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<br />Slate 01 Nebraska <br /> <br />88- ~05B82 <br />Deed of Trust <br /> <br />{lY13741, -11 <br />21YOOD <br /> <br />I ""~'2'I"!-1274A09-703 <br /> <br />1lds Deed of Trust (''Sccurit)llnslrument'') is made on Nc"r(~mh'" r 1st <br />19 BB . The trustor is Gn~$~ory I\. CaUahan anct l~iRa u. Callahan <br /> <br />Connnercfai fedt~ral Savi.nJ!s 1~B;yrre~~r~)'I~;~i~tlsrnn <br />Commercial Fcodl'ral Morq~age Cnrporation <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />hURband ann wife <br /> <br />under the taws of <br /> <br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is <br />, which is organized and existing <br /> <br />2120 South 72nd !itreet <br /> <br />. and whose address is <br />Omaha N~bra Hka (18124 <br /> <br />("Lender"). <br /> <br />Witnesseth: That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and created. and the sum of One Dollar (SI).10 <br />him in hand paid by lile Trustee., che receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. does by these presenlS grant. bargain and sell, convey and <br />amfirm. unto the Trustee in trust. with power of sale. forever, all of lite following described real estate. situated lying and being in the County of <br />Ha 11 , and State of Nebraska. to wit: <br /> <br />Lllt Eightt-'en (1~)\ Aq~n Third Subdi'J'f~il)n, Hall Cuunty, <br />Nt., braska <br /> <br />which has the address of <br /> <br />106 ^st..:>rn!rl Ct(ArmI <br /> <br />AldQ. <br /> <br />IClI~1 <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />68810 <br /> <br />(Zip Codel <br /> <br />("Propcny Addrcss"); <br /> <br />To Have and To Hold the premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and includins all healing, plumbing and <br />lighting fixlures and equipmenl now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real esta.te unto the Truslee. and 10 its successors <br />and assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to, and convenants with. the Trustee. thatche Borrower has good righl 10 sell and convey said <br />premises; th&tlbey are free from encumbrance; and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the SlIme against the lawful claims of all persons <br />whomsoever: and lhe said Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homeslead. and all marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other <br />contingent interests of the Borrower in and to Ihc: abovc-dcscribcd premises. and intention being to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple. <br />including III rights of homestead, and other rights and interests IS aforesaid. <br /> <br />Prorided Alw.,... and these presents are executed and delivered unlo the Trustee. in [(WI. however for the following purposes: <br /> <br />Wberas.tbeBorrowcronthe IFl ,day of Nn\'('mhE'r .19 AR ,borrowed from Ihe Lender <br />the sum of T\<ENTY TlIO THOUSA~D TWO [JIlNOREn F I HY anT! 00 II 00 <br />DoII.r.; (S 22,250.00 I. for which <br />sum lhe Borrower bas execuled and delivered to Ih~ Lender Borrower's promissory nOle of even date, bearing <br />inlmSl of lb. rate of ET GilT anT! 650llO00 pcr conium ( R, (,50 %) pcr annum on lhe unpaid balance unlil paid. <br />lbesaid principal and intertStshall bepayab1e attbe office of ComrnC'rclul Fl.'dl ral M{lrt,L!aRf..~ Corpuration <br /> <br />in Omaha Nr!brSHk:l ,or al such olher place as lhe holder or the note <br />may designate in writing, in monthly installments of ONE HL'IIJDREO SEVENTY 51 X J1f1cJ I 5/100 <br />DoIIars(S 17li.15 ),commencingonthcfirsldayof Ji1nuarv <br />19 89, and on the fim day of each month thereafter until the principal and inleresl are fully paid. excepl that lhe final paymeRI of principal <br />and intcTCSt. ifnOlsoonCf paid, sball be due and payable on the first day of DC't.:embt'r <br />20 16. <br /> <br />This form il used in connection with mortgages insured under the ane- to four-ramllv programs 01 Ihe National Housing Act (including <br />Sections 203(b) and (I)) which require a One-Time Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in accordance with the regulations for those <br />programs. <br /> <br />Page 1 015 <br /> <br />fonn HUD-D2143-OT.1 (3-89 edition) <br />24 CFR 203. 17(a) <br /> <br />T.IC-240 (~c) :;~.I J/~~ <br />