the remaining portions e mort g.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />STATEOF Nebraska
<br />COUNTVOF Hall
<br />On Ihl...lth..dIY 01
<br />
<br />I
<br />) ..,
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<br />
<br />Nn\lpmhpt'"
<br />
<br />,A.D., 19.J!JL. before ml,. Notary Public.
<br />
<br />personally appeared ~rllly K Mpl!O;nn-HIIt:;;pn ;tnrl ~tAv"n
<br />
<br />1-I11~pn
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<br />(SEAL)
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<br />.J:GlIERAlIlOTARyoStaI. of ~eblaska ,
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<br />executed
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<br />to me known 10 bit the persan(l) named in and who executed the forego
<br />the same as thelrYOluntary act Bnd deed.
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