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<br /> <br />88-105771 <br /> <br /> <br />Warranlg Cemelerg Deed <br />-IN- <br />WBIIIJILAW. MBMOBIAL PARK <br />of GrllDd Ialand, Nebrub, <br />II. cemetery anoclatiOD <br />incorporated UDder the <br />cemetery !aWl! of the <br />State of Nebrll.8ka <br /> <br />. "', <br /> <br />THIS INDIIlNTURE: ...... thlL.J...4.t./ ot__Q.l:.t.J2h.eL____--A. D., ID..8lL., <br />betWeen WEBTLA.WN MltMOBIAL PARK C&MED:R'I' OF ORAND 18LA!tfD. 1d3IIL&8IlA. Flnt Party, <br />and ________~J!L!__9~__W.iJ_~~)llL_'~j._Q..l5t_I1~__!'Li lsJllLs_____ <br /> <br />it\! s ban d--fl_JL4..._'!.iL~.I_!l-Ei_.iQ.i!1~_t e DB nJ:_€.._~-'llL.!!...9.1~~_~~__!.1L-_ <br /> <br />~~~~_~_~_t_~__E_! g h t ~_~_-=2::_~!.~..c::_~~~J~___________________________f Secorut Party. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: Tb&t Flr8t Party for and In cona:lderatton of the awn of <br /> <br />QM___d 0 11 a r __eJHL.9-1=JL~_L.'y"l}l.!LClJtl_~__S_'l[1)~j._~L~.r~_tJ_Q'p~-------_______--DOLLARS <br />the receipt whereof .. hereby acknowledged. baa sold and by then prelenw does grant, convey and conflrm <br /> <br />unto the Second Party and to Second Parly'. heir. aDd auignII __-9_~__~~~_~'!'-E~.!l_~______ <br /> <br />~_~ s i g ~~__~_~_~_~___~~_:~_~_~9~__~_~__~_~~_~__~_~.:_:_~~_:-'-_~~E_~~_~.!-_________ <br /> <br />S p Bee 5 .::.:.!-_:.~:_t i 0 ~_~~:_~______________________of WESTLA WN KmMORL\L PARK <br />of Gnlld 1I1and, Nebl'Uka. Iltu&tecl in Hall County, Nebruka, a cemetery to be Uled for interment pur- <br />poRI only. beIDa ao decUcated and declared, the Plat of .ud cemetery beinI' recorded .In tile otttee of the <br />~ of DeedII of Ball County. NebrukL <br />Tb1a deed. U .lUbJect to all laWl or the State of Nebruk&, and to an by-law., ruJN and rqulatlon8 <br />at WES'l'LA.WN J4EMORL\L PARK CE:MJCTll:RY of Gl1lIld 1a1and, Nebruka, and to any clwlga .In aid <br />law., by-laWl, ruJa and ngulaUona. <br />Any tranafer of UUe at any part of the above deacrlbec:l property ahall not be va11d unW tile aame <br />baa been recorded upon tile boob of the F1nt Party. <br />WBSTLAWN MEllIOlUAL PARK CIIlMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NIllBRASKA, bereby cove- <br />nUlta and qreeI to Uld with the Second Party and with the helra and ~ of the Second PartJ'. that <br />at tile time of the execut10Jl and delivery at these preaent8 it la lawfully ae1zed of aJd prem1aeI: tbat It baa <br />Cood. rtpt and lawful authority to convey the aame; that tIley are tree trom encumbrance and nnt Party <br />dOel hereby covenant to wUTaDt and detend the premiaea qa1nat the lawful c:l&1ma of all pcnona whoawo- <br />ever. <br /> <br />WEBTLAWN MEllIOlUAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND. NlllBRABKA. __ to fur-- <br />nlab perpetual care, admlniatraUcm. aDd malntenance of the above ducribed premlRl .. provided by ita by- <br />1&-. <br /> <br />IN WI'l'NBSS WHEIUCOF, 'lbe aald WBSTLAWN HEMORIAL PARK CEIOC"l'ICRY alP GRAND <br />ISLAND, NIllBRASKA, baa bereunto caURd. Jta corporate seal to be affixed and Utae praenta to be alped <br />by Ita praldent the clay and year flrat above written. <br /> <br /> <br />"(j;,~,~.,. ~~;p'~T-~=~ <br />!:~tr~~Le::~'} _ ' <br />. ::~_i:\~~;t:7 ol _________Qr.tobeL-________________. 1D~~__ <br /> <br />~:~~~~1. ~:~~'iiae PJideialanlld. . notary public, in and tor aald county and atate, penonally came _________ <br />.. -- .". Arthur P. Stelk <br /> <br />"~ ,--, <br />~:...;.~., ' <br /> <br />PnlS4ent of WMtJawn :IIemoI1aI Park. Cemetery of Orand lIland, Nebraaka, to me penonaIly knowD to be <br />1M ~t aDd. &be idaUc:a1 pcr.:m wboee name Sa affixed ~ to the above COIIvey&Dee, &lid aclalawledp4 <br />tile eaeeutIaD IbeNof to 1M bla vobmtal'y act IUld deed .. aucb officer and the volunt.vy act and deed of the <br />aid W__ Pull eem.leI7 ol Grand _ N_ aDd Ul&t Uul corporate oal of the aid <br />,__ .. W""_ JIoimortaJ _ CellloteI7 ol Grand IaIuld. Nebruka, waa thereto _ 1>7 ,ta authority. <br />'> . ,"'; ~ ~ _ _ aDd notarial _ th. cia)" and year Jut 1IIlov. written. <br />.:,~,~;/:'.',::.-,6.,-~\ ~~?n 'lB~ <br />~;t-" '--' '. ,,_ II __ ---- -- N....,. PubIi. --- <br />, , ~: tiDciiHIA III.' IIAIlEII <br />:c~,i _ .,___ErJIlIU ,. <br /> <br />:-.~...-. <br />