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<br />88- 105792 <br />NON.liNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fUMher covenant and agree: as follows: <br />19. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall Ii,e notIce to Borrower prior to acceleration follo"ing Borrower's <br />b....... ohny CO'eJIlIIIt or lllI'HDI.ot ID IhiI SecorIty lDItrumenl (bot oot prior to ....I.ratloo und.r parallrBpba 13 and 17 <br />DIll... appUcabl. Ia.. proYides othenrite), n. notl.. IhaJllpeclfy: C.) th. d.f.ult; (b) th. .ctIoo required 10 cnre the <br />deflnll; (.) I date, 001 lea than 30 daya from th. date th. notl..l.lld,en to Borrower, by ..hl.h th. defaull mOlt he .ured; <br />ud Cdlthal 00"", to core the defanll on or before th. date apecIlIed ID the notl.. may result ID ....l.ratlon of the SDJDI <br />aec:ured by IhI.I SecorIty lDItrumont ud aaI. of th. Property, n. ootl.. shall furth.r Inform Borrower of th. right to <br />reInatme lite acceI.....tloo ud th. rlabl to brloa I mart action to aaert th. non-exl.lten.. of a def.nlt or uy other <br />def..... to acc:eleratlon IDIi aale. Uthe defanll1.1 I!Ot cured on or before the dale speclfied ID th. notice, Lender <br />It III option m&y reqa1re IDunedlate payment ID run of alIauma aec:ured by IhiI SecorIty lDItrum.nt without further <br />dlDlllld IDIi may.IDYOk. the power ofaal. ud IIIIY other remedi.. permitted by.ppUcable ....., Leader sball he entitled 10 <br />coDec:t all _ Iocarred ID puraulq the remedl.. proYided ID IhiI paragraph 19, IDdudlng, bul Dol 1Imlted 10, <br />_bl. IttonIoys' f....nd COllI oftltl. n1dence. <br />U the power of sale 1.1 IImIked, Trustee aball record I notl.. of default ID eaeb county ID ..hieb any part of th. <br />Property 1.1 located ud aballlllllil copl.. or web nollee ID th. IIIlIIlIIer prescribed hy .ppU""hl. Jaw 10 and io the <br />other peIlIODI prescribed by appUcable Ja... After the tIm. required hy .ppllcahl. I.... Trustee shall give pubU. notl.. of <br />1IlIl. to th. peIlIODI and In the 6wmer prescribed by .ppUc:abl. Ja... Trustee, wlthont Jlemand on Borrow.r. shaD seU th. <br />Property It pubU. aoctIon 10 th. highest hidder .lth.lIme and plaee and under the terms desigDllted In the noli.. or sale ID <br />ooe or more pan:eIs and In any order Trustee determlo... Trust.. m.y postpooelllll. or aD or any par.el orthe Property by <br />pobU. lIIIUonnteDlenl .1 the time and plaee of any previously scbednled 1IlIle. Lender or Its desigoee may pur...... th. <br />Property at any aale. <br />Upon reeelpt of paJ'lllOllI of th. pri.. bid, Trustee aball d.nver to the purchaser Trustee's deed couveylDa the <br />Property, n. recitals In th. Trustee's deed aball he priml fad. n1den.. or the truth or the statements made thereIn. <br />Trustee aball.pply the proceeds orth.IIlIl.1D the foDowiDa order: C.) to aD expenses of the sale, In.ludlng, bot not limited <br />to, Trustee's rees as permitted by appUcable Ja.. ud reuolUlbl. .ttorneys' fees; (b) to aD sums secured by this Security <br />lDItrument; ud Ccluy ex.... to the penon or peraoDlleplly entitled to It. <br />20, Leader In Pouessioo. Upon ....deration und.r paragraph 19 or abandooment of the Property, Lender (in <br />penon. by agent or by judicially Ippointed recei....) shall be entitled to enter upon, lak. possession of and manag. the <br />Property ud to coUee. the renll of tb. Propeny in.ludiog those past due. Any rents coDceled by Lender or the receiver <br />shall be .pplied fiat to p.yment of tbe 00111 or management of the Property and coUeetion of rents. includiog, but not <br />limited to, receiver's f.... premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fees, and then to the "ums secured by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />ZL Recooveyan... Upon payment of aU sums secured by this Security Instrum.nt, Lender shall request Trustee 10 <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and aU notes evidencing secured by this Security <br />Instrumen. to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without charge to the penon or persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such penon or perIODS sbaU pay BOy recordation cosll. <br />n Soba1l_ TrDJlee. Lender, It ill option, may from lime to time remove Trustee BOd appoint a successor trustee <br />'0 BOy Trustee appointed bereunder by u instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrumen. is recorded. <br />Without conyeyu.. of th. Property. the successor trustee sbaU succeed to aU the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />Trustee berein and by applicabl. Jaw. <br />23. Request for Notices. Borrower requesll that copies of the notices pf default and sale be sent 10 Borrower's <br />addresswhichisthePro~~ Borrower further requests that caplcs ot -dle ~tlces at ~e au1f and sate <br />be se~.l"fIcfAIiI't.l'l&l's~~lnC1Fo'ii'. g~ ~I'e 'W8lii':,..o~g&"l'.cf6~"Bl!rt.l'~J~~ ~= tosether with <br />this Security Instrument, the coYenanll and agreemenll of each su.h rider shall be incorporated in.o and shall amend and <br />. supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if .h. rider(s) were a pan of this Security <br />Instrument. [Check applicable box(es)] <br />o Adjustabl. Rate Rider <br />o Graduated Payment Rider <br />o Othcr(s) [specify] <br /> <br />N~ <br /> <br />o Coodominium Rider <br />o Planned Unit Development Rider <br /> <br />o 2-4 Family Rider <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower acc:epll and _ to the terms and covenanll conlaioed in this Security <br />Instrument and in any ridcr(s) ....uted by Borrower ud recorded with it, . <br />,. ./ , <br /> <br />.~~;:.s......o.i.d~...~..........~ <br />~ ~,1... jj 0 / <br />.... ,........:.,..;;...lL.I.f.~.Ja..~... ...:J..!..6,;&~....(Seal) <br />aVonn M. Burke ~ <br />___Uno...._......1 <br /> <br />State of: <br />County of: <br /> <br />Nebraska <br />Hall <br /> <br />) . <br />)SS, <br /> <br />On chi. 25th day of October t 19 8~ before me, a Notary Public in the State <br />of Nebraska . personally appeared Lyle B. Burke and LaVonn M. Burke J <br />husband and wi fe J to me personally known to be the person(s) named <br />in and who executed che forego1us instrument. a~acknOWledge~that the? executed <br />the SliDe .:18 theirvolunt.ary .~t aad deed. \ ' b -I- / j <br />My ~1oo E2;>ms: _ ~ <br />ru= c <br />~ Gon...r"INDlllry.SIIlI.Df;"":~r.'k.1 <br />~~ KRIS~lf HOlMS1EOT <br />:a. ~ MI'C~~~~12~1 <br />