<br />COHT5. dRf.REco~o~D
<br />. #' /{;1t DEED DmuST 88-1 ()'57 3'7
<br />, lIusb!!'Jd and Wif:y ,
<br />Thb Deed of TrUitt ill -tI.. this th day or uly . 19 88 , by and maonB David L. GoosJ.c
<br />Wld Kathleen Ann ('lOOsic As JOIiit"'Tenan'ts WJ:tn Wf11...ll:j ,hUiiiifter referred to as UTrustor.1l
<br />won ull1n8 addreB8 18 ., a r ran san; NE 6B803- AT"Bnn~ ~~\r .
<br />Attomey at t.v, hereinafter referred to lUll .Trustee, whoae mailing addre8!l is P. . X Grand
<br />Island. NE 68802 ; and THE OVERLAND HATlORA!. BANI: OF GRAND UlLAND, hereinafter referred to ..
<br />"Beneficiary. to wh01l1l raaJ.llng .ddrellB ill P. o. Box 1688, Crand lllland, Nebreaka 68802.
<br />rol' valuable conaideratlon. Trunor irrevocably grants. tranaferll, conveys and Balligml to Trustee, in
<br />~::~;i::bD~~ O~::l:f i:~.:~et::n:;~~O:=8=::~~~te:fp~e;:::;~~~~.~:e~and H:iid to the :::7~nd
<br />Nebra.b. to-vitl
<br />Lot Five (5). Block One (1). Dickev Third Subdivision an Addition
<br />to the Citv of Grand Island. Hall Countv. Nebraska
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />104276
<br />
<br />together vlth all buildings, lmprovemento, fixtures, streets. alleys, passagewayu. easementa. riBhtD, privi-
<br />lege. and appurtenances loeat.ed therll!!on gr in any way pert.aining theret.o. and the rents. 1aaues. profits.
<br />l"ew:rsioall and the l"esaaindel"B thereof. including all such pHilana! property that Is attached to the improve-
<br />aeats so as to cOlll!ltitute a f1xture, all of wh1ch, includinS replacemeoe. and additions thereto, are hereby
<br />deelared to be a part of the real estate conveyed 1n trust hereby, it being agre~d that all of thll fore-
<br />goinl l!lhall be helrllinaft~r referred to as the "Property."
<br />ea) the par-ot oC indebtedness evidenced by Trustol"'S note of even date herewith tn
<br />the principal SUII. of Eighteen thousand and no/lOG-- e$ 18.000.00 ), together
<br />with inter~t at the rllte Dr rates prodded therein. or the principal and intenst on any
<br />future advance not to exceed thl!l total pt'incipsl SUlll initially secured hereby.. evidenced
<br />by prDllt..ory notes stating they are secured hereby, and any snd all nnevab. IIlOd1ficat1onll
<br />IIDd extenl!llona of such notes. both pdncipal and interest on the noteB beins payable in
<br />accordance with the ter1lB l!Iet forth therein, which by this reference h hereby _de . part
<br />hereof:
<br />(b) the performance Dr each agreclllmt and covenant of Tru.'1tor heretn eonta1ned; and
<br />(e) the payment of any BUIll or sums of money which may be hereafter paid or advanced
<br />by Beneficiary unde.r the terllUl of thlll Deed of Trust. together vlth Intereat thereon at the
<br />rate provided In the note.
<br />To protect the uecurity of thill Deed of Trust. Trustor hereby covenant a and sgrees as r"uow:
<br />1. Payaent of Indebtedness. To pay vhen due, the principal of. snd the lntereat on, the indebted-
<br />ne.. evldencl!d by th'l! note. chargea. fees end .U other aUlU B. prOVided in the loan instrumenta.
<br />2. !!ll!. Trustor is the ovner of the property and has the right and authority to executt: thb
<br />Deed of Trust 1a respect to the property.
<br />3. Taxe. ...nd ABsesamenta. To flay, when due~ all tana. llpecial aBSeSBtlenta and all other charpB
<br />Ilgalnat the property. before the ODllle become delinquent, an'!!. in the event Bmeficiary shall aD require,
<br />to .dd to the pa)'llellU required under the note secured hereby, lIuch amount.. _.,. be sufficient to en-
<br />able Beneficiary to pay BUch taxes, ...e...eat. or other charlea all they bec~ dUll.
<br />It. ~. To keep the 11Iprovelllenu now or hereafter located on the real estate described
<br />herein tnllured agalt&st damase by fire and auelt other hazads a. Benef'lcbry ..y require, In .-ount. and
<br />c~aniu acceptable to BenefiCiary. and with 1088 payable to Beneficiary. to cue of 10" under such
<br />pollcies, Beneficiary b authorized to .djuat. collect and cDllprCllliae. in iU discretion, aU clatu
<br />thereunder III1d~ at :ltl!! sole option, is 8uthorbed to either apply tbe proceeds to the restoration of the
<br />I'rap.rty al" upoa the 1ndebtednea. secured hereby, but pa,.l!Dt. required by the Dotll ahall eOfttlnue untll
<br />the .~ aecured hereby are paid in full.
<br />S. Repair. Maintenance and Use. To pralllPtly repair. restore Dr rebuild any buUdin&B or !.-prove-
<br />~t. now or her.after on bhe property: to keep the property In good condition and repair. without Rate
<br />..d free rrOll .chanies or other liens not expresaly lIubordlnated to the lien hereof: to not lUke. lIuffer
<br />or pera1t lID' nu1aanee to exist nor to d:la1nhh or lllpalr the v.lue of the property by any act or aaisaton
<br />to .ct; and to cDIIIP1y.with aU requlreJIeDt. of lav with respect to the property.
<br />6. Cande-.atlan. In the eV'l!llt the property. or any part therll!lOf. ahall be tabn by eainent dOlUlt&.
<br />...fldary ia entitled to collect and receln all capen..tian wtch mey be paid for any property tabn
<br />or for a_.e. to property Dot take:n, ad Beneficiary ahan apply 8uch cDIIpeD..Uon, at It1!1 opt:lon.
<br />either to . reduction of the 1ndehtedne:aa aecured hereby or to repair .-ad restore the property .0 takeQ.
<br />7. Perfot1UQce by Bl!:nefic1ary~ Beneficiary "Y. but shan have no obl1sation to. do any act which
<br />T'l'Ustor ha. aSreed but failed to do. and Benef:lc.1ary may a1ao do any act it del2lD neee.aary to protect
<br />the Ut!Il hereof. Trustor agrees to repay. upon deallftd. any lIUlI'l!I so expended bJ' Beneficiary for the
<br />aboft: purpaaea, and any sua .0 ezpended by 'Beneficiary 1!Iha11 be added to the indebtedness lIecured hore-
<br />b,. aDCl bec~ secured by tbe llea hereof'. ~ef1ciary lIhall not Incur OJ' penonal liabUity becauae of
<br />--.,.tldaS ft _,. do or u.lt to do hereg:uler~
<br />8. AII.~(. 01 bnLB. JJeneflr::1ary slla11 ha~ the r1&htt Fuwcr l;Iud auLhul"ll;1 durinl l;11~ ~on-
<br />tlaaance of tbla Deed of Trust to collect the rl!Dts, l..ue. mld profit. of the property and of ml7 per-
<br />aoaal property located thereon with ot'vithout u1d.ns poa.es.ion of the property .ffected hereby. and
<br />truator M'I'eby abaGlutel,. and unconditiooall,. ...:lpa .U tluch rentn. iunes and profits to Beneficiary.
<br />BeDllf1clary, howeW!r. hereby eonUllta to Truator1a collec:tion and ntention of such nntlll t.suea and
<br />proUe. .. t:h., aeer... and become payable. ao long aa Trustor Is not, at such t1lte, In default vith re-
<br />.peet to pa,.ent of an,. indebtedness .ecured hereby. or :1Jl the perfonaance of any agrel!!lllmlt heremder.
<br />If DJ' enut of default dellCr1hed hereafter in re.pect to this Deed of TruJlt sh.ll hsve occurred and be
<br />c:antll'\l1aI, Beneft<::taq. .a . "e:t~r of r'lght and without notice to Trustor ar anyone clellllnB Ulder
<br />Tra8t~. .-.11 without rll!:s.rd to the _loe of the tndt e.~ate or thl! intere.at of the Trustor therein.
<br />ahall have tt. rlaht to apply to any eourt havlna jurbdlction to appalnt a receiver of the property.
<br />9. tnBPectlonll. Beneflc1ary. or ie:s asents. repreRentstlves or 'WOrkmen, are authoriEed to enter
<br />at .y reaaanab1e tt..e upo,~ or In I!InY part of the! property For the (lurpo.e of inspecting the aa.e and
<br />fol' the purpoH of pedD~lns any of the actB it is authorlzed to perfDnIl under the tl!!nas of any loan
<br />lMItr~tB executed by TruatDr.
<br />10. TI'.anafer of Property. If aU Dr' any part of tM property or any interest of Tt'uator therein
<br />
<br />-1-
<br />