<br />I
<br />
<br />88-106041
<br />
<br />Pagl:2 af2
<br />
<br />.......ogo<(.) ...._ 01 thIm lurlher_t ond _ with 1I0rt_ u lallern:
<br />
<br />(1) To ply en II..,.. Judcmlntl or olher IIIftIIT\lnta Igllnlt ..Id preml.... and to pay when due .U....., ...nt.. ten Dr chlrg.. upon ..Id preml... or undtr Iny
<br />I...., permit. lIet"" or pmU. ...lan14 10 Mortgagee.. eddltlonll NCUrtty 10 thl. mortglge, Including thOlll on public dGmllln.
<br />(2) TolnlU,..nd kMPlnlurMlbUlldlng,.ndotherlrnplOYIlMntlnow on orh.,..fterplaCKt on ..Id preml... loth,..tllfacUon of Mong.gMt. Such Inaurance
<br />shall b11lpProved by and d,pollted with Morta.g.., Indlndor'Md with. mortgege clause with Ion thereundlr plyabll to MongegH, Any aumllO rKMnd by
<br />Mortga~may be UMdto PlY for I"ICOf1llructlon of thedettroyed Improvements or II notlo applied may. at the option of thl Mortgagee, be applied In paymtn'l at
<br />any Indebt8dnea matured or unmatured MCUM by lhll: mortgaga.
<br />(3) TokltlPl1I building., thctu....nd otherlmprovemlntanowonorheruft" placed onuld preml..occupled and In good repair, malntenanCIIlnd condition
<br />and to ntllhor commll nor permit any actI at waste or any.lmp.llrmant of lhe value of the MCUrlly.
<br />(4) In lhe want Mortglgor. fail to pay any lIenl, jUdgmenll, UMIIments, taxll, renll, f... or charon or mllntaln any Inlurance on the property, building..
<br />fixtures or Improvementau provided hareln or In the loan Ig,..,.nt, Mortg'Dte may, at Ita option, makeluch paymenll or pfO'rldl Insurance. malntananCII or
<br />repalralnd anYlmauntlPA\dttt.morahan become part of the prlnclpallndebtadneu NCured hereby, be Immedlatelydu.lnct payablt and blarlntlr8S1fromthl
<br />dsteotPlymentuprovldedlntheloan Igreemenl.Provided, however,thlllheadvlncement by Mortglg.. at anYluch ImountlahaUln nomanntrllmllthartghlof
<br />Mortgagel to dlC.... Mortgagoraln detault-arllXlrcilll any of Mortglg... other rlghtslnet rem.na.
<br />(15) In IhelYlntMortgagee I.. parIVtoanyllllgaUQnlffectlngtheHCurltyorlhellen allhll mortgag., Including anyeullby MortgageetotorectOlllthllmortgage
<br />oranYlul1 I"whleh Mortgaglllanamedadlfendlnt (Ineludlngcondemnltlonand bankruptcy proceecllngl) Mortg.g..rnay Incurupen...and advanc:epaymentl
<br />tor ablll1lct t.... IltOmeyt tell (except t.J the utenl prohibited by law). COlla, expen188, apprallll ten and olher charga and any amounts 10 IIdvInced shill
<br />becOmI plrt of the prlnclpallndebtedneuaecurecl hereby, be Imrnedlablty due and payable and belr InteRtll.. provklad In thIIloan IgreemenL
<br />(6) Any I..rdl made 10 MortglgOI"l or their IUcceuol'l by lhe exercl.. of eminent domain are hereby aulg".;t to Monglgee: and Mortgagaall heMby
<br />authorized to collect Ind apply the ..me In paymenl of any Indebtedn.... mltured or unmatured. I8CUred by thl. mortg.ge.
<br />(7) In the evan' MortG.gol'lda'aultlnthe payment when dueofanYlUmlaecured hereby(prlnclpal, Interest. advancements, orprQ1ecthredllburaementl), or,.1I
<br />to pertorm or obllrve Iny covenanla Ind condlllonl contained herein, In the noteta) or In IhelOln egreementll). or any procwdlng II brought by or 19a1ntt
<br />Monglgora underlny Bankruptcy laws, MonOlgee mly, at ItI;Optlon. declare thBentlrelndebtedne..llcured hereby to be Immedlltelydue.nd payabll.ndbelr
<br />Internt It Ihe default rata as provlded In the nOle(l) or loan agreemen1(l) and Mongegee mey ImmttdlatelyforeclOH: thll mortgage or pu..ue Inyolher avlUlbla
<br />legal remedy Including toreclosure by advenllllmlnl with a power of ..Ie In Mortgagee to thl extant provided by llaIe law. Provided. however, that delay by
<br />Mortgagee In exarclllng III rlghtl upon defaultlhlll not be co'natNed as. waiver thereat Ind that any act of Monglgeewalvlng any specific daflult .h.n nol be
<br />conltrued all a welverot anV tutUr1l defaUlL U the proceedl under euch IIle and foreclosure are Inaufflclenl to pay the totallndebtednaa hereby lIICurecl. Mortglgon
<br />do hereby agree lo be personallv bound to pay Ihe unpaid bllance. and Mortgagee ahall be enlltled to I deficiency judgmenL
<br />(81 Upon defaull, Mongagee shall at once become entitled to exclUllwe pOA8S"lon. uae IInd enjoyment of all property and to 1\1 rentl, I..uaa, CFOP8 and prontl
<br />thereat. trom thll time at aueh default and during the pendencyo.foreclDJure proceedlngaand Ihe period at redemption, the delivery of which may be entorced by
<br />Mortgagee by any appropriate ault.actlonorprocaedlng. Mortgagee.hall beenlltledtoa RecBlverlorsald property and all renta, luullS, cropaand profllltheRlOf,
<br />without regard to tnevalul otuld property, orlhesufflclency tnereotto dlschargelhe mongage debland Ihe foreclo.urecDltI, t....nd axpen.... Such ReceiWlr
<br />may be appointed by any court of competentjuritdletlon upon upaneappllCltion, notice being herebyexpraaalv waived. The Racelverahall.pply all r.nla.luuM.
<br />crops, protlts, IncDmeand revenue ottha propertylo keep Ihe ..me In good repair and condlllon, pay III lex.. renta, fees, chllrgeaand lINIIIn.ntl, PlY In.urance
<br />premium. neceuary to keep the pramlanln,ured, pay the axpen.. 01 the r8Celversh Ip and B110mey teellncu rrad by Ihe Receiver, .nd apply Ihl net proceed'lD the
<br />paymenl or the Indebtedneaa lMtCurecI hlraby. Such Receiver Ihall have_lIlhe other usual powers at recelvel'l,ulhorlzed by law and u the court may direct.
<br />(9) Tnelntegrlty and ""pon,lblllty at the Mortglgo,.. constltules a part at Ihe conllderatlon for the obligation. aecured hereby. Should MortgagDra 1811, lranater
<br />orconveylhepropertydeacrlbed hereln.wlthoutprlorwrltten con..ntor Mongelllllll, Mongagee may. at Ita Dptlon, decllrelhe enllrelndebtedneulmmadlatlllydue
<br />end payable and may proceed In the enforcement or lIB rights II on any other default.
<br />(101 Asalgnment ot Rent,lncludlng Proceedl ot Mlneralllllle. Morllgo,.. herebytran.fer, ael owarand conYl)' 10 Mortglgee.11 renta, royalll.., bonuMl and
<br />delay money' Ihat mayfrom lime to time become due and p'V.ble under any real estatllelae or under,nyall, guorothermlneral illlleot Inyklnd nowexlatlng or
<br />Ihel may hareatler come Inlo Ixl'tenct. covering the above land or Iny part thereof. All auch lum..o received by Mortgagee .nall be eppllttd to Ihe Indebtecln...
<br />secured hereby;orllldMortgagHmlY. alltlopllon, lurn CMIrand deliver to IheMong.gonll orlhelrlucceuof"lln Int.....1, any or.11 Dt luchaum.wlU'loutprajudlct
<br />to any at Mortglgee', rlghlalo take and rallln future suma, and wllhoul preludlce to any of Ita olher rlghtl undar thll monglge. The tranlter and conveyance
<br />hereunderto MOrtglgHOI .ald renta, roV_IUn, bonules and d.laymoneralhlll be conltrued to be a provlllon forthe payment or reduction otth. mor1glga debt.
<br />aubjectto IheMortglgee'lopllon II hara~bafore provld~, Independent otthe mongage lien on IBId real II1Ite. Upon payment In full atthe mong.geMb! andtn.
<br />release at Ihll mortglgl at record. Ihll c nveranotlhln beCome Inoperltlve.nd 01 no turthar torce and aftecL
<br />11') T anll contain din Ihll ong.ge Ihlll be deemld to be I8Vlrable; In Ihe event thet any portion of thll mortgage I. determined to be void Dr
<br />unen' able, t ~ nat I II arrect the Wllldlty or Ih. remllnlng portions at Ihe mong.ge.
<br />~/~ /}I,U.u.~
<br />IS," . ""' (S.", . "~'I C;;_n " " 00 "~
<br />
<br />~--'-J ~
<br />scmT D, JANSEN \
<br />= ............,'" " --..
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF Hall
<br />On Ihla..l.1b.. day of
<br />
<br />)
<br />I II,
<br />)
<br />
<br />November
<br />
<br />,A.D., 19.J1lL, before me, a Notary publle,
<br />
<br />peraonallyappeBred c::.tpV,::lIn I I.hll:.pn ;ann ,;ally I( J-Illc:pn
<br />
<br />My commission e
<br />
<br />6EIIlRAl KOT~RY.Stal! 01 N'!lIaskn
<br />SCOlT D. JANSEN (
<br />My ~_omm. Ex~__~I.L 0,1931 \
<br />
<br />
<br />executed
<br />
<br />10 me known to be the PBrBon(s) named in and who executed the toregolng In
<br />the 88me asthei.rvoluntary act and deed.
<br />
<br />(SEAL)
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