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<br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER <br />(1 Year Treasury Index-Rale Caps) <br /> <br />TIllS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER U made 'hi. ~daYOr October .19~, <br />and Is incorporated Inlo and shall be deemed to amend IlDd supplement the MOr1gftge, Deed or Trust, or Security Deed (the IlSecurlty <br />Instrument"') of the same date Riven by the undersigned (the "Borrower") to secure Borrower's Adjustable Rate Note (the "Note") to HOME <br />FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATIDN OF GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA (the "Lender") 01 the same dale and covering the <br />property described in the Sa:urity Instrument and located at: <br /> <br />88-105734 <br /> <br />]405 S. Eddv and 2320 N. Howard, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />(Property Address) <br /> <br />ThIs note coatalDl proYiliOlll IIIowlq for cbllllel 10 my interest nle aad my mODlbIJ <br />p.ymeau. 1'IIls nole "'0 IimIII tbe amounl my laterat nle can cblnle a. la, ODe dme Ind <br />aIIo the the maximum nle I mUll pay. <br /> <br />ADDmONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender <br />further covenant and agree 8.5 follows: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RA'IE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note provides for an initiallnlerest rate of 10.5 1IJo. Section 4 of the Note provides for changes in the interest rate and the <br />monthly payments, 115 follows: <br /> <br />4. INTEREST RA TE AND MONTHL Y PA YMENT CHANGES <br /> <br />~~in~"::;'::::iU pay may change on the firs' day 01 March ,19~. and 00 thatdayevcry <br />1 ? months thereafter. Each dale on which my interest rate could change is called a "Change Date. to <br /> <br />(B) The Index <br />Beginning with the first Change Date, my interest rate will be based on an Index. The "Index" is the weekly .avcrqeyield on United StaleS <br />Treasury securities adjusted to a constant maturity of I year, as made available by the Federal Reserve Board. The most recent lndex figure <br />available as of the date 45 days before each Change Date is called the "Curremlndex." <br />If the Index is no longer available, the Note Holder will choose a new index which is based upon compuable Information. The Notc <br />Holder win give me notice of this choice. <br /> <br />(C) CakulalJoa of CbaDaes <br />8cforecach Change Date, the Note Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding rhrJ::lI::I f., nne-hal f percentage <br />points { 3.5 'To) to the CUrrent Index and rounding 10 the nearest 1/8th of 1%, subject to the limits stated In Section 4(D) below. <br />This rounded amount win be my new interest rate until the nat Change Date. <br />The Note Holder will then determine the amount of the monthly payment that would be suffidenl 10 repay in fulllhe principal I am <br />apcctcd 10 owe on thai Chanle Date in substantially equal payments by we maturity date at my new Interest rale. The result of this calculation <br />will be Ihe new amounl of my monthly payment. <br /> <br />tD) UmllI OD lalnatlbte a..alel <br />The inlerest rate J am required to pay al the first Chanse Date will not be greater than --1 ~ "'tor less than <br />a n %. Thereafter. my interest rate will never be increased or decreased on any sinlle C~ Dale by more than Wo <br />?~ from the rate ofintcrcst I havc been payins for thepreccding twelvc months. The minimum inleresl rate on this loan will never be <br />less than 9 ll'Jo and lhe maximum interesl rale wiD never be ITcater lhan 16 lIJt. <br /> <br />(E) Effective Ollie of Cb.aps <br />My new interest rate will bl:COme effectivc on each Chanse Date. I will pay the amounl of my new monthly payment beaInnina on the first <br />monthly payment date after the Change Date until the amount of my monthly payment changes again. <br /> <br />(F) NotJcoolC/wlps <br />The Nole Holder will mail or deliver to me a notice before each Change Datc. The notice will advise me of: <br />(i) the new interesl rate on my Joan IU of the Change Date; <br />(ii) the amount of my monthly payment followin8 lhe Change Date; <br />(iii) any additional matLers whlc:h the Note Holder is required to disclose; and <br />(iv) the address of the association you could contact regarding any questions about the adjustmenl notice. <br /> <br />B. CHARGES; UEr;S <br />Unifonn Covcnanl4 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as foUows: <br /> <br />4. 0wIa; lJeaa. Borrower shall pay all taXes, assessments, and other charges, fines, and impositions Iluibutable to the Property which may <br />attain a priority over this Security Instrument, andlcaschold payments ofg.ound rents. ifElllY, in the manner provided under parqraph2 hereof <br />or, if not paid in such manner. by Borrower making payment, when due, directly 10 the payee thereof. Borro'Wa'shall promptly furnish Lender <br />all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, and in the event Borrower shall make paymenl directJy, Borrower shall promptJy furnish to <br />l...a1da n:cdpts evidmcina: such payment!:. Borrower mall promptly discharje any lien which hI! priority over this Security Instrument; <br />however, Borrower shall not be required to discltarsc any such lien so 10111 as Borrower: (a) shall agree in wrilina to the payment of the <br />obliption secured by such lien in the manner aa:cptable to Lender: (b) shan in good faith contest such lien. by, or defend apinst enforcement of <br />such lien in, lep1 procccdiRg!l which in the: opinion of Lender operate 10 prcveDlthe enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of me Property or any <br />part thereof: or (c) sba1l secure from the holder or such lien an qrcement in D form satisfactory to Lender subordinaUDllUch lien to this <br />Security lIlItrumenL <br />If Lender determines that aU or any part of the Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain a priority over this Security Instrument, <br />Lender sballlive Borrower . notice identifying such lit:n.. Borrower shall satisfy such litn or take one or more of the actions set forth above <br />within lea days or the livinlofthe notice. <br /> <br />C. NonCE <br /> <br />~niform Covenant 14 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br /> <br />... Nolk:e. Except for any nolia: lUIuired under applicablc law to be shren in another manner, (al any nolice: 10 Borrower provided for in this <br />Securily Instrument Iihall be slven by dcJlveringlt or by mailllll il by fint class mail to Borrower al the: Propcny Address ur at such other address <br />AI Borrower may dcslp1ate by notice to Lender as provided herein. and {b) any notice: TO Lender shall be liven by first class maillo Lcnder'.~ <br />addrns It.led hcrc:inar to IUch other addrcu as. Lender may desianat~ by nOlier 10 Borrower IUo provided herein. Any noUet' rrovidl!d for in lhll <br />Srcurity Imtrumcnt .hall be dt'erf1ed 10 h.I"'c: been IivCl1 to Borrower or Lender when givCl1 In Ihe manner desi,nated herein <br />