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<br />80 RE.RECORDED <br />0-105737 <br />15. Reque.t for Notiet!.. TrulItor hueby requl!llIt. II copy of IIDY notice of default and thllt any <br />notice of ..h hereund"l' be .....lied tn Tru.tor at the addl'elll Bet lorth 1n th~ flnt paraoraph of th18 <br />Dfoed of TriPt. <br />16. Appointment of SUCCI!UDr Tr'.1llteo. Ueneflclllry IMY, from time to tl1ll11!:, by written lnflt'ttDllent <br />ul!cuted and acknowledged by Ihmertcluy, maned to Trustor and neorded in the County In which thl!! <br />property 1a located and by othet'Vhe cOtllplylng with the provhlons of the applicable law of the State <br />of Nebr..b, sub.titute a lIucce..or or !lUCCl!lIl!Iors to the Trustel! nll1lll!d herein or 8ctlns hereunder. <br />11. SUCCeIl101'1I and A8s1gnB. Thill Deed DC Trullt applies to and inure. to the benefit of and binds <br />aU partlee hereto, their heirs, lCRDtceR. deVisees, pl!Tllonal 1'eprl!lIentlltive.II. aucceasora and_aaatBnll. <br />Tbll ter. uBenef1c:iary" IIh.11l1ll!an the! owner and-holder of thll note, whether Dr not nallllld aa Beneficiary <br />herein. <br />lB. Beneficia"'. Pavers. Without affecting the liability of any other penon 118ble for the PIllY- <br />Ilent of any obUsat1on herein mentioned, and without affect ing the Uen or charge of thill Deed of Truet <br />upon oay portion of the property not then or therl!tofo'l'e released as security for the full pa)'lllent of <br />all unpaid obUgations, Beneficiary may, frOlll time to tbe and without noticel <br />(a) reba.e any perllaXll!l so liable; <br />(b) extend thl! lIlaturity or nltl!r any of thl! terms of any such obUgatlon,; <br />(c) Brat othl!r Indulgences: <br />(d) rell!ue or re-convey or cauae to be released or re-conveyed at any <br />tillle at Beneficiary's option, any parcel, portion or all of the property; <br />(e) take or release any othl!l' or additional security for any obligation <br />herein mentioned; or <br />(l) IlUllte compoa1t1ons or other arrangeDu!!nts with dl!btoro in rl!1etion thereto:- <br />19. GovernlnR Law. ThLs Del!d of Trust l!lhs11 be 80verned by thl! 1evs of the State of Nebraska and. <br />in the I!vent any anI! or 1Il0re of the provIsions contained In this Deed of Trust, or the note or any other <br />aecurity inatrUllent Siven in connection uith thf.l!l transaction ahall be for any TeaBDn be held to be in- <br />valid, Ules.l Of unll!ftfafcuble in any respect, such 1nval1d1ty, 11ll!!gal1ty or unenforceablUty shall <br />not affect any other provisions of this Deed of Trust, but the Dl!ed of Trust shall be construed all if <br />such Inval1d, flleRsl Dr enforceable provision had nl!ver been contained herein or therein. <br />20. Effect of Forbl!arance. Any forbearance by BeneElciary or Trustee In eKercislng any right or <br />re.l!dy hereunder. or othl!rwlBe affordl!d by applicable 1av, shall not be a waivet of at prl!clud'! the exer- <br />dllll of any lIuch right or n.l!dy hereunder. L1kevil!le, the wa1ver by Beneflchry or Trustee of any ddault <br />of the TrU8tor under thh Deed of Trust shall nat be dl!l!ftled to be a walvl!r of any other Dr ai_Uar dl:!- <br />r.ult subsl!quently occurring. <br />21. Ie-conveyance by Trulltl!l!!. Upon vritten request of the Beneficiary ataHns that all Sum8 l!ll!cured <br />hereby have bl!l!n paid, .nd upon surrender of this Deed of TrUllt and the note to thl! Trustee for cancel- <br />lation and retention and UpCK1 pa)'llll!nt by True tor of Trustee's fees, Truatl!e shall re-convey to Trustor. <br />or thl! penon or per.aona legally entit1l!d thereto. without warranty, any portion of the property thl!n <br />h.ld hereunder. Recltale In such rl!-convl!yance of any matters or facta shall be conclusive proof of the <br />truthfulnea. thueor. Grantl!es in thl! re-conveyace ..y be des::r1bed aa "the person or pel'l!lons lelally <br />entitled thl!tl!!to." <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />104276 <br /> <br />22. Acceptance by Trul!ltee. Trustel! accept" this trust when this Deed of Trust. duly I!xl!cuted and <br />.dmOllledaed. b pub He ncord all provided by Ia". <br /> <br /> <br />/,:(1. /'S <br />Time <br />/OI./S- <br />Time <br /> <br />STAtE OF NEBRASKA <br />COtIITY OF /M/I <br /> <br />.., <br /> <br />On thb ~day of g....t. . 198 i ,before me, the undl!reignl!d. a Notary < <br />Public duly c~isaioned and qua HiM for said County, pl!l'SonaUy came \:h.....o j... t KCl-U.I"._ A....^ .1,.:"'1.. <br />to .e known to be the Identical peraan(lI) vlmse nll1l1!(s) are subscribed to the roregolnB In8tr~ent <br />Rnd acknovledsed the e:xecution thereof to hI! "'""",1" voluntary act and del!d. <br /> <br />'Utne8a IIJ hand and Notarial Seal at <br />aforua1d. <br /> <br />G; /U~d 1:-,j)c-d. <br /> <br />in said County, the date <br /> <br />"' c~lsdon expiru: <br /> <br />7h.J!G I <br /> <br />-11TArt_1l11*ab- <br />IIICHAEI. IMNICEK <br />....-.lIfJJl...J <br /> <br />Notary Public <br /> <br />~Uv;::: ( <br />
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