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<br /> <br />--, I( <br />f)\J~ <br />~ ~iJ..' <br />,~~~ ~~e <br /> <br />,'\,[ ) '- , <br />iN\\0 \ <br />'v \~1:l'-.. <br />~-}- <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />n <br />! <br />i' <br />::a <br />.a <br />! <br /> <br />Excerpll From Inllm.1 RIV.nuI Coda <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />IflnypeflonlllblllopIYlnytaxntglecborr,'uH.10 <br />Ipayrtlll.1flt all.rlllmlnd, Ihlamount (Including Iny Int". <br />at. Iddlllanlllmllllnt, addition 10 tax, or IU..I.blt Plnllt)'. <br />IDlmr with any casb tnll may accrue In addItion thI/'Ila) <br />Ihall be IlIlnln 'Ivor aftn. UnJtldSlatn upon In property <br />and rJghtJ III Pf'OPlIrtv, ."'lhlT flllr Dr pIrIOn,r, belonging <br />laIUdlPlr.on. <br /> <br />See, 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />Un!ttl,nOlhtf d,l, II lpeclllcllly Ilud by IIW, the U.n <br />ImJOHd by tKtlon Wlth,1I .rl., at tn, 11m. the I,,".menl <br />Ilmldl.ndlhallconltnueunllllhtUlbllltylorthelmoUnllll <br />UNlItlI (or I Judgmlnt Iglln.1 th'lllCpaYII .rllll'lgoutol <br />such lIabUlly) II Illlllled orblcomnunlnforCllbl,bylllson <br />01 IlpsIoftlml. <br /> <br />See, 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />I') PurclllIII'., HoIdall 01 Stcurlly In. <br />IamlI, Machanlc'. Uanora, And <br />LIIn Crtdltora. - ThllIln Impelld by IIctlon lS321.hlll <br />not be valid Illgltn.1 any purch.Slr. holdlr of I .eeurlty <br />IntI....l,mecn.nlc'.II.nor.otludgmlnllllncr.dlloruntllnollc. <br />thlnol which lTIHll the raqulrlmlnll 01 lubllttlon If) hll <br />bIIn n11d by IhlSltrltary. <br /> <br />In PIICI For Filing Nollet; Fooo,- <br /> <br />(II P1ICI For FiJlng. Thl nollce reftrred 10 In sub- <br />JKtIonll)lhIIlblflllCl. <br />(A) UndltSlIlllIw. <br />(I) Rill Property -In Ih. clSe of filii property, In one <br />offiCI wilhln th. 51111 lor II'HI county. or Olh.r gll'Jlmmenlll <br />lubdlvlllonl, l.dlllgn.l.d by IhlIIWS01 such SI.le, In <br />whlchtht property.ubjtd to the lien IS Illultlld;.nd <br />(1IlP11rsonll Property -In Ihe easl of parsonll <br />property, whllher IInglble or Inllnglble, In Ontl offiCi <br />within Ill. Sill. lor Ihe rounty. or other governmenl.1 <br />lubdivlllon). u designlled by tht IIWI 01 such St'". <br />In wh~ the prO'1l1l1y subjecllo Iht Iren Is slluated: <br />or <br />(81 WlthClllkOfDlslncICourt-lntheoTtlclollhtcl"kol <br />Ih. UnilJd Slit.. dlllrlc! court for the judicl.1 disuicl In which <br />th.prOplrtysubjltfloUenISIllullell,Whtnevlrlh.SI.tthlS <br />nol byllwdlllgnltell one OffICI wlllcllmlllS IlIe reQUlremlr.lsol <br />'ilbparlgrIPf'l{AI.or <br />ICI Wllh RlCorlll! 01 Deedl Of Thl Dlstncl 01 Columoll . In <br />Ih. o"lee Oil'" Rlcor(l.r 0' De"I, 01 'h, OI,lritl 01 COlumuli, II <br />1IIIIlrClptrtrluClI,ett:JlhBhen'S51111Itell,nt".DI;I"C10' <br />Columbl. <br /> <br />Entered as Docul11f!n' No. <br /> <br />88-10~2a <br />Grantor <br />Grant811 <br />Numer11:al -L!:!L <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) SS <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> <br />f <br />9' <br />;; <br /> <br />- <br />ID <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />- <br />C;' <br />~ <br />o <br />- <br />-t <br />l>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />iii' <br />::lI <br /> <br />'it <br /> <br />! <br />;I !!. <br /> <br />{21 SltuI 01 Property SubJlct To Llln. for purpo... 01 <br />plragrlphl(lI.nd (4). proplrty Ih.1I bt dnmld to be Illulted- <br />(AI Re.1 Prop.rty. In Ih. call of rill property. It III <br />phyllc.llocatlon;of <br />(B) P'rsonll Property. In the CUI 01 I\Irlonll property, <br />whelhlr tanglblt or Inllf\Ulble. .1 lhe ruld'net of Il'lII <br />lup.y.ralthtllm.thtnoUctofll.nllfllld. <br />Forpurpo...olplrlgrIPh(2)(B),lhlruldtnCloflcorporatlon <br />or plr1nel'lhfp .hlll bI dlllmtd 10 belh. which IIlI <br />prlnclpll,xeeutlvl offiCi at tht bullnllll.locatJd.lnd the <br />ralde"ce 01 I Illlp.Ylr who.1 mld.neell without the UnIted <br />Slllnlhall be d8mld 10 be In lhe Ol.trlct 01 ColumblL <br />(3) Form . Thl lorm lnd 01 th, nallCl <br />tlfl"1d 10 In lublKllon (I) .hlll III prucrlbld by till <br />Seerlllty. Sueh noliCl Ih.lI III valid norwllhll.ndlng any <br />olher PfDvllfon all.. reglrding Ih. form or eonllnl of. <br />oolleaolllen. <br /> <br />Noll: See ,"cllon 6323Ib) lor protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 0321 Is med with respect <br />to: <br />1. SecurltJu <br />2. MOlarv'hlcl., <br />3. Pll'lon.lproplrtypllrchl.tdllntall <br />4. Perlon.1 proptrty purthUtd In cuull..I. <br />5. Ptl10narproplrtylubJlCttdlopaUllloryll.n <br />II. R..l prop.rty to Ind .ptelll ,,'namlnt lIenl <br />7. Rllldenllllpropertylubj.C11o.mlChlnlc'l <br />lI,nforClrtllnflp,alr..ndlmpTOvlmlntl <br />B, Anomey'IUenl <br />9. Certain Inluranc.ronlrlclJ <br />10. Pu.booklolnJ <br /> <br />"J Rltlllng Ot Notice, - ,,, ,,,,.... " !hI. <br />IIcllon. <br /> <br />III Gln.r.1 Rule. - Unl..s nollct 01 lI.n II rtllltd In <br />thl mlnner prescrlbtd In paragrlph (2) during theflqulred <br />refillng period. such nollceol lien shill betrtlled U llIed on tht <br />dateonwlllCllitllllled(lnlccordanClwllhsubntlion(O)afilr <br />theuplr.tlcn 01 luchrellllng period. <br /> <br />121 PIIet For Filing. - A nohce 01 lI,n r.flJed <br />dlllinglhlrequlrtdrlflllngperiolllhlUbeeNlCtlv,only, <br />(AliI. <br />III sllcllnoUceollilnlsfIlflledlntheoTtlCIInwhlchlhe <br />prior nOlltl 01 Ii.n wu filed, lnd <br />III) In the eaSl 01 rill pro;MIrty, ltl,l.ttol rellling Is <br />enlerlll lnllrerorded tn In index to the Ixlenl rlQlIlrelI by <br />'ubecllon (If (41, Inll <br />(8) rn any CISI In which. 90 1IlYS or more pflor lothtdll. <br />011 IIIIUng crl nollCI 01 lien IAI 1111 <br /> <br />G(;V/1 <br />i.9 / I <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />'B8 HOU <br /> <br />;I <br />39 <br /> <br />c <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />AM 9 <br /> <br />Q 40 J . <br />/~~~~~ <br />peG: OF onon<; <br /> <br />Secl'ltlry ttetlvtd .rlllln Information (In tilt mIMII' <br />pr.lerlbed In rtlIulatlonl luUllt by thI SKrItary) <br />concerning I Cftlngl In thI IIXJllytr'l rtlld.ncI. If I notlCl <br />oflucftU.nllll.ofllldlnlccordlJ1ClwtthlubMctlon(f)it <br />thtStllllnWhlchlUchrllldlftCllllocalld. <br /> <br />~I Raqulrtd R.fllng PerIod. - In IhI CUI <br />oflnynolJtloflltn.thlltrm"r1qulruJlI'fIIInt1llf5od.~. <br />(AI1h. ont-ym perlod Indlng 30 dlyelftlr thI PJlratll}O <br />01 D Yllra .lIIr UII d.te of thI....mJnt of till tax, and <br />(OJ the on..Yllrpttlodtndlng wlthdlluplratlonolO)'lll1l <br />Inlrth.clolIolth.prtCldlngllqulrtdl'lflllnaperfDdfor <br />ludlnotlclolllln. <br /> <br />See, 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property, <br /> <br />1'1 R.'.... 01 Lltn. - Su>l1Ct to ",It <br />~ul.lIonl u thJ Secretary mlY pruulbe, thI SIcrItIry JhIII <br />InuI. clrtlllcatl of rallulof any IIln ImpoHd with rnQICtto <br />any Inllmal nlllnu.lU nollltlr Ulan 33dlyelltlrthl dlY on <br />whIch. <br />111 Ulblllly Sltllflid or LktlnfOfCllblI . ThI Stcl'ltlry <br />f1nd.thllthllllbIUlyforlhllmounlulllIId,loaJthJrwlthaD <br />Intenlt In rnplCt hu bHn full, .Itfaflld or hII <br />bIcomlleglllyul'llnlorcllbll:or <br />(2) Bond Acclptld. Thlra II fumllhld to tI'lISKmuy and <br />lccepled byhlm a bond thlt I. condltlontd upon thI Plyment of <br />th. amount a...IIlI. toglthlr with III Inlll'lll In mpetl <br /> within the tlm. pnscrlbld by II. (IncludIng any <br />.lttln.lon ol.uch lime,. lnd tIlll II In ICCOrdlnce wIth IUctl <br />requlrem.ntlr.lltlnglolerml,condltlon..lndformotthllMlnd <br />Ind.urlUII lhtrlon. II mlybJlPIClfledbylUch flQullllolll. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation, <br />"1 DIIClOlUIlI 01 ClIrlaln Raluma and <br />R.tum Inlooolllon For Tu Admlnlalrallon <br />PurpclHl, - <br /> <br />(21 DISCIMureollmountoloulIl.nlllnglten,.lIanotlceol <br />IIlnhlSbI.nm.dplIrlulnlllllldlon63231I),lh.lmountollh. <br />oUlltlndtngobug.llan.lICurtllbYluchUlnm.ybldlaclondto <br />In,PlrIOnWtlolumlllltIIlUa1lCtorywrmer.lvldlllClthlthl <br />hll.rlghltnthepropertylub! <br />obllin I rlghl In sucll propeny <br /> <br />l <br />