<br />88-105970
<br />
<br />
<br />THAT Samuel R. Pierce. Jr. , S.creury of Houaing and Urban Development,
<br />of Waahington, D. C., Grantor, in conaid.ratlon of the aum of ONE 1lll1.l.AR ($1.00) and
<br />oth.r valuable coDllideraUoDII in hand paid, doaa h.r.by grant, bargain, ae11 and convey
<br />unto Michael P. Westpfahl and Denise W. Westpfahl
<br />
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska . Grantees,
<br />aa Joint tenanU, and not aa tenants in C01llllOn, the follINing described real property
<br />aituate in the County of Ha 11 . State of Nebraska, to .,1 t:
<br />
<br />Lot Fourteen (14). Kallos Subdivision, Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />67'''I7'EA.
<br />'rlErvr
<br />A rrACH!O
<br />
<br />grp.\IIlP TAX
<br />NOV 4 1988
<br />
<br />~~,8V. ~
<br />
<br />BEIllG the aame property acquir.d by the Grantor rurauant to lh. provision. of the
<br />Rational Houaiog Act, a. amend ad (12 USC 1701 at uq.l and the Department of Hnusing and
<br />Urban Davalop1ll8llt Act (79 Sut, 667>.
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH aU t.nementa, heredltaments and appurt.nancu thereunto be10nginl1;,
<br />and all the .atate, right, titl., inter.at, cl.im or demand whataoever nf the said
<br />Graator, of, in, or to the ...., or any part thereof.
<br />
<br />IT BEx.; the intention of .U p.rU.a h.r.to th.t in the evc:nt of the denth of
<br />either of aaid Granteaa, tha .ntire f.a ailllpl. title to the red eat.te deacribed herein
<br />ah.n veat in the aurviving Gr.nt...
<br />
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .bov. d..crib.d pre..isea, with the appurtenances. unto the
<br />..id Grantees 8. Joint tenanta, and not .1 tenants in COl'lDOn, and to their ..siRna, or
<br />to the haira .nd ...igna of the aurvivor of them, forever, and the .aid Secretary of
<br />Houaing .nd Urb.n Dev.lopment, .nd for hia au~ceaaora .nd .aaign., does covenant with
<br />tha Granteea harain Dllllled, lIUd with th.ir a..ilDII and with the heirs, and a..igna of the
<br />.urviwr of th..., that the .aid Gr.ntor ia l..,fully aeie.d of aaid premisea; that they
<br />are fr.. f=OIIl incumbrance. th.t the uid Gr.ntor ha. good right .nd lavfu1 authority
<br />to ..n the ....., .nd th.t the ..id Secretary of Houdog and Urban Develop....n., .,111.
<br />.nd his .ucc...or. .nd ...il..., .h.n, WARRANT .nd DUEND the ume unto the named I1nnteeR
<br />.ed unto their ...ipa and the heir. .nd ..aign. of the survivor of them, forever. al\8lnB'
<br />the INf\l1 clalma and delURd. of all perlons clalminp; hy. throl1llh or under thl'm, and
<br />egeiDlle DO oeh.r c181m& or d_nd8,
<br />
<br />SUBJECT to all covenant., r..triction., r..erv.tlonl, ....euwntll. cunditlon.. and
<br />C'laht. .pp.arl... of record; .DeI SUBJBCT to any .t.te of f.ctll IIn ....ctlr.t~ lIurvt!v \1I11ultl
<br />.how.
<br />