<br />6 Eminent Domain. lcndrr IS tmHlIJ)' Ollllgnm1 .'\11 tllmllllnoollon nWIHlIII 111111l'lgl'!llllllllJlhl1l fll1Vmrnlll III IOhol lhor(lmal"~r ProcuudO"lln r:onnuC:llon with
<br />condomnallon 01 olho, lakIng ollho Proprrly or pari 11101001 Ilf 101 COllvov"nCII mlll'u nl uJMllnmnllhon Lr.ndor shnll beenhllod al IllIopllOn 10 commoncu appoor IfI nnd
<br />pfOlloculO In ns own nllmu anVllCllon or proCOOdIflQI. nnd !lhnU nlao bo onhttolJ 10 milk" I1ny complomlso or sol110monl In connechon wllh ouch Inking or dnmBDo In lilt!
<br />ovonl any porllon of Iho Plopony 10 50 lokon or damaged, londor sholl hnvo Ihu ani mil m lIS !loin nnd nbsolule dlllcrollon. 10 apply nil such PrOCOOdll, nllor doduCllnO
<br />lheralrom allcostsand oxponsos Incurrod b... Illn cOllnocllon wllh slIchprocaolla. ulmn.ln... Inde!llednuss socured herobynnd In lIuchordor 05 Londormnydolerrnlne, orlo
<br />apply aU such Proceeds. altor such doduchons. 10 HllI relllornllon 01 Iho Proprtrly upon lIuch condl\lons /1S Londor may dotermlno. Any nppllcnllon 01 PlOcoodll to
<br />Indoblednoss lihnl1 not oxlend or pOSlponll tho duo dato '11.lny payments undor tho Noto 01 CUlO any delaull thereunder or hereunder
<br />
<br />7 p.rfannanc.brL.nd.r. In the ovonl 01 Borrower'!Ilallure 10 perlorm an)' 01 the covonontshorOln or make any pnymenlslCqUlred hereby. or II any acllslaken or
<br />logal proceeding commenced whIch malerlally allocl5lender's ,"Ioroalln the Properly, Lunder ma... In lis own dlscrotlon, but wllhoul obllgallon 10 do so. and Without nollce
<br />toor demand upon Borrower and wllhoul relosslng Borroworlmm any obhgnllon, donny acl whIch IheBolTower hnsagreod but fallsto doand may nlso do nny other act It
<br />deems necessary to protecl the securlt... herool Borrower shall. Immedmtoly upon demand lherelor by Londer. pny 10 Londer all cosls and expenses Incurred and sums
<br />expended by lender In connection with Ihe oxerClse b... Lender ollho lorogomg fights, logelher wllh mleresllhereon althe mle prOVIded in the Nolo. whIch shnll be added to
<br />Ihe mdebledneu secured horeby. Lendor shalt nol ,"cur an... personal hablllly because 01 nnylhmg II may do or omit to do hereunder
<br />
<br />a E.....nt. o' D.I.utl. Tho fOllowmg shnll consllhJte an event 01 delaull under thiS Deed 01 Trusl'
<br />
<br />III) Failurelo pnyany Installment 01 prinCipal orlnterasl or any other sum socured hereby when due, or IAllure 10 pay when due anyotherlndetltednessol
<br />Borrower 10 Lender;
<br />
<br />C\'J
<br />C\2
<br />o
<br />CO
<br />o
<br />.....
<br />n.....
<br />
<br />lb) A breach alar delault under nny prOVision contained In the Note. 1his Deed of Trust, any document which secures lhe Nate, and any olher
<br />encumbrance upon Ihe Properly;
<br />
<br />(cl Awritoloxeculion oratlachment or any similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shall becomo a lien on Ihe Proportyor any pori Ion
<br />thereof or Inlerast lherein;
<br />
<br />ld) There shalt be filed by or agalnSI Borrower an eclion under any presenl or future lederal. slille or olher stnlute. law or regulallon relallng 10
<br />bankruptcy,lnsolvency or other rellel ror deblars; or there shall be appolnled any Iruslee. r.c:!cejver or Iiquidalor of Borrower or 01 all or any part ollhe Property, or
<br />the renls, issues or prolllsthereol, or Borrower shall make any general assignment lor the benelit of credilors
<br />
<br />(e) The sale. transler, assignment, conveyance or further encumbrance 01 all or any part 01 or Ilny InteroSI In the Properly. Glther volunlarlly or
<br />involuntarily, without the Gltpress wrillen consent of lender
<br />
<br />(II II Borrower is nol an Individual, the sale. transfer. assignment. conveyance or encumbrance 01 more theln
<br />
<br />issued and oulslandmg slack or Iii a parlnershlp) ~_ percent 01 p..rlnership mlerests
<br />
<br />9. Rflnedlel;Accll.r.llon Upon Del.ull. In Ihe evenl 01 any Event of Defaull Lender may declare all mdebledness secured hereby 10 be due and pnyable and Ihe
<br />same shall thereupon become due and payable wilhoul any presentmenl, demand. protesl or nolice of any kmd Therealler Lender may
<br />
<br />(a) Demand Ihal Trusleeexercisethe POWEA OF SALE granled herein. and Truslee shalllhereallercause Borrower's mlemSlm Ihe Propert...lo be sold
<br />and Ihe proceeds 10 be distributed, nil mlhe manner prOVided m the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act
<br />
<br />(b) Ellher m person or by agent, WIlh or wIlhout bringing any aclion or proceedmg, or by a recelVlU appomted by a court and wilhoul regard to the
<br />adequacy 01 itssecurily. enter upon and lake possessIon olthe Property. oran... partlhereol. mils own name orm Ihe nBm80flhe Truslee, and do anyaclswhich
<br />it deems necessary or deSirable 10 prel1erve the value. markelabllity or renlablllly 01 the Properly, or part Ihereol or mlerest Iherein. Increase Ihe mcome
<br />therefrom or prOlect the secuflty hereol end. With or wllhoul taking possessIon of the Properly, sue lor or otherWise collect the renls. Issues and prolilsthereof,
<br />Including those past due snd unpatd, Bnd appl...lhe same, lesscosls8nd expensesol operallon and coUecllon Includmg attorneys. fees. upon any Indebtedness
<br />secured hereby, all 10 such order as Lender may delermme The enleflng upon and taking possession of lhe Pro pert.... the collectIOn 01 such renls. Issues and
<br />profits and Ihe applrcatlon thereol as aloresald. shall nol cure or waIve any default or nolice 01 delault hereunder or InvalIdate anyacl done In responselo such
<br />default or pursuant 10 such nollce 01 delnull nnd. nolwllhst.,ndlng the continuance III possession ollhe Property or Ihe colleCllon. recelpl ilnd nppllcallon 01
<br />rents, issues or prohts. Trustee or Lendor shall be enlllled 10 exercise every rlghl prOVided for In any 01 the Loan Instrumenls or by law upon occurence of any
<br />event of delaull. including the rlghllO exorcise tho power 01 sale; and
<br />
<br />Ie) Commem;e 8n a.:;uon to foro.:;lo,e Ihls Deed 01 Trust as a morlgage. appomt a re.:;elver. or speCifically eolorce any 01 the covenants hereol.
<br />
<br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender 15 Inlended 10 be exclUSive 01 nny olher remedy herem or b...law prOVided or permllled, bul each shall bo
<br />cumulative. shall be in addition to every olher remedy gIven hereunder or now or herealler elllstlng allaw or 10 equity or by stalule. and may be exerCised concuffonlly
<br />mdependenUy or successively
<br />
<br />10. Tru.toe. The Trustee may resign at any lIme Wllhout cause. and Lender may at any Imle and wllhoul cause appOint a successor or substllule Truslee Trustoe
<br />shall not be hBble lor any 1055 or damage unless due lu aCllonablo negligence or wllllul mlsconducl. and shall not be reqUIred to lake any acllon In connection Wllh lho
<br />enforcement ollhis Deed of Trust unless mdemmlled. In Willing. lor all cosls. compensation or ellpenscs which may be assoclaled Iherewlth In addlllon. Trustee ma)'
<br />become a purchaser at any sale of the Property IIudlC1BI or under the powerolsalegranted hereml. poslpone the saleol allor any porI Ion 01 tho properly, as prOVIded by law
<br />or salllne Properly as a whale, or in Separale pttrcel5 or lob
<br />
<br />11. Future Aellreneel. Upon requesl of Borrower. Lender may. allls option make nddltlonal and fulure advances and readvances 10 Borrower Such advances and
<br />Msdvances. wilh Interest Ihereon, shall be secured by IhlS Deed 01 Trusl At no tIme shafllhe pllnclpalnmounl 01 the mdebledness secured by lhlS Deed 01 Trust. nol m.
<br />
<br />cluding sumsadvsnced 10 protect the secunty ollhls Deed 01 Tlusl. ellceod Iho ongmal prmclpal amounl stated herem, or S _ ___ _ _ ,Whlcnevells
<br />greater
<br />
<br />percent 01 lit a corporatlonllls
<br />
<br />J
<br />CO
<br />00
<br />
<br />12 MI.cellaneou. Provl.lon..
<br />
<br />(a) Borra..r Nol Rel....d. ExtenSion ollhe lime lor paymonl 01 mnljlllCilhon 01 amortlZillrOn 01 the sums secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust granled b...
<br />Lender 10 any successor In mterest 01 Borrower shall not operole 10 rclonso m nnv mllnn(!f the Ilabl"ly ot the oFlglOal Borrower and Borrower's successors 10
<br />inlerest. Lendershllll not be reqUIred to commence proceedmgs ngomsl flueh SUCCC!lsor or mfuse toexlend lIme lor paymenl orolherwise modlfynmortlzatlon
<br />of the sums secured by Ihis Deed 01 Trust by mason 01 any dom.lnd5 madn by Ill(! ongllllll Borrowe, and Borrower's successors m intereSl
<br />
<br />(b) Lend.r'sPo..n, Wlthoutallocllng Ihe lIoblhlyol any olher pl.Hson tlilble 101lho pnymonl 01 Bny obllgallon herein menllOned, and wl1houlalleclmg
<br />the lienor charge of this Deed 01 Trusl upon any portIon of tho Ploperty nol thon or I~f!rclolor(' released assecunly lor the lull amounl 01 all unpaid obhgahons,
<br />Lender may, from time 10 tIme and wllhout nollce III release any person so lioble In) ".Iond the mntullly or niter an... 01 the lerms 01 any such obligations. lilll
<br />grant other indulgences. "v) release or reconvey. or Ciluse tob" relcn5ed or IOCOfIVOycd al anytlmo Rt Lendet's ophonsany parcel. porllon orall ollhe Property,
<br />Iv) take or release anyolheroraddlllonalsecuflly lor .lnY obligatIOn rlfHl!m mentioned or IVII milke compOSlllOnS or other arrangements with debtors In relatIOn
<br />thereto.
<br />
<br />Ic) Forbe.rana br Lend.r Nol. Walv.r. Any 10lbearance by londor m o:terClsmg any rlghl or remedy hereunder. or otherWIse a!lorded by apphcable
<br />law, shall not beawaiverol or preclude the exelClse of any 6uch rIght 01 romtldy Tho procuremenl 01 InSUlance orthepa...ment oftallesor other lIensorcharges
<br />by Lender shan not be a waiver of Lender's fight 10 accelerate the mnlurlly otlhe mdebledness secured by Ihls Deed 01 Trust
<br />
<br />ldl Succa..on .nd Asslgnl Bound; Joint .nd Stlnra' L1.bIllIYi C.ptlons. The covenanls and agreemenls herem conlamed shall bmd, and the fig his
<br />hereunder shall inure to. the respective successors and assIgns 01 Lender and Borrower. subJecI to the prOVISIons of paragraph 8 (e) hereol All covenanls and
<br />agreemenlSof Borrower shall be JOInt and several Thecapllons and hea'Jlngs 01 the paragraphs of Ihls Deed of Trust are lor convenIence only and are not to be
<br />used to Inlerprel or define the prOVISions hereof
<br />
<br />leI Requnl'orNoUcn. The partIes hereby request that 8 copy 01 any nohce 01 default hereunder and a cap)' of any nOllce of sale hereunder be maIled 10
<br />each party 10 this Deed of Trust allhe address set forth above In Ihe manner preSCribed by applicable law Excepllor any other notIce reqUIred under appllcnble
<br />law to be gIVen In another manner. any nohce prOVIded lor In thIS Deed 01 Trust shall be given by mailing such nollce by certified mall addressed to the olher
<br />partIes. at the address sel forth above
<br />
<br />Any notice prOVIded for In Ihl5 Deed of Truslshall be deemed 10 have been given to Borrower or Lender when gIven In Ihe manner deSignated herein
<br />
<br />If, In.pecUon. Lendermay make or cause to be made reasonable enlries upon and InspecllOns ,1 Ihe Property, prOVIded Ihal Lendershall gIve Borrower
<br />notice prtor 10 any such Inspection specilying reasonable cause therelor related 10 Lender's interesl In the Property
<br />
<br />Ig) Rec:onnwanclt. Upon paymenl 01 all sums socured b...lhls Deed 01 Trusl. Lender shalt requeSl Trusteeto reconve...lheProperlyand shall surrender
<br />lhls Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by thIS Deed 01 Trust 10 Trustee Truslee shall reconvey Ihe Properly WIthout warranl... and
<br />without charge 10 the person or persons legally enllUed therelo Such perst'll or persons shall pay all cosls 01 recordallOn. If any
<br />
<br />(h) Plinanal Property.SlcurHy AgrHmenl. A6 IIddlllonalsecunly lor Ihe payment 01 the Note aU II_lures, equlpmonl. and other personal property used
<br />in connectIon WIth the real estate or Improvements located thereon. and not otherWIse declared 01 deemed to be a pari or the real eslate secured hereby, Shall be
<br />subject to a secunty interest In favor 01 the Lendel undpf Ihe Nebraska Uniform CommerCIal Code Thl5 Inslrum"lntshall be conslrued as a Secullty Agreement
<br />under said Code. and Ihe lender 5hall have all the IIghls and remedies 01 a secured party under saId COde In addlllon 10 the rIghts and remedies crealed under
<br />and accorded the lender pursuant 10 this Deed of Trusl
<br />
<br />Iii SrlerabHiIy. In the evenl that an... prOVISIon oflhls Deed olTrus! conflict wllh applicable law or arc declared InvalId or olherwlse unenlorceable. SuCh
<br />conllic10r invalidity shall noll!llfecttheother provlslOnsollhlS Doed of Trust or Ihe Nole whIch can be gIven ellecl Without 1he conflicting prOVISion, and 10 Ihls
<br />end !he proviSIons ollho Deed 01 Trust and the Nole are declared to be severable
<br />
<br />Borrower has execuled thlll Deed a! Trust the dale written above
<br />
<br />
<br />Personally
<br />