<br />'2' :-A-SECOND REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-Tn. CllluaCl (RClylaed 19(2)
<br />
<br />Tho lIunm.n C'Mnllral BUllply IIUIIlIII, I.In"lln. Nohr.
<br />
<br />
<br />88- 105687
<br />
<br />Gale Squier and Kay Squier, husband and wife, as joint tenants
<br />of Hall County IInd Slott' of Nebraska . In consideration oC tho sum 01
<br />Seventeen thousand five hundred & nolloo DOLLARS
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />
<br />The Stockton National Bank, Stockton, Kansas
<br />of Rooks Cnunty. llod Stall" I1C Kansas
<br />situated in Hall County. nnd Statc 01 Nebraska
<br />
<br />, (mortgagee),
<br />, the following described premises
<br />to-wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />A tract. of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW~SW~) of
<br />Section. Twenty One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the
<br />6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the West line of COunty Road as laid out by COunty
<br />Surveyor Baldwin in 1980, said road running along the East side of said West
<br />Half of the Southwest Quarter (wl;sW~) of said Section Twenty One (21), said
<br />point being located 1720.9 Feet South and 33.0 Feet West of the Northeast corner
<br />(as used since 1980) of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW~SW~)
<br />of said Section Twenty One (21) , running thence West at a right angle a
<br />distance of 300.0 Feet, running thence South parallel to the said West line of
<br />said COunty Road a distance of 200.0 Feet, running thence East a distance of
<br />300.0 Feet to a point on the said West line of said County Road, running thence
<br />North along and upon the said West line of said County Road, a distance of 200.0
<br />Feet to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />Thl' intention hein~ to con\'l'Y hereby un ahsolule lilll~ in fpt. simple includin,; all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thf' prt'lniscs UhO\'l' <fl'scrihM, with all thc appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said
<br />mortga,::c<" or mort,::agl'cs and to his, hf'r fir tlll'ir ht'lr!4 llnd IlssiJms, furever, provided always. and these presents are upon the
<br />e,'lpreBS conditinn that if the said mortg"ar.:or or mnrtJ:np:ur~. his, her or their h('irs, executors. administrators or aB.!ligns shall pay
<br />or cnUf;C t.o No paid 10 the said mortgagl!t' or murtgu/.:l'Ch and to his. her or their heirs. execut.ors, administratDrs or IlS!Iigns, the
<br />sum of Seventeen thousand five hundred & no/lOO- Dollars, payable as follows, to.wit:
<br />
<br />with inlerl'Sl thert>t:m at11.25 p{'r ('{'nt p<"r annum. pnYl1blf~ monthly mKtllDl.... according to the tenor and effect of the
<br />
<br />one prumiMiurv OI,le with inlNl'st ('(JUP""!' atln{'hl'd of said Morlg-agol'B, bearing even date with these presents. and
<br />
<br />shall pay all lm:(>!i, and any intl'Tcsl on, fir maturing instnllments of principal. due on any prior mortgage and ussessments
<br />le\,'ied upon Mid rral {'stIlle and nil other tux..,., It'vil's 11l1d ns..<;cssmenls levied upon this mortgage or the note which this
<br />mortgage is ~iwm to St't-urt'. Iwfort> Ih.., !iRme b('I"Um~ delinquent and keep the buildings on said premises insured for the sum
<br />
<br />517,500.00 lo!i.<;. if any, payable to such fil'Bt mortgagees or this mortgag(>('. or hoth. then these presenls be void.
<br />
<br />otherwise kI he and remain in Cull furet'.
<br />
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (II That if thl' Baid mnrlJW-,;or shall fail to pay SUdl taxe.!! and such interest on. or maturing
<br />im.tallmentf; of principal. dut' on any prior morl~l1g"e and procu re such insurance, then this morLgnJ::ce may pay such taxes and
<br />such interest on. or maturity instnllmenLc; of Jlrinci~al. due on such prior mlJr4;age and procure such insurance; and the sum
<br />so ndvanCPd. with interest at nint' per Cl'nt shall 1x> paid by said mlJrtgagor, and this mortgage shall sLand Il5 security for the
<br />same. (2) That a faLlure to pay any of said money. either principal or inlerelll nn this or any other prior mortgage, when the
<br />same becomes due or B failure 10 NJrnpl:., with Imy uf the Core going agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein
<br />secured to become dUt. and cfl!lf>ctihh, at nnet' al till' IJptiun oC the mor1W1gee.
<br />
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED That said mortgagee. pend in~ foreclosurl' of this mortgage and after decrec and pending
<br />stay thereon or appeal therelmm and pending sale oC premises mor4:'al;ed, may pay such taxes and mabJring interest or matur-
<br />ing installments of principal. on prior mllrtga~es. procure such insurance and nuch sums shall be added to thc amount due on
<br />decree nod upon confinnntion of saJ(" by thl' court ordt.red. taken out of pruccffis nf sale: or if redeemed during stay, appeal
<br />or sale, such amounts shall he rollected the Sllmt' as though It were n part of such decree.
<br />
<br />Signed th" 5th day 01 October . 19 88
<br />
<br />
<br />~seoc.~
<br />(l'.m ... . ... .. ...-..
<br />Gale . er
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<br />
<br />STATE OFm.l:I.ebraska . ro"nly nf Ha 11
<br />
<br />Before me, n notary public qualified for Kaid l.'lJunty. personally came
<br />
<br />Gale Squier and Kay Squier
<br />known to me to be the identical penon or lwnmns who fli~nL-d thl' fore-going instnJment Bnd acknowledged the e:lccution
<br />thereof to be his. her or their voluntnr)' ad IlIlt.! d"I>tJ
<br />
<br />Witness my hand and notarial se.al un
<br />My commimon f'.Ipires: _ ".(/~ . .'7
<br />
<br />. "' '12 oct~~:_ \il&;:~~~~'
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />County
<br />
<br />Entl'rPd on numl'rical index and filPd for record
<br />in the Register of Dl't'ds OmCI' of Mid Cnunty the
<br />
<br />day of
<br />and recorded in Book
<br />
<br />19
<br />
<br />. at
<br />
<br />I)'dock and
<br />
<br />.minutl'lt M,. I
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<br />HI'): IIf nredll !
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<br />01 J1a,,~
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<br />