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<br />Slale 01 Nebraska <br /> <br />88- 105865 <br />Deed of Trust <br /> <br />0931722-h <br />2>QOOO <br />I '".f~''':J 273304-74R <br /> <br />1bIs Deed of Trust ('"Security Instrument") w made on October 31 nt <br />1988 .ntetrustoris Douglas A. Fangmeier anet Lori R. Fangmf'ipr. huqband and wiffl <br />("Borrower"). The trustee is <br />Commercial Federal Savings and Loan ASFinciation <br />Commercial Federal Murtgap;e Corporati.on <br />Nebraska ,and whoseaddrcss is <br />2120 South 72nd Street Omaha Nebraska 6R124 <br /> <br />("Tnl5tee"). The beneficiary ~ <br />. which is organized and existing <br /> <br />under the laws of <br /> <br />("Lender"). <br /> <br />WitnesIeIh: That the Borrower in oonsidcralion of lIle debt and trust hereinafter described and created, and .he sum of One Dollar ($ I Jt to <br />him in band paid by the Truslee, the rr:a:ip1 of which is hereby acknowledged. does by lhesc presents grant. barg~in and sell. convey and <br />amrmn. unlO the Trustee in trust. with power of sale. forever, all of me following described real eslJ\tc. situated lying and being in the CounlY of <br />Ha 11 . and State of Nebraska. to wic <br /> <br />The Northerly Fifty One anrl Thrc'e Tenths (51.3) Feet of the <br />WL!sterly On~ Hundred Forty Eight and Five Tp.nth~ (148.5) <br />Feet of Lilt Five (5), in Vantine"'s Subdivi:::ion tn the City <br />of Grand t ~lanrl ~ Hall Cnunty, Nf'braRka. <br /> <br />wbich bas the address nf <br /> <br />1041 5 Locust <br /> <br />I-I <br /> <br />Grand. T 1'; 1 and <br /> <br />lal)'1 <br /> <br />NebnIska <br /> <br />6BROI <br /> <br />fZipCock) <br /> <br />("Propeny Address"); <br /> <br />To 118ft JIDd To Hold the premises above described. willi all the appunenanc:cs lIIcreunto belonging and jncluding all heating. plumbing and <br />Ugbting flXtW'C5 and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in conncaion willi said real estate unto the Trustee. and to its successors <br />and assigns. forever. The Borrower rcprescnlS to, and convcnants with, the Trustee, that the Borrower bas good righlto sell and convey said <br />premises; tIw llley are free from encumbranc<: aod !ba. the Borrower wlll WiUTIOt and defend the same against lbe lawful claims of an persons <br />whomsoever; and the said Borrower hereby reJinquishes all rights ofhomcstead. and all marital righLS. either in law or in equity, and all other <br />contingent interests of the Borrower in and to the abJve..dcscribcd premises. and intcntion being to convey hereby an absolute title. in fee simple. <br />indudiJJ& all riBbts of bomesteld. and 0Iber n,h15 aod inll:n:SlS as afon:said. <br /> <br />PmYided Ahnys. and these presents are execulcd and delivered unlD lhc: Trustee, in lrust. however for the following purposes: <br /> <br />Wberal.tbeBorroweronlhc 31st , day of Ocrnber ,19 AR . borrowed from me Lcnder <br />the sum of TlIENTY NTNE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED and 00/100 <br />Dollars 1$ 2q .800. flO ). for which <br />sum the Borrower bas executed and delivered to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of even date, bearing <br />interest ofllle raIe of EIGHT and 650/1 000 per ,altum ( 8.650 '.\\) per annum on lbe unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and intcrcsl shall be payable at the offICe of Commerci al F~dera 1 Mort gage Corporati on <br /> <br />in Omaha. Nebraska ,or at such allier place as lIIe holder of the note <br />maYdesi8JLa..inwrilin&inmontblyinstaIlmen15of TWO HUNDRED TlIIRTY FfVE and Q31100 <br />DoIlarsCS 235.93 ),oommencingon the first day of Decf'mbE"r <br />19 58. and on Ibe first day of each montb thereafter until the principal and interest are fuUy paid. except thatuu: final payment of principal <br />and interest, unal sooner paid. shill be due and payable on the first day of NOI.'(>mbpr <br />20 16. <br /> <br />Thil form is used in connection with mortgages insured under the one. to four-family programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />Section. 203(b) and (i)) which require 8 One-Time Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in accordance wilh the regulations for those <br />programs. <br /> <br />lonn HUo.o2143-1lT.l (3-88 _on) <br />2~ CFR 203.1710) <br />T.IC-240 (ge) :::.1 J/UU <br /> <br />I "rov~J 01-5 <br /> <br />LJ <br />